Real Estate Newsletter

No. 4/2010

(1 July – 31August 2010)

Laws and Regulations

Cadastre and real estate publicity related enactments

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 64 (published in Official Gazette no. 451/2010) amending and supplementing Law no. 7/1996 regarding cadastre and real estate publicity
This enactment sets forth a numerous substantial amendments to Law no. 7/1996, amongst which the following are to be noted:
(i) the cadastre process shall be performed on “cadastral districts” which are defined as being an area delimited by streets, rivers, railways, and which are comprised of one or several neighboring plots;
(ii) the National Registration Program of real estate assets shall be set up based on the multi annual plan set forth by the National Agency for cadastre and real estate publicity and approved by the Government;
(iii) if, when performing the technical cadastral process, the owner of an asset is not identified, but the possessor is known, its possession right over such assets shall be performed; for the real estate assets whose owners or possessors are not known, separate land books shall be opened bearing the mention “unidentified owner”;
(iv) the registration with the land book can also be performed automatically for each cadastral district, based on regulations approved by order of the director of the National Agency for cadastre and real estate publicity;
(v) the content of a land book and cadastral plan is proven by a copy of the land book excerpt, whereas the delimitation of two immovable is performed only with the copy of the cadastral plan;
(vi) if a real estate asset had been transcribed in another land book, the first land book shall be closed and shall not be reopened for new registrations;
(vii) until 31 December 2014, the holders of encumbrances registered under the transcription inscription registries shall request the opening of a land book and the renewal of encumbrances, subject to them not being rendered opposable;
(viii) the ownership right over constructions is registered with the land book based on the building permit and the reception minutes upon completion of construction works; for those constructions erected prior to the entry into force of Law no. 453/2001 amending and supplementing Constructions Law no.50/1991, the registration with the land book shall be performed based on the building permit and a certificate issued by the competent city hall;
(ix) ownership right over buildings can be performed on execution phases;
(x) ownership titles issued based on restitution laws (e.g., Land Law no. 18/1991) shall be performed automatically based on the parcel plan issued by the county commission having issued such title.
Forestry and agriculture related enactments
Order no. 904 (published in the Official Gazette no. 435/2010) approving the Procedure regarding the set up and authorization of forestry departments and their attributions, template of the set up and functioning documentation, as well as the content of the National registry of forestry managers and forestry departments
All permits, affidavits, endorsements which were issued based on Order no. 696/2008 having the same object as the aforementioned enactment shall be kept in full force.
Upon the entry into force of this enactment, Order no. 198/2009 approving the Procedure regarding the set up and authorization of forestry departments and their attributions, template of the set up and functioning documentation, as well as the content of the National registry of forestry managers and forestry department shall be repealed.
Law no. 160 (published in the Official Gazette no. 497/2010) amending article 23 of Law no. 1/2000 regarding the restitution of ownership right over agricultural and forestry lands
By this enactment, a new point shall be added to article 23 of Law 1/2000 stating that the administrative units having held ownership right over agricultural lands prior to the year 1945, can request the restitution over such lands within 60 days as of the entry into force of the above enactment.
Law no. 170 (published in the Official Gazette no. 507/2010) supplementing article 45 of Law no. 7/1996 of cadastre and real estate publicity and amending article 10 of Housing Law no. 114/1996
The cessation of the common use of the common parts within a multi storey building can occur, by grounded consent of two thirds of the co-owners. In such case, the transfer or mortgage of such common parts could be performed only under the existence of a majority of two thirds of the co owners.
Amended article 10 of Housing Law provides that dwellings and individual units can be transferred and acquired by authenticated deeds, subject to the absolute nullity thereupon. The proof over the ownership right of such assets shall be done by ownership titles and land book excerpts for information purposes.
Law no. 830 (published in Official Gazette no. 513/2010) establishing and punishing forestry minor offences
The aforementioned enactment sets forth the concept of “forestry minor offence” which is to be sanctioned either with fine or with the retention or confiscation of goods either used or resulted from a forestry minor offence.
Amongst the forestry minor offences, Law 830 provides the un continuous insurance of forestry services by forestry owners through authorized forestry departments, as well as the omission to submit to the competent authorities the forestry service agreement concluded with forestry owners.
The amount of the fine to be applied in case of forestry minor offences shall be 5 times higher in case of legal persons.
In addition, the category of the persons entitled to decide and punish forestry minor offence comprises both personnel from the forestry central/local departments and police agents from the Romanian Police.
Order no. 1221 (published in the Official Gazette no. 608/2010) approving the Regulations regarding the assignment of the administration right for the cynegetic fauna
By this order the Regulation regarding the assignment of the administration right for the cynegetic fauna, attached as an annex to the order, is approved taking into considerations the provisions of law no. 407/2006 on hunting and cynegetic fund protection.
Upon the entry into force of this enactment, Order no. 218/2009 approving the Regulations regarding the assignment of the administration right for the cynegetic fauna shall be repealed.
Expected enactments
Legislative project for the modification of article 32 of Land law no. 18/1991
The project aims to modify the provisions of article 32 paragraph 1 of the Land law no. 18/1991 in order for the 10 years term representing the duration during which it is forbidden to alienate lands over which the ownership right was established considering the provisions of article 19 paragraph 1, article 21 and article 43 of this law to be computed as of the date the ownership endorsements were issued. .
Legislative proposal for the modification and completion of article 2 of Law no. 247/2005 regarding the property and justice reform, as well as similar measurements
The initiators consider that the modification of article 2 paragraph 2 from Title X of Law 247/2005 is necessary in order to introduce the legal operations of transmitting in rem rights over lands with or without constructions, regardless of their destination or area, under the provisions of the law requesting conclusion of such deeds in a notarized form under the sanction of absolute nullity.
It is also envisioned to complete article 2 with a new paragraph to state that the establishment or transfer of the dismemberments of the ownership right over the lands subject matter of the regulation, that were not concluded in an authentic form before the entry into force of this provisions, to be considered valid. /

Noutati din domeniul dreptului imobiliar

Nr. 4/2010

(1 iulie – 31 august 2010)

Legi şi alte acte normative
Acte normative privitoare la cadastru si publicitatea imobiliara
Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 64 (publicata in Monitorul Oficial nr. 451/2010) pentru modificarea si competarea Legii cadastrului si publicitatii imobiliare nr. 7/1996
Acest act normativ introduce o serie de amendamente substantiale ale Legii 7/1996, dintre care urmatoarele sunt de observat:
(i) procedura cadastrului va fi realizata in considerarea unor „sectoare cadastrale”, care sunt definite ca suprafete delimitate de strazi, ape, cai ferate si care sunt formate din loturi invecinate:
(ii) se va contstitui Programul national al bunurilor imobiliare pe baza planului multianual realizat de Agentia Nationala de cadastru si publicitate imobiliara aprobat de Guvern;
(iii) daca, pe parcursul operatiunilor cadastrale, proprietarul unui imobil nu este identificat, dar posesorul este cunoscut, posesia sa se va inregistra; pentru imobilele ai caror proprietari si posesori nu pot fi identificati, se vor deschise carti funciare noi care vor purta mentiunea „proprietar necunoscut”;
(iv) inscrierile in cartea funciara pot fi realizate din oficiu, pentru fiecare sector cadastral, pe baza regulamentului aprobat prin ordin al directorului Agentiei Nationale de cadastru si carte funciara;
(v) continutul cartii funciare si al planului parcelar se va dovedi cu o copie a extrasului de carte funciara, in vreme ce delimitarea a doua imobile este dovedita numai cu o copie a planului cadastral;
(vi) daca un imobil a fost transcris intr-o alta carte funciara, prima carte funciara va fi inchisa si nu se va redeschide pentru noi inscrieri;
(vii) până la data de 31 decembrie 2014, titularii sarcinilor înscrise în registrele de transcripţiuni-inscripţiuni vor solicita deschiderea cărţilor funciare pentru imobilele în cauză şi reînnoirea sarcinilor, cu scutire de la plata tarifelor, sub sancţiunea inopozabilităţii;
(viii) dreptul de proprietate asupra unei constructii este inregistrat in cartea funciara pe baza autorizatiei de construire si a procesului verbal de receptie finala la terminarea lucrarilor; pentru acele constructii care au fost realizate anterior intrarii in vigoare a Legii nr. 453/2001 pentru modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 50/1991 privind procedura autorizarii lucrarilor de construire, inregistrarea lor in cartea funciara se va face pe baza autorizatiei de construire si a unui certificat emis de primaria competenta;
(ix) dreptul de proprietate asupra constructiilor poate fi inregistrat si pe faze de executie;
(x) titlurile de proprietate emise in baza legilor de restituire (e.g., Legea fondului funciar nr. 18/1991) se vor inscrie din oficiu in cartea funciara, in baza planului parcelar eliberat de comisia judeteana care a emis acel titlu.
Acte normative din domeniul forestier si agricol
Ordin nr. 904 (publicat in Monitorul Oficial nr. 435/2010) pentru aprobarea Procedurii privind constituirea si autorizarea ocoalelor silvice si atributiile acestora, modelul documentatiilor de constituire si functionare, precum si continutul Registrului national al administratorilor de paduri si al ocoalelor silvice
Toate avizele, autorizatiile, permise care au fost emise in baza Ordinului nr. 696/2008 avand acelasi obiect ca actul normativ sus mentionat isi vor mentine valabilitatea.
La data intrarii in vigoare a acestui act normativ, Ordinul nr. 198/2009 aproband Procedura privind constituirea si autorizarea ocoalelor silvice si atributiile acestora, modelul documentatiilor de constituire si functionare, precum si continutul Registrului national al administratorilor de paduri si al ocoalelor silvice va fi abrogat.
Law nr. 160 (publicat in Monitorul Oficial nr. 497/2010) pentru modificarea articolului 23 din Legea 1/2000 privind reconstituirea dreptului de proprietate asupra terenurilor agricole si forestiere
Prin acest act normativ, un nou alineat se va adauga la articolul 23 din Legea 1/2000 care prevede ca unitatile administrativ teritoriale care au detinut in proprietate terenuri agricole inainte de anul 1945, pot solicita restituirea acestor terenuri, in termen de 60 zile de la data intrarii in vigoare a acestui act normativ.
Legea nr. 170 (publicata in Monitorul Oficial nr. 507/2010) pentru completarea articolului 45 din Legea cadastrului si a publicitatii imobiliare nr. 7/1996 si pentru modificarea articolului 10 din Legea locuintei nr. 114/1996
Incetarea folosintei comune a spatiilor comune dintr-o cladire cu multe etaje se poate realiza prin acordul unei majoritati de doua treimi din numarul coproprietarilor. In acest caz, instrainarea sau ipotecarea acestor spatii comune poate fi realizata numai cu majoritatea a doua treimi din numarul coproprietarilor.
Articolul 10 modificat din Legea locuintei prevede ca locuintele si unitatile individuale se vor transfera si vor fi achizitionate prin acte autentice, sub sanctiunea nulitatii absolute. Dovada dreptului de proprietate asupra acestora se va face cu documentele de proprietate si extrasul de carte funciara pentru autentificare.
Legea nr. 830 (publicata in Monitorul Oficial nr. 513/2010) pentru stabilirea si sanctionarea contraventiilor
Actul normativ sus mentionat pune in lumina conceptul de “contraventie silvica” care se va sanctiona fie cu amenda, fie cu retinerea sau confiscarea bunurilor folosite sau rezultate din contraventia silvica.
Printre contraventiile silvice, Legea 830 prevede neasigurarea continua a adminstrarii sau serviciilor silvice de catre proprietarii de paduri prin ocoalele silvice, precum si omisiunea de a depune la autoritatile competente contractul de administrare de servicii silvice incheiat cu proprietarii de paduri.
Cuantumul amenzii care se aplica contraventiilor silvice va fi de 5 ori mai mare in cazul persoanelor juridice.
In plus, in categoria persoanelor indreptatite sa stabileasca si sanctioneze contraventii silvice se numara atat personalul din cadrul departamentelor silvice locale/centrale, precum si agenti de politie din cadrul Politiei romane.
Ordin nr. 1221 (publicat in Monitorul Oficial nr. 608/2010) pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind atribuirea dreptului de gestionare a faunei cinegetice
Prin acest ordin se aproba Regulamentul privind atribuirea dreptului de gestionare a faunei cinegetice, prevazut in anexa ordinului, tinand cont de prevederile legii vanatorii si a protectiei fondului cinegetic nr. 407/2006.
La data intrarii in vigoare a acestui act normativ, Ordinul nr. 218/2008 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind atribuirea dreptului de gestionare a faunei cinegetice va fi abrogat.
Proiecte legislative
Propunere legislativa pentru modificarea articolului 32 din Legea fondului funciar nr. 18/1991
Proiectul propune modificarea prevederilor articolului 32 alineatul 1 din Legea fondului funciar nr. 18/1991, in sensul calcularii termenului de 10 ani ce constituie durata interdictiei de instrainare a terenurilor atribuite potrivit prevederilor art. 19 (1), art. 21 si art. 43 din aceasta lege, de la data emiterii adeverintelor de proprietate.
Propunere legislativa pentru modificarea şi completarea articolului 2 din Legea nr.247/2005 privind reforma in domeniile proprietaţii şi justiţiei, precum şi unele măsuri adiacente
Initiatorii apreciaza ca fiind necesara modificarea art. 2 (2) din Titlul X al Legii 247/2005, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, in sensul introducerii operatiunii juridice de transmitere a drepturilor reale asupra terenurilor cu sau fara constructii, indiferent de destinatia sau de intinderea acestora, in continutul normei ce prevede obligativitatea formei autentice sub sanctiunea nulitatii absolute.
Totodata se propune completarea art. 2 cu un nou alineat prin care constituirea sau transmiterea dezmembramintelor dreptului de proprietate asupra terenurilor ce fac obiectul reglementarii, efectuate prin acte juridice intre vii care nu au fost incheiate in forma autentica, inaintea intrarii in vigoare a acestei legi sunt recunoscute ex lege ca fiind valabile.