Canada: A People’s History

Aboriginal Peoples Q&A

Episode 1: When the World Began

1.  What Aboriginal group originally inhabited Newfoundland?

2.  Why were they referred to as the Red Indian?

3.  What does one legend say The Creator did after he made the world?

4.  How many languages existed in the area that was to become Canada?

5.  What were the roles of the First Peoples?

6.  How did the Aboriginal People pass on the knowledge of how the world came to be?

The Crossing

7.  How did these different societies believe they came to be?

A.  Iroquois: C. Blackfoot:

B. Haida: D. Salish:

8.  Why did the First Peoples cross the land bridge?

9.  Describe the route followed by the First People as they inhabited North America.

10.  How many years ago did they reach the shores around Labrador?

11.  What is this area on the coast of Labrador known for?

12.  Describe the burial site of the 12 year old boy.

Women and Men

13.  What did the Blackfoot of the Plains refer to their Creator as?

A.  According to legend, how did the women perceive the men?

B.  How did the men perceive the women?

14.  Describe the role of the men in the village? The role of the women?

15.  What was the purpose of a vision quest? Describe the process.

Running Across the Sky

16.  From where and when did the Inuit trace their heritage?

17.  Describe the lifestyle of the Inuit.


18.  Describe the purpose of songs and dances to the Aboriginal People.

19.  The Huron of the Great Lakes area were ______and the Iroquois were ______.

20.  Describe the worst fate of a warrior.

Cycle of Warfare and Death

21.  Name the five warring camps of the Iroquois.

22.  Describe the Alliance that made the Iroquois the strongest political and military force in eastern North America.