Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Societies

Fall Adviser's Meeting

December 2, 2011

The annual fall meeting of the NJHS Advisers was called to order by Laura Steele, State Secretary, Jenks Middle School, at approximately 9:20 a.m. on December 2, 2011, Moore Norman Technology Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

The following Advisers/Schools were in attendance:

Paula / Belcher / Duncan Middle School
Susan / Blackburn / Elgin
Tanya / Crawford / Central Lawton Middle School
Rachel / Ezell / Elgin
Michelle / Fields / Highland East Junior High--Moore
Tina / Grooms / Central Junior High--Moore
Tammy / Hudgens / Owasso 8th
Michelle / Knight / Jarman--Mid Del
Zoanne / Martin / Brink Junior High--Moore
Sherry / McGhghy / Duncan Middle School
Beverly / Micue / Highland East Junior High--Moore
Brynn / Oly / Will Rogers--Claremore
Gina / Parks / Highland West Junior High--Moore
John / Potter / Will Rogers--Claremore
Linda / Salter / Brink Junior High--Moore
Laura / Schoening / Tomlinson Middle High-Lawton
Lanaya / Smith / Sapulpa Middle
Laura / Steele / Jenks Middle School
Jennifer / Taliferro / Crooked Oak
Dawn / Wainscott / Tomlinson Middle High-Lawton
Faye / Wallace / Highland West Junior High--Moore
Jennifer / Woods / Owasso 8th

Advisers introduced themselves with their names, length of service as an adviser, and size of chapter.

Old Business:

Review of 2011 State Convention Adviser Meeting Minutes. Motion #1, Linda Salter, Brink Jr. High, to accept the minutes, seconded by Lanaya Smith, Sapulpa Middle. Motion carried.

Review of State Constitution was tabled because the advisers did not have a current copy with them.

Current Business:

The host for the state convention has been changed to Jenks Middle School, State Secretary. There was a problem with the current president, Keri Barcellos, Catoosa Middle School, being able to carry out her duties. There was discussion as to contacting Catoosa to retrieve the Gavel and President’s binder as well as the balance of funds given to them last spring in order to host the State Convention. Jenks will contact Catoosa and retrieve all items.

The convention packet was presented and items contained were discussed.

There was discussion of whether to have a second day for convention and/or how to schedule it.

State Service Project was discussed: Working with the Regional Food Bank or with Blue Star Moms. Each chapter will contact their local Blue Star Moms or the website www.bluestarmothers.org to find out needs. They will collect items to bring to convention to be boxed and shipped to the troops. It was mentioned that chapters might share the types of items being collected so that we have a variety. Each chapter should bring a box of cards for members to write notes to the service people to be sent along with the collection of items. Further discussion said that plans to collect could be posted on the state website.

Articles are needed for the state website. To submit articles email submissions along with any questions or concerns to . The state website can be accessed by going to www.jenkps.org, click on Schools, click Middle School, click on the National Junior Honor Society tab on the left, and finally click on OANJHS.

Idea Sharing and Questions:

Post Adviser Links/Resource Zone on the state website. Local chapters post their bylaws on the website so that other chapters may view them for ideas.

Discussion about how officers are elected or selected. Discussion of including a release in the member application form for grades, behavior and attendance.

Discussion of changing convention to Thursday night and all day Friday. Jenks will check the feasibility of doing it that way.

Will Rogers, Claremore expressed interest in running for President-Elect.

The Fall Adviser Meeting for next year has been set for October 5, 2012.


Motion #2, Lanaya Smith, Sapulpa Middle, to adjourn, John Potter, Will Rogers, seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:10 PM.