Ratio and Percent Project

Beginning the Project

Your world is spinning. You are screaming. And you love every minute of it! Even though you are scared, you know that you will come to a safe stop at the end of the ride.

Clearly a successful amusement park attract must be fun and safe. Planners of amusement parks use a lot of math to create thrills but avoid any spills.

In this project, you will decide which rides are likely to be most popular. You final product will be recommendation about which rides to include in a proposed amusement park for your town.


Activity 1: Surveying

Design and conduct a survey to find out which amusement park rides are most popular. Make certain the survey is fair so that the results are accurate and useful. Keep track of the results and the number of people you survey.

Activity 2: Organizing

Create a chart to display the results from the survey in Activity 1. Organizing your data will help you to analyze your results.

Your chart should include a column for the type of ride and the number of people who choose it as their favorite. Include as many rows as types of rides mentioned in the survey. Label the last row “Total.” For example:

Type of Ride / Number of People
Roller Coaster / 12
Merry-Go-Round / 22
Total / 34

Activity 3: Calculating

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the ratios of the number of people who prefer each ride to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each ratio. Express the ratio in three different ways.

Type of Ride / Number of People / Ratio
Roller Coaster / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35
Merry-Go-Round / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65
Total / 34

Activity 4: Researching

Use the data from your chart and order the ratios, either in fractional form or decimal form, in order from least to greatest.

Which ride is the most popular?

Find the number of students in your school. Assuming that all the students in your school, visit the park, predict using proportions, how many students would choose each ride as their favorite.

Activity 5: Calculating Percents

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the percent of people who prefer each ride to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each percent.

Type of Ride / Number of People / Ratio / Percent
Roller Coaster / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35 / 35%
Merry-Go-Round / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65 / 65%
Total / 34

Activity 6: Circle Graph

Go to http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ and complete a circle graph with you data.

Finishing the project

Pretend that your town has limited amount of space for rides in a proposed amusement park. Which rides would you recommend they include. Explain your reasoning and present your findings in an organized display.

Reflect and Revise

Together, check that the survey questions, chart, and explanations are clear and accurate. Revise your work as needed.

Ratio and Percent Project

Beginning the Project

It’s finally the weekend and you cannot wait to go to the movies with your friends. So many movies to choose from do you want to see a scary movie, a comedy, or a drama movie?

Clearly a successful has to be one that entertains you and keeps you interested as you watch. In this project, you will decide what movie are the most popular. You final product will be recommendation for the playlist of movies at your local theater.


Activity 1: Surveying

Design and conduct a survey to find out movies are most popular. Make certain the survey is fair so that the results are accurate and useful. Keep track of the results and the number of people you survey.

Activity 2: Organizing

Create a chart to display the results from the survey in Activity 1. Organizing your data will help you to analyze your results.

Your chart should include a column for the movie title and the number of people who choose it as their favorite. Include as many rows as movies mentioned in the survey. Label the last row “Total.” For example:

Movie / Number of People
Twilight / 12
Harry Potter / 22
Total / 34

Activity 3: Calculating

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the ratios of the number of people who prefer each ride to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each ratio. Express the ratio in three different ways.

Movie / Number of People / Ratio
Twilight / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35
Harry Potter / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65
Total / 34

Activity 4: Researching

Use the data from your chart and order the ratios, either in fractional form or decimal form, in order from least to greatest.

Which movie is the most popular?

Find the number of students in your school. Assuming that all the students in your school, go to the movies, predict using proportions, how many students would choose each movie.

Activity 5: Calculating Percents

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the percent of people who prefer each movie to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each percent.

Movie / Number of People / Ratio / Percent
Twilight / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35 / 35%
Harry Potter / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65 / 65%
Total / 34

Activity 6: Circle Graph

Go to http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ and complete a circle graph with you data.

Finishing the project

Pretend that your town movie theater is letting you pick the movie playlist. Which movies would you recommend they include. Explain your reasoning and present your findings in an organized display.

Reflect and Revise

Together, check that the survey questions, chart, and explanations are clear and accurate. Revise your work as needed.

Ratio and Percent Project

Beginning the Project

Your stomach is growling. You are starving. Dinner time cannot come fast enough! But where to eat?

Do you want seafood, fast food, steak, Chinese, Mexican, or home cooking?

In this project, you will decide what type of food is most popular. You final product will be recommendation about what type of food a new restaurant to have.


Activity 1: Surveying

Design and conduct a survey to find out which kind of food is most popular. Make certain the survey is fair so that the results are accurate and useful. Keep track of the results and the number of people you survey.

Activity 2: Organizing

Create a chart to display the results from the survey in Activity 1. Organizing your data will help you to analyze your results.

Your chart should include a column for the type of food and the number of people who choose it as their favorite. Include as many rows as types of food mentioned in the survey. Label the last row “Total.” For example:

Type of Food / Number of People
Fast Food / 12
Chinese / 22
Total / 34

Activity 3: Calculating

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the ratios of the number of people who prefer each type of food to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each ratio. Express the ratio in three different ways.

Type of Food / Number of People / Ratio
Fast Food / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35
Chinese / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65
Total / 34

Activity 4: Researching

Use the data from your chart and order the ratios, either in fractional form or decimal form, in order from least to greatest.

Which type of food is the most popular?

Find the number of students in your school. Assuming that all the students in your school are hungry, predict using proportions, how many students would choose each type of food as their favorite.

Activity 5: Calculating Percents

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the percent of people who prefer each type of food to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each percent.

Type of Food / Number of People / Ratio / Percent
Fast Food / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35 / 35%
Chinese / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65 / 65%
Total / 34

Activity 6: Circle Graph

Go to http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ and complete a circle graph with you data.

Finishing the project

Pretend that your town has a spot to build a new restaurant. Which type of food would you recommend they cook. Explain your reasoning and present your findings in an organized display.

Reflect and Revise

Together, check that the survey questions, chart, and explanations are clear and accurate. Revise your work as needed.

Ratio and Percent Project

Beginning the Project

Your singing to the top of your lungs! Dancing and having so much fun! Not missing a single word in the song.

Clearly a successful song is catchy and has a good beat.

In this project, you will decide which songs are most popular. You final product will be recommendation about which songs to include on the playlist for the next dance.


Activity 1: Surveying

Design and conduct a survey to find out which songs are most popular. Make certain the survey is fair so that the results are accurate and useful. Keep track of the results and the number of people you survey.

Activity 2: Organizing

Create a chart to display the results from the survey in Activity 1. Organizing your data will help you to analyze your results.

Your chart should include a column for the name of the song and the number of people who choose it as their favorite. Include as many rows as songs mentioned in the survey. Label the last row “Total.” For example:

Name of Song / Number of People
Red Solo Cup / 12
Good Feeling / 22
Total / 34

Activity 3: Calculating

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the ratios of the number of people who prefer each song to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each ratio. Express the ratio in three different ways.

Name of Song / Number of People / Ratio
Red Solo Cup / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35
Good Feeling / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65
Total / 34

Activity 4: Researching

Use the data from your chart and order the ratios, either in fractional form or decimal form, in order from least to greatest.

Which ride is the most popular?

Find the number of students in your school. Assuming that all the students in your school, were asked, predict using proportions, how many students would choose each song as their favorite.

Activity 5: Calculating Percents

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the percent of people who prefer each song to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each percent.

Name of Song / Number of People / Ratio / Percent
Red Solo Cup / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35 / 35%
Good Feeling / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65 / 65%
Total / 34

Activity 6: Circle Graph

Go to http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ and complete a circle graph with you data.

Finishing the project

Pretend that school asked for a list of songs for the school DJ to play at the school dance. Which songs would you recommend they include. Explain your reasoning and present your findings in an organized display.

Reflect and Revise

Together, check that the survey questions, chart, and explanations are clear and accurate. Revise your work as needed.

Ratio and Percent Project

Beginning the Project

School is finally over! It’s time to sit down and relax and watch some TV! So many shows on what are you going to watch?

Clearly a successful show must be entertaining and interesting.

In this project, you will decide what shows are most popular. You final product will be recommendation about which shows to include in list to be played in the lunch room.


Activity 1: Surveying

Design and conduct a survey to find out which shows are most popular. Make certain the survey is fair so that the results are accurate and useful. Keep track of the results and the number of people you survey.

Activity 2: Organizing

Create a chart to display the results from the survey in Activity 1. Organizing your data will help you to analyze your results.

Your chart should include a column for the show and the number of people who choose it as their favorite. Include as many rows as shows mentioned in the survey. Label the last row “Total.” For example:

Name of Show / Number of People
Spongebob / 12
Shake it Up / 22
Total / 34

Activity 3: Calculating

Use the results of your survey and your chart from Activity 2 to determine the ratios of the number of people who prefer each show to the total number of people surveyed. Add another column to your chart to display each ratio. Express the ratio in three different ways.

Show / Number of People / Ratio
Spongebob / 12 / 12 : 34 or or 0.35
Merry-Go-Round / 22 / 22 : 34 or or 0.65
Total / 34

Activity 4: Researching