James S. Kramka

2013 Linden Ave. • Nashville, TN 37212

Phone 615-292-4142 • Fax 615-343-1975 • E-mail

Professional experience
2000 - September 2006 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Senior Director of Housing Facilities Operation and Management

2000 - September 2006 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Director or Housing Assignments
n  Direct the housing assignment processes for freshmen, upperclassmen and graduate/professional students in a 31 building system providing 5,359 spaces.
n  Advise students and families on housing related issues, including assignments, room changes, and housing for special needs.
n  Maintain occupancy levels of 100% or higher.
n  Lead strategic planning and policy development, including implementation of the residential requirement and off campus authorizations.
n  Maintain the web site for the Office of Housing and Residential Education.
n  Direct the operation of web-based Off Campus Referral Service for students, faculty, and staff.
n  Automated annual housing registration process and freshman housing applications through a web-based registration system.
n  Revised and implemented a randomized assignment process for rising sophomore students to address conduct issues in residence halls.
n  Conduct annual registration of more than 6,000 students.
n  Create and maintain publications related to housing assignments, including an annual Guide to the Housing Assignment Process, Freshman Living at Vanderbilt, and Graduate and Professional Student Housing.
n  Manage office support staff of five.
1998 - 2000 Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN
Manager, Office of Traffic & Parking
n  Direct the daily operations of 8,071 space parking system serving approximately 1,400 faculty, 3,300 staff, and 10,000 students.
n  Manage staff of 5 office support staff and 5 enforcement officers.
n  Conduct annual registration of more than 6,000 vehicles.
n  Manage 10 auxiliary budgets totaling $2.26 million in revenue.
n  Designed and implemented rolling maintenance program for 80 parking facilities.
n  Increased Reserves by more than $500,000 in two years.
n  Automated annual vehicle registration process through a web-based registration system.
n  Developed alternative funding mechanisms for parking system.
n  Developed and implemented relational database linking supply (by facility and type of space) and demand (faculty, staff and student) by geographic area of campus.
1997 - 1998 Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN
Reseach Analyst, Strategic Development, Vanderbilt Health Services
n  Developed planning models for assessing market need for health services.
n  Prepared market analyses for strategic planning.
n  Developed relational data structures for common queries.
n  Wrote SQL queries of VU Hospital operational data.
n  Mapped demographic market data for planning exercises.
n  Produced market segmentation data for product development and promotion.
n  Developed product line definitions.
n  Automated common report production.
1988 - 1995 Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN
Assistant Department Director, Sarratt Student Center
n  Advised student organizations.
n  Planned and produced University-wide events including Vanderbilt Concerts, IMPACT Lectures and fine arts performances.
n  Developed and supervised 16 auxiliary budgets totaling $1.93 million and 10 non-auxiliary budgets totaling $1.4 million.
n  Reviewed, analyzed and audited monthly ledgers.
n  Prepared all required University financial reports (quarterly reports, 5-year projections, etc.)
n  Managed the facility, including oversight of the physical plant, grounds, housekeeping, and furnishings.
n  Developed and implemented relational databases for operational needs.
2006 – Ad Hoc Office of the Dean of Students Commons Advisory Council
2000- 2001 Equal Access Committee
2005-06 Project Dialogue, Vanderbilt University
1988 Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN
1979 St. Olaf College Northfield, MN
B.A./Philosophical Theology
Upon Request