NAESB WGQ Technical Subcommittee Meeting

Final Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2008

1. Welcome and Introductions

Mike Stender called the meeting to order. Introductions were made.

2. Anti-Trust Warning

Reviewed by Mike Stender

3. Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted as posted.

4. Address Current Requests

R05027El Paso Natural Gas

Add new data elements to the Nominations and Capacity Release data sets.

Description of Change:
Nomination (1.4.1)
Data Elem Xref to X12
Insert two N9 segments before the N9 Package ID segment in the Sub Detail as follows:
N9 BC BC BC BC Imbalance Month
N9 BC BC BC BC Route
N9 SO SO SO SO Package ID
X12 Mapping
Sub-detail N9 segment (0900): N902: Modify the element note to add the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements to the beginning of the list so the end results as follows:
Imbalance Month, Route, Package ID, Associated Contract, Service Provider's Activity Code, Deal Type, Nomination User Data 1, Nomination User Data 2
Transaction Set Tables
N9 Segments (Sub-detail) table:
Insert a new row at the top of the table for the data elements ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ as follows:
Element Name (N902) / Usage when CS05 = / N901
‘P’ / ‘N’ / ‘T’ / ‘U’
Imbalance Month / BC / BC / BC / BC / IBM
Route / BC / BC / BC / BC / RTE
Description of Change:
Scheduled Quanity (1.4.5)
Data Elem Xref to X12
Insert two N9 segments before the N9 Package ID segment in the Sub Detail as follows:
N9 BC BC BC BC Imbalance Month
N9 BC BC BC BC Route
N9 C C C C Package ID
X12 Mapping
Sub-detail N9 segment (0900): N902: Modify the element note to add the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements to the beginning of the list so the end results as follows:
Imbalance Month, Route, Package ID, Associated Contract, Service Provider's Activity Code, Deal Type, Nomination User Data 1, Nomination User Data 2
Transaction Set Tables
N9 Segments (Sub-detail) table:
Insert a new row at the top of the table for the data elements ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ as follows:
Element Name (N902) / Usage when CS05 = / N901
‘P’ / ‘N’ / ‘T’ / ‘U’
Imbalance Month / BC / BC / BC / BC / IBM
Route / BC / BC / BC / BC / RTE
Description of Change:
Pre-Determined Allocation (2.4.1)
Data Elem Xref to X12
Insert two SI segments after the SI Swing Fuel Option Indicator segment in the Sub Detail as follows:
SI BC Imbalance Month
SI BC Route
X12 Mapping
Sub-detail SI segment (0470): SI02: Modify the element note to add the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements to the end of the list so the end results as follows:
Allocation Method, Allocation Rank Indicator, Allocation Rank Level, Downstream Contract Identifier, Package ID, Service Provider's Activity Code, Service Requester Contract, Upstream Contract Identifier,
Associated Contract, Downstream Package ID, Upstream Package ID, Package ID, Transaction Type, Limit Type, Swing Fuel Option Indicator, Imbalance Month, Route
Transaction Set Tables
SI 1000/234 Pairs (Detail):
Insert a new row at the bottom of the table for the data elements ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ as follows (Elem 234).
Element Name / Usage / Elem 1000 / Elem 234 / Elem 234 Description
Imbalance Month / BC / IM / Imbalance Month
Route / BC / RT / Route
Description of Change:
Allocation (2.4.3)
Data Elem Xref to X12
Insert two SI segments after the SI Transaction Type segment in the Sub Detail as follows:
SI C Imbalance Month
SI C Route
X12 Mapping
Sub-detail SI segment (0500): SI02: Modify the element note to add the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements to the end of the list so the end results as follows:
Upstream Contract Identifier, Downstream Contract Identifier, Package ID, Service Provider's Activity Code, Associated Contract, Downstream Package ID, Upstream Package ID, Transaction Type, Imbalance Month, Route
Transaction Set Tables
SI 1000/234 Pairs (Detail):
Insert a new row at the bottom of the table for the data elements ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ as follows (Elem 234).
Element Name / Usage / Elem 1000 / Elem 234 / Elem 234 Description
Imbalance Month / C / IM / Imbalance Month
Route / C / RT / Route
Description of Change:
Shipper Imbalance (2.4.4)
Data Elem Xref to X12
Sub-Detail REF:
Insert two new REF rows for the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements before the REF ‘Zone Identifier’ data element row so the end results is as follows:
REF C Imbalance Month
REF C Route
REF SO Zone Identifier
X12 Mapping
Sub-detail REF segment (7800): REF02: Modify the element note to add the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements to the beginning of the list so the end results as follows:
Imbalance Month, Route, Zone Identifier, Package ID, Service Provider's Activity Code
Transaction Set Tables
REF Segments (Sub-Detail – HL03 = ‘9’)
Insert two new rows at the top of the table for the data elements ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ as follows:
Element Name / Usage / REF01
Imbalance Month / C / IBM
Route / C / RTE
Zone Identifier / SO / 6K
Description of Change:
Transportation / Sales Invoice (3.4.1)
Data Elem Xref to X12
Sub-Detail REF:
Insert two new REF rows for the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements before the REF ‘Associated Contract’ data element row so the end results is as follows:
REF C Imbalance Month
REF C Route
REF C Associated Contract
X12 Mapping
Sub-detail REF segment (7800):
Modify the ‘Max Use’ from ‘1’ to ‘>1’
REF02: Modify the element note to add the ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ data elements to the beginning of the list so the end results as follows:
Imbalance Month, Route, Associated Contract, Offer Number, Releaser Contract Number, Replacement Shipper Contract Number, Downstream Contract Identifier, Package ID, Replacement Release Code, Upstream Contract Identifier
Transaction Set Tables
REF Segments (Sub-Detail – HL03 = ‘9’)
Insert two new rows at the top of the table for the data elements ‘Imbalance Month’ and ‘Route’ as follows:
Element Name (REF02) / Usage / REF01
Imbalance Month / C / IBM
Route / C / RTE
Associated Contract / C / KAS
Nomination Quick Response (1.4.2)
Transaction Set Tables
Errors and Warnings (Sub-detail) table:
For the data element “Validation Code”, insert code values “ENMQR599”, “ENMQR600”, “ENMQR601”, “ENMQR602”, “WNMQR542”, “WNMQR546”, “WNMQR547”, “WNMQR548”, “WNMQR549” and their descriptions in alphabetic/numeric order by code value as follows:
Validation Code (III02) / Code Value Description
ENMQR599 / Invalid Imbalance Month
ENMQR600 / Missing Imbalance Month
ENMQR601 / Invalid Route
ENMQR602 / Missing Route
WNMQR546 / Imbalance Month not processed
WNMQR547 / Missing Imbalance Month
WNMQR548 / Route not processed
WNMQR549 / Missing Route
Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response (2.4.2)
Transaction Set Tables
Errors and Warnings (Sub-detail) table:
For the data element “Validation Code”, insert code values “EPDQR544”, “EPDQR545”, “EPDQR546”, “EPDQR547”, “WPDQR523”, “WPDQR524”, “WPDQR525”, “WPDQR526”, “WPDQR549” and their descriptions in alphabetic/numeric order by code value as follows:
Validation Code (III02) / Code Value Description
EPDQR544 / Invalid Imbalance Month
EPDQR545 / Missing Imbalance Month
EPDQR546 / Invalid Route
EPDQR547 / Missing Route
WPDQR523 / Imbalance Month not processed
WPDQR524 / Missing Imbalance Month
WPDQR525 / Route not processed
WPDQR526 / Missing Route

5. Next Meeting Date and Location

TBD depending on the Order Nos. 698 (Indexed Base Pricing) and 712 joint IR/Technical meetings.

6. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


Christopher BurdenWilliams Gas PipelinePipeline

Dale DavisWilliams Gas PipelinePipeline

Mike StenderEl Paso Natural GasPipeline

Randy YoungBoardwalk PipelinePipeline

Kim Van PeltPanhandle Eastern Pipe LinePipeline

Tom GwilliamIroquois Gas Transmission SystemPipeline

Micki SchmitzNorthern Natural GasPipeline

Final Technical Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 10/21/20081