Sussex Nomads Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting
Monday 6th November 2017
- Welcome and apologies for any absence reports received.
- Approvalof the minutes fromthe 2016AGM
- Reports on 2016/2017 activity
- Committee Round Table Introductions, Who are we?
- Membership Update – Derek
- Treasurer Financial Update – Yuriy
- Time Trial Report - Adrian
- Club Kit – Old & New – Adrian
- Hill Climb Report – Alex
- Agenda Items from Club Members
a)Club runs – Several members have provided feedback to say that club runs still need more discipline, that the speeds advertised on the website are not stuck to and that new routes should be produced to ensure we’re not always riding out in the same directions.
b)Website – This was launched earlier this year, does anyone have any feedback?
c)Annual SNCC Members Survey to be launched. On the back of last year’s survey, there is a proposal to use surveys to drive change and decision making within the club e.g. to decide what to spend surplus funds on, to drive change to club kit etc.
d)Social events – More of these? Should we have a ‘Social Secretary’ on the committee to specifically find and organise events?
e)Training & Coaching – As the Club has grown should we send volunteers onto British Cycling Official Coaching / Ride Leader Courses with regards to road safety and building club riders’ confidence.Is there an interest from regular club riders for doing this?
f)SNCC Club Kit – Several members have suggested a re-design and update of the club kit. What is required here? Who would drive it? Who would design it?
- Election of committee members for the period 2017/18
General Secretary
Membership Secretary
Women’s Ambassador
Race/TT/Hill Climb Secretary
Clothing SNCC Kit Secretary
Social Media Secretary
Club Run Secretary
6. AOB