End of the Year News from TJ
Your student’s Final Report Card
Your envelope may also include (if applicable):
4th Quarter Academic Excellence Letter/Merchant Prize List and Card
Award Certificates
Statement of charges owed to the school (*)
(*) This statement reflects our records regarding payments owed to the school for:
- Unpaid School Fees
- Resale Items
- Lost Textbook, Library Book and/or other lost/damaged Material Fines
- Lost Locks, Safety Glasses, Science Goggles, Calculators, Etc.
- Uniforms/Equipment not returned to coaches
- Past Summer School Fees
- Items charged by your student during the school year, such as instrument reeds, etc.
- Money lent to your students by the office during the school year for things such as lunch money, taxi fare, etc.
NOTE: Please refer to the forms and letter included with the statement to explain any new charges shown. For earlier charges, lost-damaged forms were already mailed to your home with a letter of explanation. All books are numbered and teachers maintain records to insure that the book that was assigned to each student is returned. If your child is being charged for a book, but tells you that they returned it, the book that was originally assigned to them is still missing. Records are also kept by the teachers regarding the condition of the book when it is given to the student. If it is returned in considerably poorer condition, students are charged the cost of repairs to put the books back into good condition.Unfortunately, if the bindings are damaged, it is not something we can fix here and we must send them to a rebinding company for repairs, and that can be costly! Unpaid fees and fines
from previous years carry over to the current balance due. All charges owed by 8th grade students will be transferred to the High School in early August.
If you have materials to return to the school, please feel free tobring them to the SCHOOL OFFICE during our regular business hours. We would much rather have the books returned to us than have to collect the fines and then have to reorder replacement items!
NOTE: To insure credit to your student’s account for materials that are returned, please follow the directions in the letter that you receive. DO NOT give the items to a summer school teacher, leave them in a classroom or the library or leave them in the school office without speaking to someone.
ATTN: Future 8th Grade Parents: Similar to the policy in place at Port Washington High School, students are not permitted to participate in the 8th Grade Promotion ceremony unless all outstanding fees are paid in full. Don’t wait until next May and find yourself in a bind! Installments may be made during the school year, but the full amount must be paid by June 1st for your child to take part in the Promotion Ceremony next Spring!
4th Quarter Academic Excellence Listing
4th Quarter “On-A-Roll” Listing
8th Grade Promotion Information
Technology Initiative Update
Misc. TJMS News
Watch for your packet of 13-14 school year registration materials in mid- to late-July.
HOMEROOM PLACEMENTS (including class schedules and locker assignments) will be mailed in mid-to-late AUGUST.
The first day of school for the 13-14 school year is Tuesday, September 3rd.
Samantha Owens and Louie Schurrerwere presented with the coveted TJ Student of the Year awards at the 8th grade promotion ceremony on Wednesday, June 5th.
Students who believed that they were deserving of this honor were encouraged to nominate themselves. To qualify for this award, students must have earned Academic Excellence during the first three quarters of the year, obtain a minimum of six teacher/staff member recommendations and submit a form outlining their extra-curricular activities. They were also required to write an essay explaining why they believed that they should be the recipients of this prestigious award. Seventeen students completed the nomination process. A team of staff members reviewed the essays and application materials. The competition was very tough and the committee was very impressed by the level of academic excellence and extra-curricular involvement represented by the nominees.
There were many outstanding students and the voting was very close. However, when all the points were totaled, Samantha and Louie rated the highest. They each received an engraved trophy and will also be honored by having their picture and information displayed in the showcase in the TJ entryway.
Congratulations to both of this year’s TJ Award winners! We’re very proud of you and the way you represent our school! Best wishes to Samantha and Louie- and all our outstanding applicants on their high school careers. We know they will do great and win many honors in the years ahead!
Congratulations to Brynn Greisch and Taylor Snider for being awarded this honor! Students were nominated for this award, which will be done annually, by their coaches and activity advisors. The male and female students who received the highest level of recognition for their integrity, attitude, sportsmanship, leadership, team focus and being a role model during their participation in activities at TJ were announced during the ceremony and they received their trophies that evening.
Our thanks to the Buczek family for being with us for our Promotion Ceremony and for sponsoring this award recognizing our outstanding students!
Wednesday, June 5th, was a very special evening as our 8th grade students received certificates promoting them to the High School. The theme of the evening was “Remember When” and family and friends joined the students in the TJ gym for a great night!
The gym was decorated beautifully, and included print-outs of baby pictures of many of our 8th grade students and also student-created mementos with timelines and/or pictures, drawings or journaling about important events in their lives.
Dr. Michael Weber, Superintendent of the PW-S School District, Mr. James Eden, President of the PWSSD Board of Education, Mr. Eric Burke, Port Washington High School Principal and TJMS Administrators, Arlan Galarowicz and Liz Ferger presided over the program. Students chose the song, “Whenever You Remember” by Carrie Underwood as their processional music. The 8th grade choir, under the direction of Mrs. Ann Berchem, did an exceptional job of singing two songs: “Good Riddance” By Green Day featured solos by Tanner Orten and Elliot DeMerit and “On Top of the World” By Imagine Dragons.
Cordelia Larsen and Louie Schurrer were recognized as the male and female recipients of the American Legion Citizenship Award. This is the highest honor bestowed on students by the American Legion and the criteria for nomination for this award were the students’ display of the following characteristics: Scholarship, Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism & Service. Cordy and Louie were nominated by the 8th grade teachers and voted on by the entire TJ staff to receive this honor.
8th grade students Brynn Greisch and Nick Froehlich spoke on behalf of the students, recalling special memories from the past and challenging them to create many more memories during their upcoming school years so that in the future, they can look back and be proud as they move on to the High School and beyond and “Remember When!”
A reception in the cafeteria followed, thanks to refreshments brought in by the 8th grade parents and served by Jaguar Parents group volunteers. Thanks to all the volunteers for their hard work in making the reception a wonderful place for parents and students to relax and chat! A great time was had by all and many photos were taken to preserve the memories of this very special evening.
A complete listing of the soon-to-be High School Freshmen is included in this newsletter, along with notations regarding special recognition and awards that many of them earned during this year.
If you did not get a chance to order one, but are still interested, please call Jeanne at 268-6105. It is a great way to relive that special evening and to share your student’s big night with relatives from out of town or those who were unable to attend the ceremony. The DVD will also include a large variety of candid shots, taken by the 8th grade teachers, parents and teachers during the year of field trips, special class events and projects, etc.. The DVD’s, which will come in a special commemorative case, are available for $15.00 each. They will be mailed directly to your home by late July. We have a limited supply available, so if you are interested, please get your order in soon!
We have a limited number of yearbooks from this year for sale - thecost of the current book is $18.00 – payable by cash or check made out to TJ. To purchase one, please stop by the school office.
Mr. Jason Gahan – Psychologist
Mrs. Wendy Leece – Art
Mrs. Kate Pogorelec – EEN
Mrs. Sandy Sandlin – 7th Grade
Our thanks for their valuable service to our students and our District and best wishes for a happy and healthy future!
Watch the mail in August for your annual PW-S School District calendar – or check the District website later this summer. This calendar contains all scheduled upcoming school events and lots of other great information. Check out the back of the calendar for information on everything from bus service to hot lunch costs, applications for free and reduced lunch, school closing information, sports schedules, phone numbers and more. Keep it handy throughout the school year!
All students who participate in interscholastic sports MUST have a current physical card and insurance waiver on file in the school office before they will be allowed to participate in the activity (including tryouts and/or any practices).
At the beginning of each sports season, we have a number of our student athletes who find themselves without the paperwork they need on file. In some cases, it isn’t possible to get an appointment with the doctor before the season begins and there is much drama and disappointment! Don’t wait and find yourself in the same situation. New paperwork, as explained below, must be given to the school office EACH YEAR.Copies of the forms are available at the school office or can be printed from the TJ Website (School Forms page)
Every other year, the students must see a physician and have the green physical card completed.
During the alternate years, a tan card, completed by the parent/guardian must be submitted.
Insurance waiver forms must be submitted each and every year.
Please call the school office (268-6100) if you are unsure what forms your student may need for the upcoming school year!
NOTE: Cross Country begins the week after school starts – so don’t wait or you may not be able to get an appointment in time for your student to participate!
Market Day will continue during the summer. The pickup dates for the summer are Tuesday, June, 18th, July 23rd and Tuesday, August 20th. Depending on the timing of our future mailings, we will either include the July and/or August order forms – or we will hand them out to students during summer school. Remember, you may stop by the TJ office to pick one up – or choose the easiest option of ordering online at – that way you can also see the list of clearance items!
Proceeds from the sale this summer will benefit the Student activities and incentive programs. Thanks for your support of our Student Senate through your purchase of Market Day items during this past school year – and for your help to provide funds for next yearthrough your orders this summer!
Summer orders will be placed on Friday, 6/28, 7/12 and 7/19 and must be turned in to the TJ office by 10:00 AM on those days. SCRIP that you order will be available for pickup the following Thursday. Remember to stock up for buying school supplies and clothes and that your Scrip credit can be used toward your school and athletic fees within our district. Parents who participated in the SCRIP program this year and earned credit towards their students’ fees will receive their check this summer.
Beginning with these summer orders, the credit will start accumulating for the 2013-14 school year. Checks for this year’s credit will be included in your school registration packet in July and to insure proper credit, it should be returned with your school registration papers and fee payments.
If you haveany questions just call Karen Graf at 268-0460.
Parent volunteers have always been important to schools. And these days, with continuing cuts to our budget, services to students could be significantly reduced if we didn’t have such a wonderful group of volunteers who spend countless hours assisting our staff!
Special thanks also goes to the Jaguar Parents Group Officers. We have also had a nice number of parents volunteer as copy aides, teacher helpers, classroom speakers and demonstrators, field trip chaperones, Market Day volunteers, and countless others assist us at a variety of special events like Trivia Night, Forensics Night, the 8th Grade Farewell Celebration, etc. Not only are there likely too many to mention, we are worried about forgetting somebody. So, rather than hurt any feelings, we just want to express our gratitude to all of you who helped us make the programs at TJ so successful during the past year. It is true – without you, there are many things that would not happen! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Good attendance is one of the biggest keys to having a successful school year!Congratulations to the following students for having accomplished a very difficult task – this year, the lists are among the longest ever!
PERFECT ATTENDANCE this school year! NO tardies or absences of any kind!
Kyra / Baumann / 5Javan / Lambrecht / 5
Stephanie / Mayer / 5
Chase / Orvis / 5
Chase / Schmidt / 5
Abigail / Smith / 5
Jasmine / Holloway / 6
Alexander / Salas / 6
Abby / Paradowski / 7
Hannah / Sauer / 7
Luke / Chatfield / 8
Erik / Moe / 8
The following students are also being recognized for their EXCEPTIONAL ATTENDANCE. (These students attended school each day, but missed one or more class periods.)
Jacob / Hawley / 5Matthew / Addy / 6
Congratulations to the following students who increased their grade point average for the 4th quarter a minimum of .50 over their GPA for Quarter 3 – It is a GREAT way to end the year!
Addy, MatthewBrakke, Madisyn
Cashin, Laura
Edwards, Devon
Falk, Alexander
Fulop, Benjamin
Herzer, Aryanna
Hughes, Connor
Klement, Hannah
Krapfl, Elizabeth
Marchek, Tyler I
Matous, Sydney
Moore, Emily
Narlock, Noah
Nemchek, Aleksey
Pankow, Lillian
Pape, Cameron
Phillips, Madisyn
Reyes, Isabel
Richlin, Alexandria
Rodriguez, Diana
Schneider, Sara
Stelling-Kordash, Dylan
Volkmann, Nolan
Wachter, Kylie
Zander, Hannah
Mrs. Scharnweber’s class won a cash prize and could choose to have a pizza party or other fun activity. Instead, they chose to purchase toiletries and other items and send them to a soldier that they had been writing to during the school year! What a wonderful, generous thing for them to do! We are proud of them and so many other great students here at TJ and wanted you to know what awesome students we have. Way to go, class!
We hope that you took advantage of the ability to access your student’s grades and attendance through our internet-based student management software, PowerSchool, during this past school year. Parents loved the opportunity to check and see what their student’s current grades were, if their child was missing assignments and how they did on each test, project, their homework, etc.
DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS are posted to our TJMS website daily and parents can "subscribe” to get an email notifying them when the new information is available and including a direct link to the day’s news. Check out the Daily Announcements page on our website to set yourself up for this service. Note: Parents who no longer wish to get the notification each day must go to the web page and “unsubscribe” from the list using the “subscribe” button.