Editors Notes
Notice of AGM
Commodore’s Report
Sailing Programme
Hon.Treasurer’s Report
Junior Week 2005
Here we go again with another addition of the Mainsheet. The main purpose of this Mainsheet is to bring you the Commodore’s Report for 2004, the Accounts for 2004 and the Notice of AGM. This means that a cruise report from Chris Weston is held over till the next issue and anything else other than the essentials !
One such essential is an interesting development – the first ever :
DSC JUNIOR WEEK. To make this event happen, we need your response in order that planning can get under way. There’s no choice as to the date, owing to other events. If too many folk are away then we must plan for another year, hence why an early indication of intent from those interested is so important.
We will try and bring the next issue of the Mainsheet out in the spring, just after the Dart Open. Have I asked for volunteers for the Mainsheet Editor’s job ? Yes I have ! And what has been the response ? Correct ! The job is waiting there for a budding journalist. Step right up. But keep Sailing.
Subscription renewals were due on 1st January. Thank you for a very prompt return this year. There are however a number of members who have not sent in their renewal and this note is a gentle reminder…. a sort of force 3 reminder…. however there’s a gale forecast…. and we wouldn’t want to be caught out in a gale now… would we ?!
Don’t forget the BOAT SHED…. we want to move on with the development and your subscription is so important.
Many thanks. Tony
I give notice that the Annual General Meeting of Dee Sailing Club will be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 16th February 2005 at 20.00 hours for the transaction of the under mentioned business.
David Edmundson Hon. Secretary 26th January 2005
1 Apologies for absence
2 Minutes of the February 2004 AGM and the December 2004 EGM
3 Matters arising
4 Hon. Treasurer’s report and adoption of accounts
5 Adoption of Commodore’s report
6 Elections:
Office / Nominations / Proposer / SeconderPresident / M J Shillaker / I McLean / D Edmundson
Vice-Presidents / F G H Routledge)
C Weston)
G Hoolahan)
R J Sanders)
D Edmundson)
A E Marston) / I McLean / A Mould
Commodore / I McLean / D Edmundson / A E Marston
Vice-Commodore / A Mould / I McLean / D Edmundson
Rear Commodore
(Sailing) / S Moruzzi / I McLean / A Mould
Rear Commodore (Social) / M Emptage / I McLean / A Mould
Captain / R Stacey / I McLean / S Moruzzi
Hon. Treasurer / R Benson / D Edmundson / A E Marston
Land & Premises / J E Roberts / I McLean / A Mould
Hon. Secretary / D Edmundson / R Benson / A E Marston
Hon. Membership
Secretary / A E Marston / D Edmundson / R Benson
General Committee
continuing members:
R Davey
A Davidson
M Hilton / M Dodd
P Latham
S Pollock
W Thompson / I McLean / A Mould
Hon. Members
for 2005 / Commodore WKSC)
Commodore HSC) / I McLean / A Mould
8 Any other business
My first year as Commodore is nearly over, and I still have not got used to being referred to as The Commode.
Anybody who witnessed me struggling to climb back aboard my Dart after a capsize last Sunday may have noticed that the Commodore has put on a few more pounds than usual this winter. This is partially due to the Kindred Club ‘Hot Pot Circuit’, however it has been a privilege to attend the various kindred clubs and receive compliments and good wishes on behalf of the DSC.
Another eye opener has been our regatta, “just bob down to West Kirby and start the races from their committee boat”, that’s the Hilbres, the Stars, the Operas, the Half Raters, the LBSA, the Falcons, the Darts and the Handicap Cats, “oh yes and finish them, record their times (in torrential rain) and start them all again”. All I can say is I am glad Debbie and I had a lot of help from the West Kirby team.
Last year started as usual with the Dart Open meeting, which is the first Dart open meeting of the year and is renown on the circuit for the quality of both sailing and partying. This Easter the tides have not worked to our favour and we are cramming three days worth of sailing and partying into two days.
A number of members took their boats far and wide last year and we saw reports of racing in Aruba, racing in Portugal, cruising around the Caribbean and I myself took my trusty old GP14 as far as the marine lake in West Kirby.
Junior sailing continued to flourish throughout the season. Sue Orrell kindly donated a Rib in memory of her late husband John; the Rib ‘Puffin’ is specifically for junior sailing, it really is quite impressive to see the DSC juniors in action on the lake and the standard of sailing and enthusiasm is exceptional. The sailing committee is already planning what we are going to do next to keep our young hotshots motivated and sailing at Dee.
Another growth area is the Captains team - we seem to be going from strength to strength and as with the junior sailing it is good to see good kit and an abundance of enthusiasm on the water.
Last year saw some spectacular social events and this year looks as if we will be continuing the good work, watch out for news of events on the web site, notice board and main sheet.
A five-year plan is now in draft format following the recent five-year plan planning meeting, the main topics that came out of the brain storming session are not surprisingly sailing, junior sailing and enhancing the clubs facilities.
The sailing committee is making positive moves towards promoting cruising and will have a fleet captain dedicated to cruising this season.
Plans have now been agreed and finalised for the boat shed and this year we will hopefully receive planning permission and move on to fund raising and actually starting work.
Thanks for all the support during my first year as Commodore.
Ian McLean
D.S.C. Draft Sailing Program 2005Day / Date / H.W. / (m) / Start / Water
Sun / 02.01.05 / 15:13 / 8.2 / Winter 1,2. / 13:45 / 2:00
Sun / 09.01.05 / 9:58 / 9.0 / Winter 3,4. / 10:00 / 1:45
Sun / 16.01.05 / 15:40 / 9.0 / Winter 5,6. / 14:00 / 2:00
Sun / 23.01.05 / 10:11 / 8.3 / Winter 7,8. / 10:00 / 1:45
Sun / 30.01.05 / 14:09 / 8.9 / Winter 9,10. / 13:00 / 2:00
Day / Date / H.W. / (m) / Start / Water
Sun / 13.02.05 / 14:23 / 9.6 / Winter 11,12. / 12:30 / 2:00
Sun / 27.02.05 / 13:14 / 9.3 / Warmup 1,2,3. / 11:25 / 3:38
Day / Date / H.W. / (m) / Start / Water
Sun / 13.03.05 / 13:15 / 10.0 / Warmup 4,5,6 (Olyimpic Courses). / 11:15 / 4:00
Sat / 26.03.05 / 11:44 / 9.4 / UKIDA Dart 18 Grand Prix - Dee SC / 9:30 / 4:05
Sun / 27.03.05 / 13:16 / 9.5 / UKIDA Dart 18 Grand Prix - Dee SC / 11:30 / 3:43
Mon / 28.03.05 / 13:47 / 9.4 / UKIDA Dee Bash / 12:00 / 3:47
Day / Date / H.W. / (m) / Start / Water
Sat / 02.04.05 / 17:46 / 7.4 / Junior Spring 1,2 at WK lake. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sat / 09.04.05 / 12:33 / 10.0 / Junior Spring 3,4 at WK lake. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 10.04.05 / 13:11 / 9.9 / Spring 1,2,3. LBSA Spring 1. / 11:15 / 3:54
Sat / 16.04.05 / 17:11 / 6.9 / Junior Spring 5,6 at WK lake. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sat / 23.04.05 / 11:36 / 9.1 / Junior Cruise to Heswall & Treasure Hunt. / 9:50 / 3:32
Sun / 24.04.05 / 12:11 / 9.4 / Spring 4,5,6. LBSA Spring 2. / 10:20 / 3:42
Sat / 30.04.05 / 16:32 / 7.9 / Junior Spring 7,8 at WK lake. Bala S.C. Cat. Open. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP2 - Bala S.C. / 12:30 / 3:00
Day / Date / H.W. / (m) / Start / Water
Sun / 01.05.05 / 17:50 / 7.6 / Spring 7,8,9. Bala S.C. Cat. Open. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP2 - Bala S.C. / 16:25 / 2:49
Mon / 02.05.05 / 19:16 / 7.6 / Bala S.C. Cat. Open.
Tue / 03.05.05 / 20:35 / 7.9 / Evening 1,2. / 19:05 / 1:26
Sat / 07.05.05 / 11:26 / 9.5 / Junior Spring 9,10 at WK lake. Wayfarer / laser EPS open. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 08.05.05 / 12:07 / 9.5 / Spring 10,Round Hilbre 11,12. LBSA Spring 3. Wayfarer / laser EPS open. / 10:15 / 3:44
Sat / 14.05.05 / 15:48 / 7.6 / Junior Spring 11,12 at WK lake. Optimist Inland Championships - Gratham S.C.. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP3 - Datchet Water S.C. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 15.05.05 / 16:40 / 7.2 / Coronation race (D.S.C Pursuit Race ) . Optimist Inland Championships - Gratham S.C.. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP3 - Datchet Water S.C. / 15:20 / 2:38
Wed / 18.05.05 / 20:17 / 7.4 / Evening 3,4. / 19:00 / 1:56
Sat / 21.05.05 / 10:16 / 8.6 / Junior Summer 1,2 at WK lake. Pwhllheli Raid. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 22.05.05 / 10:58 / 8.9 / Spring 13,14,15. LBSA Spring 4. Pwhllheli Raid. / 9:15 / 3:26
Sat / 28.05.05 / 15:33 / 8.5 / D.S.C. Open Day. / 13:55 / 3:15
Sun / 29.05.05 / 16:34 / 8.2 / Spring 16,17,18. LBSA Spring 5. / 15:00 / 3:07
Day / Date / H.W. / (m) / Start / Water
Wed / 01.06.05 / 20:01 / 8.0 / Evening 5,6. / 19:00 / 2:16
Sat / 04.06.05 / 10:15 / 8.8 / Junior Summer 3,4 at WK lake. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 05.06.05 / 11:03 / 8.8 / Summer 1,2,3. LBSA Spring 6. / 9:20 / 3:25
Fri / 10.06.05 / 14:12 / 8.3 / RMYC & LYC Junior Regatta.
Sat / 11.06.05 / 14:48 / 8.1 / RMYC Regatta. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP4 - Mayflower S.C.
Sun / 12.06.05 / 15:27 / 8.0 / LYC Regatta. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP4 - Mayflower S.C.
Thur / 16.06.05 / 19:08 / 7.5 / Evening 7,8. / 19:00 / 1:30
Fri / 17.06.05 / 20:10 / 7.7 / WCSC & WYC Junior Regatta.
Sat / 18.06.05 / 21:07 / 8.0 / WYC Regatta.
Sun / 19.06.05 / 9:30 / 8.3 / WCSC Regatta.
Fri / 24.06.05 / 13:44 / 9.1 / HSC Junior Regatta.
Sat / 25.06.05 / 14:36 / 9.1 / Junior Summer 5,6 at WK lake. HSC Regatta. UKIDA Dart 18 - Inland Nationals - Gratham Water S.C. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 26.06.05 / 15:28 / 8.9 / HSC Regatta. UKIDA Dart 18 - Inland Nationals - Gratham Water S.C.
Day / Date / H.W. / (m) / Start / Water
Fri / 01.07.05 / 20:26 / 7.9 / Evening 9,10. / 19:00 / 2:28
Sat / 02.07.05 / 8:50 / 8.1 / Commodorres Cruise - Mates Race to Hoyle Bank..
Sun / 03.07.05 / 9:51 / 8.1 / Summer 4,5,6. LBSA Spring 7. / 9:00 / 2:22
Fri / 08.07.05 / 13:23 / 8.4 / DSC & WKSC Junior Regatta.
Sat / 09.07.05 / 13:56 / 8.5 / WKSC Regatta.
Sun / 10.07.05 / 14:29 / 8.5 / DSC Regatta. / 12:50 / 3:16
Fri / 15.07.05 / 18:07 / 7.6 / Whombaff Trophy at WK lake.
Sat / 16.07.05 / 19:15 / 7.6 / Junior Summer 7,8 at WK lake. Wallasey YC Offshore Race 06.30hrs start. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 17.07.05 / 20:25 / 7.8 / Summer 7,8,9. LBSA Summer 1. / 19:00 / 2:15
Sat / 23.07.05 / 13:37 / 9.4 / Junior Summer 9,10 at WK lake. Round AngleseyYacht Race. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 24.07.05 / 14:24 / 9.4 / Summer 10,11,12. LBSA Summer 2. / 12:35 / 3:40
Mon / 25.07.05 / 15:10 / 9.3 / DSC Junior Week - Start. Menai Strait Regattas - Start.
Fri / 29.07.05 / 18:31 / 7.6 / DSC Junior Week - End.
Sat / 30.07.05 / 19:46 / 7.4 / Junior Summer 11,12 at WK lake. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP5 - Stokes Bay S.C. / 12:30 / 3:00
Sun / 31.07.05 / 21:03 / 7.5 / Offshore Dinghy & Catamaran Race Red Wharf Bay S.C.. UKIDA Dart 18 - GP5 - Stokes Bay S.C.
Dee Sailing Club JUNIOR WEEK 2005 – Mon 25/7/04 – Fri 29/7/05
Our friends down the shore at West kirby have been running a Junior Week for many years and on occa sions they have had places available for some of our juniors. There are some years when they don’t have any places available…. Last year being one. And then there’s the deelightful fact that there are more Dee Juniors these days …. So Why not have our own Junior Week ?
Please keep your eye on the Webpage and notice board at the club house for any changes.
1. FUN – in all of the planned events the main thing is simply to have fun. There’ll be no pressure so if the conditions aren’t right for any individual then they won’t have to go afloat. This means that we want plent of volunteers (Mums and Dads of course!) to help on shore.
2. IMPROVE STANDARDS – We have juniors of all age groups and varying standards. We aim to have something for all. A particular aim is to help a growing gang of kids to a point where they can sail a boat around a course; that is weather dependant of course !
3. INCREASE NUMBERS – Although we have plenty of Juniors there’s room for plenty more. Perhaps if we can create something special in this first ever Dee Sailing Club JUNIOR WEEK, everyone involved will enthuse to friends and relatives and that enthusiasm will turn into new members. If we can get each of the three junior groups better populated (Optimist, Mirror and Dart 16) we will reach ‘critical mass’ and then the sky’s the limit !
The week will consist of a number of events on and off the water.
Date / Time / Tide / Location
/ Activity25/7/05 09:00 Club House / ALL / OPENING SESSION
25/7/05 10:00 Club House / Dart 16 / “Preparation”
25/7/05 10:00 Club House / Op, Mirror, J’Hap / “The Pack” what to expect this week TASK 1
25/7/05 11:00 Club House / ALL / BRUNCH
25/7/05 12:00 ish / Op, Mirror, J’Hap / Go to West Kirby lake
25/7/05 12:00 Club House / Dart 16 / TASK 1 & 2
25/7/05 13:30 HW15:39 Ht 9.3 M / Dart 16 / Sailing Session 1
25/7/05 13:30-15:30 WK Lake / Op, Mirror, J’Hap / Sailing Session 1
25/7/05 17:00-19:00 Club House / ALL / De briefing and relax !
25/7/05 19:00-21:00 Club House / ALL + Parents / Opening Social
Date / Time / Tide / Location
/ Activity26/7/05 09:00-13:30 West Kirby / ALL / Walk to Hilbre & Picnic
26/7/05 14:00 Club House / Dart 16 / “Trim”
26/7/05 10:00 HW 15:55 Ht 9.0 M / Dart 16 / Sailing Session 2
26/7/05 14:30-16:30 WK Lake / Op, Mirror, J’Hap / Sailing Session 2
26/7/05 18:00 / Dart 16 / De briefing
26/7/05 / All / Night off
Date / Time / Tide / Location
/ Activity27/7/05 10:30-15:30 CHESTER / ALL / CRUISE ON DEE & PICNIC
Date / Time / Tide / Location