2006 – San Diego ImToxSS Member in Bold

Practical Strategies for Evaluation of Immunosuppression in Pharmaceutical Development - CE

Chair: Brian G. Short


Kenneth L. Hastings – Immunotoxicology: What’s new on the ICH Harmonization Front?

Patrick J. Haley – Immunosuppression Signal Detection in Standard Toxicity Studies and Immunophenotyping: A Pathologist’s Approach

J. Herzyk – Assay to Assay: Functional Evaluation of Immunosuppression

Ian Gourley – Clinical Viewpoint: Interpretation of Non-Clinical Immunotoxicity

Regulatory Application of the Mouse LLNA: New Challenges and Opportunities – Workshop

Chair: Michael Woolhiser and Greg Ladics


G.S. Ladics and M.R. Woolhiser – Regulatory Application of the Mouse LLNA: New Challenges and Opportunities

I. Kimber – Performance and Validation of the Local Lymph Node Assay

A. Cockshott – Regulatory Experience of Testing New, Industrial Chemicals with the LLNA

A. Jacobs – Considerations for Pharmaceutical Products and the Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA)

G. Gerberick – Application of LLNA Data in Skin Sensitization Risk Assessment

M.R. Woolhiser - LLNA Experience for Complex Chemistries and Mixtures

Immunotoxicity Evaluation by Immune Function Tests – Workshop

Chair: Danuta Herzyk and Michael Holsapple


D.J. Herzyk – Immunotoxicity Evaluation by Immune Function Tests

G. Ladics – Primary Immune Response to Sheep Red Blood Cells (SRBC) as the Conventional TDAR Test

K. White – Comparison of Primary Immune Responses to SRBC and KLH in Rodents

P. Bugelski – TDAR Tests: Meta-analysis of Results Generated Across Multiple Laboratories

H. Haggerty – Immunotoxicity Testing in Non-Rodent Species

Indirect Mechanisms of Toxicity: Advancing our Understanding of Neuroendocrine-Immune Interactions –


Chair: Leigh Ann Burns Naas and Virginia M. Sanders


L. Burns Naas and V.M. Sanders - Indirect Mechanisms of Toxicity: Advancing our Understanding of Neuroendocrine-Immune Interactions

V.M. Sanders – Non-Immune Mechanisms for Regulating the Level of Immunity

S.B. Pruett, C. Schwab, R. Fan, P. Myers, Q. Zheng – Modeling and Predicting the Immunological Effects of Chemical and Drug Induced Stress Responses in Mice

G.D. Marshall – Impact of Psychological and Environmental Factors on Asthma: From Environment to Bench to Bedside

D.A. Lawrence, et al. – Children’s Health Risk-Can Economic Inequalities Impact the Neuroimmune Interface and Health?

The War on Ozone in the 3rd Millennium: Toxicology and Health Effects Update – Symposium

Chair: Deepak Bhalla and W. M. Foster


D.K. Bhalla and M.W. Foster - The War on Ozone in the 3rd Millennium: Toxicology and Health Effects Update

J.S. Ultman, et al. – Where Does Inhaled Ozone Go?

C.G. Plopper – Early Postnatal Lung Development is Highly susceptible to Permanent Disruption by Oxidant Stress from Ozone Exposure

D.K. Bhalla – Inflammatory Mechanisms in Ozone induced Mucosal Injury in the Lung

W.M. Foster – Lessons Learned from Laboratory Exposure of Humans to Ozone: Differential Susceptibility

I.B. Tager – Human Health Effects of Ambient Ozone: Epidemiological and Physiological Perspective

Models and Mechanisms of Occupational/Environmental Asthma – Symposium

Chair: Jean Regal and Mike Luster


M.I. Luster and J.F. Regal - Models and Mechanisms of Occupational/Environmental Asthma

D.I. Bernstein – Pathogenesis of Occupational Asthma

V.J. Johnson and M.I. Luster – Using Murine Models to Understand the Immunologic Basis of Toluene Diisocyanate Asthma

J.F. Regal, et al. – Differential Gene Expression and Effector Mechanisms in Murine Models of Trimellitic Anhydride and Ovalbumin-Induced Asthma

A.E. Nel – The Role of Oxidative Stress in the Exacerbation of Asthma by Particulate Air Pollution

S.R. Kleeberger – Genetic Susceptibility and Ozone Exacerbation of Allergic Asthma

The Bases for Inter-Individual Differences for Susceptibility to Allergic Disease –Symposium

Chair: Ian Kimber and Frank Gerberick


I. Kimber and F. Gerberick – The Bases for Inter-Individual Differences for Susceptibility to Allergic Disease

I. Kimber – Chemical and Protein Allergy: Immunological Mechanisms and Clinical Characteristics

G. Gerberick – Heritable and Acquired Factors Influencing Susceptibility to Allergic Contact Dermatitis

S.M. Tarlo – Heritable and Acquired Factors Influencing Susceptibility to Chemical Respiratory Allergy

B. Nemery and I. Kimber – Chemical Pollution, Genetic Factors and the Changing Prevalence of Atopic Allergy and Asthma

R.J. Dearman and I. Kimber – Factors Governing the Acquisition of Food Allergy