Heritage Language – Student Self-Assessment

Early Years– Levels Pre-A1.1 and A1.1 (For students in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten)

My name is / ______. I am in Grade ____ during the 20__ to 20__ school year.
This is my Ministry of Education Student Number.
I attend / to learn the / Language.
(Name of Heritage Language School)
I attend / (Name of Public/Separate School) / In / Saskatchewan. / Teacher’s Initials / Date
(Town or City)

Listening – Pre-A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date / Listening – A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date
I can pay attention when my teacher reads a story or poem / I can understand hello and goodbye and when someone calls me by name
I can recognize my name when it is spoken by another person / I can understand words for people and things around me (teacher, book, chair, shoes)
I can pay attention to songs in my heritage language / I can understand simple questions such as “Who is in your family?” by naming and pointing to them
I can understand the names for festivals or celebrations in my culture / I can follow simple instructions such as “Stand up please,” “Come here,” “Point to your shoes.”
I can recognize the names of other students when I hear them
/5 / /4

Conversation – Pre-A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date / Conversation – A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date
I can say my name when asked / I can say my name and ask others for their names
I can make myself understood by using gestures or pointing to items around me / I can point to an object and ask what it is
I can ask for help by using gestures or pointing to items around me / I can say hello and goodbye
I can ask for something by using gestures, naming, and/or pointing to items around me
I can let other people know when I do not understand
/3 / /5
Speaking – Pre-A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date / Speaking – A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date
I can repeat sounds or words in my heritage language / I can say how I am feeling (sick, well, happy, sad)
I can repeat or practice saying a poem or singing a song / I can name some common objects around me (toys, favourite foods)
I can name members of my family / I can give basic information about myself using phrases learned in class such as “My name is ______.” “I live at ______.” “I am _____ years old.”
I can sing along when the class sings a song
/4 / /3
Reading – Pre-A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date / Reading – A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date
I can recognize and name familiar items in a picture book / I can recognize my own name when it is printed
I can pay attention when my teacher or an older student reads a story / I can recognize a few simple words when I see them
I can look at a picture book and follow the story
/3 / /2
Writing – Pre-A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date / Writing – A1.1 / With a lot of help / With a little help / With no help / Date
I can experiment with drawing shapes, symbols or items that have been named in my heritage language / I can copy, print or type my own name
I can copy or print symbols or letters in my heritage language
/1 / /2
Early Years – Pre-A1.1 – Total / /16 / Early Years – A1.1 – Total / /16

HL Early YearsPre-A1.1, A1.1 - 2014 1