Student Representative Forum Minutes

19th March 2015

Apologies received from:

Cherina Darrell-Sutherland, James Rolfe, Emily May Armstrong

  1. Minutes
-Minutes approved
-Ruairi Hipkin name needs adding to attendees
  1. Representation reports
-Reports missing from Ethics and Environment officer – to receive a censure
-Equality & Diversity officer and PG Officer provided a verbal updates
-Education officer offered a statement to the room – the statement can be found here:
Resolves 1 was removed from the PSS motion submitted as a result of this statement
  1. Lapsing Policy
  1. Vegetarian and vegan Food on Campus
-Agreed to amend to ‘The SU is striving towards providing Vegetarian and Vegan options in the evening in addition to the daytime options already provided
-VP services and E&D officer agreed to take away and work on
-Policy has lapsed
b. Racism in Education
-Taken to BAME Forum for consideration
c. Fairtrade Motion
- Being looked at as part of the Ethics and Environment Committee
- Vote: 44 For Against 0 Abstain 3 Policy Extended
d. Stop the BNP in all Elections
- Vote : For 34 Against 16 Abstain 5 Policy Extended
e.Gender Neutral Toilets
- Taken to the Transgender forum for consideration
f. Cross Campus elections
Vote: For 41 Against 0 Abstain 10 Policy Extended
g. Capping Unpaid Work
- Allowed to lapse as already included in other policies
h. Free Education
- New motion created recently
- Allowed to lapse
  1. By law Update :
-Candidate Endorsement - Approved
-Referenda changed to 5% - correcting error
-BDS – Are unable to affiliate to the movement as BDS does not allow for it
  1. Election and Referenda Dates
By Election
For the by election ofthe Charity and Fundraising Officer, BME Officer,Disabled Students Office and SRF Chair the Rules and Regulations Committee has suggested the following dates.
Option 1:
Nominations open – Monday, April20th – Friday, April 24th
Candidates briefing – Monday, April 27th
Voting – Wednesday, April 29th – Friday, May 1st
Referenda Dates
Policy Deadline: Friday, May 1st
Policy Amendments Deadline: Wednesday, May 6th
Voting: Wednesday, May 13th – Friday, May 15th
The dates were Agreed
  1. Election Of Referendum Steering Committee
-Jess Rich
-Chelsea Thomas and
-Tancrède Chartier
Were elected on to the committee
  1. PSS Scheme Motion – George Johnson
-Amended to withdraw the Vote of no confidence included in resolution 1
-Procedural Motion C requested
-Vote : For 59 Against 0 Abstain 2
Motion Passed
  1. Large Reading Room Motion – Osei Downes
-Amended Motion to make it an Extra-ordinary Referendum
-Procedural motion c requested and agreed by the room
-Vote: For 60 Against 0 Abstain 0
Motion Passed
  1. We are students too – George Johnson
-Amendment requested to remove resolves 9 but not accepted by the proposer
-Amendment to request it be changed to include all liberation officers - Amendment was accepted
-Vote : For 27 Against 17 Abstain 13
Motion Passed
  1. Harassment Motion – Charlie Edge
Amendment by Ruairi Hipkin
-Procedural motion c requested
-Vote For 3 Against 41 Abstain 10
-Amendment rejected
-Amendment requested to clarify difference in physical harassment and verbal and Accepted
-Procedural Motion c requested
-Vote : For 55 Against 1 Abstain 0
Motion Passed
  1. Graduation Motion – Sam Heynes
-Vote for this motion will be done online only
-Chairs ruling was challenged
-Chairs ruling stood
-Vote Opens at 10am tomorrow and closes at 4pm
-Motion was discussed and an amendment put forward but this was rejected
  1. Freetime
Ran out of time for this to take place
  1. Next meeting will be on 6th May


Jess Blair – Chair

Femi AdeyemiEjeye - Deputy Chair

Executive Committee

Chantel Le Carpentier - President

Luke Bowdery - VP Activities

Michael Spencer - VP Education

Mikya Rozner - VP Services & Comms

Hristina Kamburova - VP International

Adam Coll - LGBT Officer

Charlie Edge - Women’s Officer

Sam French - Equality and Diversity officer

George Johnson - Mature Students Officer

Libby Johnston - PG officer

Taireen Hussain - BAME Officer

Matteo Paba - Participation & involvement Officer

Adria Porta - Campaigns Officer


Saga EriksonJake Parkins

Rebekah PatrickAlex Claxton-Mayer

Tom WilliamsPeter Puzio

Sharsyea AbramChad Blackman

Emma HollandAnthony Taylor

Emily PearlmanChelsea Thomas

IonutIliescAsha Ali

AmalOneebSimon Holtz

Camille Walker Obianuju Jennifer Okoye

Jay ManiJoshua Murray

Lexi KeeganAndrew McIntosh

Sarah GriesmerAndrew Jones

Rosie RedstoneLewis Brown

Rebekah HudsonWill Stacey

Alex GeorgiouEric Matthews/Duggan

FalimAnredRayhem Ahmed

Christopher KanskiYusier al Salman

K. SerumagaJordan Cohen

Stefan BertramJessica Rich

Alexander Perring Poppy Gerrad- Abbott


Josh O’Conner Beth Astley- Serougi

Isabel Rivas MartinezSamuel Heyes

Adrian ChiraLara Papadimitrion

Ruairi HipkinAbdul Rarim

Tancrede Chartier


Craig StephensChief Executive

Marianne ProvanDeputy Chief Executive

Steve HaughDirector of Marketing

Reeves WatsonDirector of Student Services

Gary Richardson R&D Co-ordinator

Neil BamberCourse Rep Co-ordinator

Paula HuistuI&E Frontrunner

Michelle HarrisGovernance officer