KC Assured Breeder Scheme

Breed Specific Development Request Form

Who should complete this form?

·  This form should ideally only be completed by Breed Health Co-ordinators or Breed Club secretaries.

·  Breeds with only one club are expected to have the majority of their committee in agreement the request prior to submission

·  Breeds with more than one club should have the majority of clubs in agreement with the request prior to submission.

·  On occasions, the Kennel Club, through its Dog Health Group, may be required to make a decision on whether a test is appropriate if the breed clubs are in disagreement.

Which sections should I complete?

·  Section A must be completed for all requests.

·  Section B is to be completed if your request concerns a test or screening scheme.

·  Section C is to be completed if your request concerns breeding restrictions (i.e. breeding age, number of litters to be produced or frequency of litters)

How will this form be processed?

·  Your request will be presented at the next possible Assured Breeder Scheme Sub-Group for consideration, which meet three to four times a year.

·  If the request is approved by the ABS Sub-group Committee, then the item will be raised at the next Dog Health Group Meeting and will then require final approval by the Board (previously known as General Committee).

·  If the request is not approved, reasons as to why the request was declined will be provided.

·  Where a request is approved, changes are made to the ABS Breed Specific Requirements and Recommendations Schedule in January and July each year. As with all changes to the Scheme, existing members have a six month period of grace before compliance is compulsory to take account of any existing breeding plans.

How should I return this form?

Please return this form to the Assured Breeder Scheme Manager, Sarah Bartrip, .

Section A

(To be completed for all requests)

Please only complete the non-shaded sections. Shaded sections are only to be completed by the office

Date of request (DD/MM/YY):
Name and position held by applicant:
Name: Position: BHC/ Club secretary
(To be completed by office) Number of Breed Clubs:
Is there a Breed Council?
Yes/ No
(To be completed by office) Number of dogs registered in the last three years:
(To be completed by office) Number of Assured Breeders:

Section B

(To be completed if your request concerns a test or screening scheme)

Before completing this section, please read the following information on what can be accepted as an ABS requirement or recommendation. Space for five requests has been allowed, but if you would like to request more changes or additions please complete a second form.

What can be accepted as a breed specific requirement?

·  All requirements are restricted to tests where an official Kennel Club scheme is in operation and the results are already recorded by Kennel Club systems and published online on Mate Select.

·  Automated checks are performed using Kennel Club records at the time of an Assured Breeder litter registration on both sire and dam.

·  If a health test is not an official Kennel Club scheme, then results are not able to be recorded and it is not possible to check that an Assured Breeder has been compliant.

·  New official Kennel Club testing schemes may only be accepted as a recommendation and must be in place for six months to one year before it can be accepted as a requirement. This is to ensure that there is no issue with the reporting or validation of the test results.

Which items can be accepted as a breed specific recommendation?

·  ABS health recommendations can include anything that impacts the health or welfare of the breeding dogs or subsequent puppies.

·  Recommendations do not have to be part of official Kennel Club schemes, and will not be automatically checked at the time of registration.

·  ABS health recommendations are expected to be conducted or followed and compliance will be checked by the Assessor at the time of a visit.

Request 1
Name of test/ screening scheme:
(To be completed by office) About the condition:
(To be completed by office) How is it inherited:
Would you like this test/ screening scheme to become an Assured Breeder Scheme requirement or recommendation?
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
(To be completed by office) Current status
Requirement/ Recommendation/ None
(To be completed by office) Does the KC record the results?
(To be completed by office) How long has the KC been recording results?
Please state reason for application:
Is this test/ screening scheme part of breed club Code of Ethics:
Yes/ No
Please provide any data or statistics to support this application:
Request 2
Name of test/ screening scheme:
(To be completed by office) About the condition:
(To be completed by office) How is it inherited:
Would you like this test/ screening scheme to become an Assured Breeder Scheme requirement or recommendation?
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
(To be completed by office) Current status
Requirement/ Recommendation/ None
(To be completed by office) Does the KC record the results?
(To be completed by office) How long has the KC been recording results?
Please state reason for application:
Is this test/ screening scheme part of breed club Code of Ethics:
Yes/ No
Please provide any data or statistics to support this application:
Request 3
Name of test/ screening scheme:
(To be completed by office) About the condition:
(To be completed by office) How is it inherited:
Would you like this test/ screening scheme to become an Assured Breeder Scheme requirement or recommendation?
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
(To be completed by office) Current status
Requirement/ Recommendation/ None
(To be completed by office) Does the KC record the results?
(To be completed by office) How long has the KC been recording results?
Please state reason for application:
Is this test/ screening scheme part of breed club Code of Ethics:
Yes/ No
Please provide any data or statistics to support this application:
Request 4
Name of test/ screening scheme:
(To be completed by office) About the condition:
(To be completed by office) How is it inherited:
Would you like this test/ screening scheme to become an Assured Breeder Scheme requirement or recommendation?
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
(To be completed by office) Current status
Requirement/ Recommendation/ None
(To be completed by office) Does the KC record the results?
(To be completed by office) How long has the KC been recording results?
Please state reason for application:
Is this test/ screening scheme part of breed club Code of Ethics:
Yes/ No
Please provide any data or statistics to support this application:
Request 5
Name of test/ screening scheme:
(To be completed by office) About the condition:
(To be completed by office) How is it inherited:
Would you like this test/ screening scheme to become an Assured Breeder Scheme requirement or recommendation?
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
(To be completed by office) Current status
Requirement/ Recommendation/ None
(To be completed by office) Does the KC record the results?
(To be completed by office) How long has the KC been recording results?
Please state reason for application:
Is this test/ screening scheme part of breed club Code of Ethics:
Yes/ No
Please provide any data or statistics to support this application:

Section C

(To be completed if your request concerns breeding restrictions such as breeding age, number of litters to be produced or frequency of litters)

Please note that requests for breeding restrictions will only normally be accepted as a recommendation for Assured Breeders. If you would like a breeding restriction to be made a requirement for Assured Breeders please state so in the “Reason for application” section with good reasons as to why.

Space for nine requests has been allowed, but if you would like to request more changes or additions please complete a second form.

Request 1
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 2
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 3
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 4
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 5
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 6
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 7
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 8
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:
Request 9
Please state the breeding restrictions you would like to request:
Is there a majority agreement with your breed club(s) for this request (please see the “Who should complete this form” section on page 1)?
Yes/ No
Please state reason for application:


ABS 112/ Version 4 Nov 2011/ Reviewed May 2017