Terms & Conditions
All materials posted, with the exception of materials posted on the online community, are of a proprietary nature and subject to copyrights owned by the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. Any reproduction, retransmission or republication of all or part of any document posted on this site is expressly prohibited, unless BPD has expressly granted consent on the website page to reproduce, retransmit or republish the material.
The names, trademarks, service marks and logos of BPD appearing on this site may not be used by another party in any advertising or publicity, or be used to indicate BPD sponsorship or affiliation with any service or product, without prior express written consent from BPD.
Policy Regarding Use of Electronic Communication Systems
The BPD website is a service provided by the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. The BPD Policy Regarding Use of Electronic Communication Systems covers use of this website, its online community and email. BPD will not monitor the website for compliance, but, if policy violations are reported, will consider appropriate responsive action including, but not limited to, limitation or elimination of Internet privileges. BPD reserves the right to modify the following policy at any time:

  • Members downloading information from the BPD website must assure that copyright ownership and reproduction rights are cleared before reproduction, retransmission or republication of that information. Materials that may be downloaded and copied for member use will be so indicated.
  • The BPD website, either through the online community or through email, may not be used to discuss or to post any material that in any way violates any state or federal law.
  • Transmission of copyrighted, libelous, slanderous, offensive, obscene, or defamatory words or materials is strictly prohibited.
  • Using the network to gain unauthorized access to the BPD computer system or network or attempting without authorization to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes, including creation of and/or running programs designed to identify security loopholes and/or decrypt intentionally secure data, is strictly prohibited.
  • Flaming, spamming, or any other inappropriate or illegal use of email functions of the site is strictly prohibited.