Consensus Category Review Worksheets


The team identifies the maturity of the institution’s processes and results, and makes recommendations for improvement.

In the Independent Review Worksheets, reviewers independently rate the maturity of all Processes (P) and Results (R) items in each category. Maturity is not rated for Improvements (I) items, but reviewers still comment on the quality of the improvements and give recommendations for improvements the institution may not have considered. In this Consensus Category Review Worksheet, the Category Leader combines and integrates the comments from team members into consensus statements for the team to review.

Unlike the Independent Review Worksheets, where each process is broken into four rows (one each for Integrated, Aligned, Systematic, and Reacting), the Consensus Category Review Worksheets use one row for each process and result. In some cases, the team will only rate the process as being one level of maturity (see Figure 1). In other cases, the team may rate different parts of the process at different levels of maturity (see Figure 2). In both examples, it is important to recognize that the team’s comments contain the level of maturity (bolded for these examples), and that each comment also includes a recommendation for improvement.

Figure 1

Process / Teams Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Recruiting, hiring, and orienting employees / Although the process for recruiting and hiring faculty is well detailed, other parts of the process are more systematic. An opportunity exists to better detail the processes for staff and administrators. Orientation is also an area that may offer an opportunity for improvement. Currently, orientations are brief, separate for different types of employees, and held at the onset of employment. An initiative to assess the effectiveness of these orientations may suggest improvements and/or collaborations amongst units.

Figure 2

Process / Team’s Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Recruiting, hiring, and orienting employees / The College has a well-defined, documented, and aligned recruiting and hiring process designed to identify process of using background and reference checks, collection of formal transcripts, behavioral-based interviews for all employees as well as demonstrating teaching skills for faculty appears to provide the College with a clear process to ensure new hires possess the attributes it requires. To increase the maturity of this process, the College could show how this process is dynamic enough to meet the needs of a diverse group of employees.
Although the process for recruiting and hiring faculty is well detailed, other parts of the process are more systematic. An opportunity exists to better detail the processes for staff and administrators. Orientation is also an area that may offer an opportunity for improvement. Currently, orientations are brief, separate for different types of employees, and held at the onset of employment. An initiative to assess the effectiveness of these orientations may suggest improvements and/or collaborations amongst units.

Category 1: Helping Students Learn

1.1: Common Learning Outcomes

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Aligning common outcomes to the mission, educational offerings and degree levels of the institution
Determining common outcomes
Articulating the purposes, content and level of achievement of the outcomes
Incorporating into the curriculum opportunities for all students to achieve the outcomes
Ensuring the outcomes remain relevant and aligned with student, workplace and societal needs
Designing, aligning and delivering cocurricular activities to support learning
Selecting tools, methods and instruments used to assess attainment of common learning outcomes
Assessing common learning outcomes
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments

1.2: Program Learning Outcomes

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Aligning program learning outcomes to the mission, educational offerings and degree levels of the institution
Determining program outcomes
Articulating the purposes, content and level of achievement of these outcomes
Ensuring the outcomes remain relevant and aligned with student, workplace and societal needs
Designing, aligning and delivering cocurricular activities to support learning
Selecting tools, methods and instruments used to assess attainment of program learning outcomes
Assessing program learning outcomes
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Overall levels of deployment of the program assessment processes within the institution (i.e., how many programs are/not assessing program goals)
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of assessment results and insights gained
Team Comments

1.3: Academic Program Design

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Identifying student stakeholder groups and determining their educational needs
Identifying other key stakeholder groups and determining their needs
Developing and improving responsive programming to meet all stakeholders’ needs
Selecting the tools, methods and instruments used to assess the currency and effectiveness of academic programs
Reviewing the viability of courses and programs and changing or discontinuing when necessary
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of assessments (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments

1.4: Academic Program Quality

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Determining and communicating the preparation required of students for the specific curricula, programs, courses and learning they will pursue
Evaluating and ensuring program rigor for all modalities, locations, consortia and dual-credit programs
Awarding prior learning and transfer credits
Selecting, implementing and maintaining specialized accreditation(s)
Assessing the level of outcomes attainment by graduates at all levels
Selecting the tools, methods and instruments used to assess program rigor across all modalities
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of assessments (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained

1.5: Academic Integrity

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Ensuring freedom of expression and the integrity of research and scholarly practice
Ensuring ethical learning and research practices of students
Ensuring ethical teaching and research practices of faculty
Selecting the tools, methods and instruments used to evaluate the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of supporting academic integrity
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments
Category 1 Summary Statement
Create a Category Summary Statement (3–10 sentences) that captures the team’s perception of the institution’s current overall level of maturity (and the relevant challenges and strengths) and how the institution might further advance its quality agenda.
Category 1 Strategic Issues (if any)

Category 2: Meeting Student and Other Key Stakeholder Needs

2.1: Current and Prospective Student Needs

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Identifying underprepared and at-risk students, and determining their academic support needs
Deploying academic support services to help students select and successfully complete courses and programs
Ensuring faculty are available for student inquiry
Determining and addressing the learning support needs (tutoring, advising, library, laboratories, research, etc.) of students and faculty
Determining new student groups to target for educational offerings and services
Meeting changing student needs
Identifying and supporting student subgroups with distinctive needs (e.g., seniors, commuters, distance learners, military veterans)
Deploying non-academic support services to help students be successful
Ensuring staff members who provide academic and non-academic student support services are qualified, trained and supported
Communicating the availability of non-academic support services / I
Selecting tools, methods and instruments to assess student needs
Assessing the degree to which student needs are met
Other identified processes / I
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments

2.2: Retention, Persistence and Completion

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Collecting student retention, persistence and completion data
Determining targets for student retention, persistence and completion
Analyzing information on student retention, persistence and completion
Meeting targets for retention, persistence and completion
Selecting tools, methods and instruments to assess retention, persistence and completion
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments

2.3: Key Stakeholder Needs

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Determining key external stakeholder groups (e.g., alumni, employers, community)
Determining new stakeholders to target for services or partnership
Meeting the changing needs of key stakeholders
Selecting tools, methods and instruments to assess key stakeholder needs
Assessing the degree to which key stakeholder needs are met
Other identified processes / I
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments

2.4: Complaint Processes

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Collecting complaint information from students
Collecting complaint information from other key stakeholders
Learning from complaint information and determining actions
Communicating actions to students and other key stakeholders
Selecting tools, methods and instruments to evaluate complaint resolution
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained

2.5: Building Collaborations and Partnerships

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Selecting partners for collaboration (e.g., other educational institutions, civic organizations, businesses)
Building and maintaining relationships with partners
Selecting tools, methods and instruments to assess partnership effectiveness
Evaluating the degree to which collaborations and partnerships are effective
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Category 2 Summary Statement
Create a Category Summary Statement (3-10 sentences) that captures the team’s perception of the institution’s current overall level of maturity (and the relevant challenges and strengths) and how the institution might further advance its quality agenda.
Category 2 Strategic Issues (if any)

Category 3: Valuing Employees

3.1: Hiring

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Recruiting, hiring and orienting processes that result in staff and administrators who possess the required qualification, skills and values
Developing and meeting academic credentialing standards for faculty, including those in dual credit, contractual and consortia programs
Ensuring the institution has sufficient numbers of faculty to carry out both classroom and non-classroom programs and activities
Ensuring the acquisition of sufficient numbers of staff to provide student support services
Tracking outcomes/measures utilizing appropriate tools
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments

3.2: Evaluation and Recognition

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Designing performance evaluation systems for all employees
Soliciting input from and communicating expectations to faculty, staff and administrators
Aligning the evaluation system with institutional objectives for both instructional and non-instructional programs and services
Utilizing established institutional policies and procedures to regularly evaluate all faculty, staff and administrators
Establishing employee recognition, compensation and benefit systems to promote retention and high performance
Promoting employee satisfaction and engagement
Tracking outcomes/measures utilizing appropriate tools
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained

3.3: Development

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Providing and supporting regular professional development for all employees
Ensuring that instructors are current in instructional content in their disciplines and pedagogical processes
Supporting student support staff members to increase their skills and knowledge in their areas of expertise (e.g. advising, financial aid, etc.)
Aligning employee professional development activities with institutional objectives
Tracking outcomes/measures utilizing appropriate tools
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Category 3 Summary Statement
Create a Category Summary Statement (3-10 sentences) that captures the team’s perception of the institution’s current overall level of maturity (and the relevant challenges and strengths) and how the institution might further advance its quality agenda.
Category 3 Strategic Issues (if any)

Category 4: Planning and Leading

4.1: Mission and Vision

Process / Comments on Process Maturity and Improvement
Developing, deploying, and reviewing the institution’s mission, vision and values
Ensuring that institutional actions reflect a commitment to its values
Communicating the mission, vision and values
Ensuring that academic programs and services are consistent with the institution’s mission
Allocating resources to advance the institution’s mission and vision, while upholding the institution’s values
Tracking outcomes/measures utilizing appropriate tools (e.g. brand studies, focus groups, community forums/studies and employee satisfaction surveys)
Other identified processes
Results / Evaluation of Results and Systems Improvement
Summary results of measures (including tables and figures when possible)
Comparison of results with internal targets and external benchmarks
Interpretation of results and insights gained
Team Comments

4.2: Strategic Planning