PRESENT:– Cllr A Lord (Mayor) (In the Chair), Cllr J Wilding (Deputy Mayor), Cllr N K Bally, Cllr A Bufton, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Lilly, Cllr R Reid, Cllr Pip Turner, Cllr W Powell (Town & Powys County Councillor)
APOLOGIES: Cllr Z Argent, Cllr J Hopkins,
IN ATTENDANCE: Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service -
Craig Flannery, Deputy County Commander (South Powys)
Robert Williams, Watch Manager, Talgarth Fire Station
Town Clerk - Mrs Josephine Rumsey
15/33 VISIT BY CRAIG FLANNERY MCIPD, FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE – Cllr A Lord, Mayor, welcomed Craig Flannery, Powys Deputy County Commander South Powys, who had come specifically to talk around the current situation in relation to Talgarth’s Fire Station which is running on less than 75% manpower. Mr Flannery introduced local Fireman Watch Manager, Robert Williams who has served 35 year’s service and also spoke of another local Fireman, Bryan Davies who has served 32 year’s service and explained that he was looking at succession planning and any ways of advertising to recruit personnel for the Talgarth Fire Station.
It was suggested to advertise at the Flix in the Stix events and also in the Town Council Newsletter.
15/34 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr A Bufton declared an interest when Planning Application 15/11767 re Ty Pryor, Regent St, Talgarth, was considered.
15/35 MINUTES: Meeting 14 January 2015 - Previously circulated to all Councillors, Cllr A Lord, Mayor, sought their adoption. Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, that the minutes of 14 January 2015 be signed as a correct record.
Lack of Health Care and Facilities in Powys – Received copy letter dated 15 Jan from Pamela Coutts (Parent of Nia Davies) Welshpool, to Mark Drakesford, Minister for Health, Welsh Assembly Government, expressing her concerns regarding the dire lack of facilities for children with special needs in Powys.She stated that her daughter is not the only autistic child in Powys but would be grateful if the Town Council would take the time to read her letter, make comments and give any support to this appalling situation for every child/adult with learning disabilities and mental health issues in Powys. Noted Town Clerk has acknowledged the letter and asked Mrs Coutts to let us have copy of Mark Drakesford’s reply. Also asked Mrs Coutts to forward a copy of her letter to the Brecknock & Radnor Powys Community Health Council, for their information.
(a) Planning Application – 14/11729/LBC – “Proposed replacement of windows with timber slim double-glazed windows” – Great Porthamel, Talgarth LD3 0DL.Existing masonary wall to riverside curtilage of the property to be raised approximately 0.94m in like style and materials” – Town Council comments – Agreed to respond stating that whilst the Town Council would broadly welcome and support applications to improve and restore the Grade II listed farmhouse it was felt that this application should be viewed in the broader context of the extant S106 agreement. In the agreement's schedule at 2.1 it clearly states that a full survey and conservation plan should be carried out before the commencement of any works and this we are led to understand is to ensure that the works are prioritised and carried out using the correct materials and methods. Until such a conservation plan is drawn up the Town Council feels that this application is perhaps premature.
(b) Planning Application – 14/11728/CON – “Variation of Condition 2 of 12/08032/LBC to allow concrete-based mortar to be used instead of lime-based mortar.” Great Porthamel, Talgarth – Town Council comments - Agreed not to support this application. It was felt that on a Grade II listed building of this importance that the cement pointing should be removed and replaced using the correct lime mortar.
(c) Planning Application – 15/11744/TRCA – Crown prune one copper beech tree overhanging main road to Church and to farm traffic to Llanelieu and Ffostill”- Address: Hendre, Church St, Talgarth – Town Council comments – Proposed by Cllr P Turner and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour, to support this Planning Application.
(d) Planning Application – 14/11770/FUL – “Pair of semi detached houses on building plot to the rear of 20 Bronant Talgarth” – Address: Coed Duon, 20 Bronant, Talgarth – Town Council comments – Agreed to respond expressing observations:
· that the access road to this property is extremely narrow and used by many children to access the playground by the King George playing fields.
· the property is on the edge of if not in the C2 flood zone as shown on the Talgarth map in the document L-S-SD-6 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.pdf produced by the BBNPA and as such is at risk.
· this site is adjacent to the River Ennig and in the past there have been issues with encroachment on the river bank from properties in Bronnant. This is of particular concern during instances of high river levels during flood. It should be stressed that the river bank must be left as it is.
(e) Planning Application – 15/11767/FUL – “Proposed replacement of extension and balcony with two-storey extension – Address: Ty Pryor, Regent Street, Talgarth – Town Council comments – Agreed to support this Planning Application.
(f) Brecknock Wildlife Trust Re Planning Application for a micro-hydro scheme at BWT Pwll-y-Wrach nature reserve – Public meeting – Cllr A Lord, Mayor reported that he had spoken to Phil Sutton, Brecknock Wildlife Trust, who is going to arrange a date for a Public Meeting in the Town Hall as soon as possible.
(g) BBNPA – Future Visit to Town & Community Councils by John Cook, Chief Executive/Chris Morgan, Head of Planning – Cllr A Lord, Mayor agreed to invite John Cook, Chief Executive and Chris Morgan, Head of Planning together with local BBNPA Members Alan Lovell, Chris Davies and Geraint Hopkins and County Councillors to a Special meeting of the Town Council soon.
(h) BBNPA - Local Development Plan (LDP) (Adopted December 2013) - Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes - consultation for a period of 8 weeks running from Wednesday 24th December 2014 until Thursday 19th February 2015 –Agreed to accept Draft response prepared by Cllr A Lord, Mayor, and circulated in advance of the meeting, stating
“Movement Access and Parking - Further traffic calming will need to be carried out on the A4078 between the Hay Road Junction and the junction between the A479, Bronllys road. Although this section of road is currently designated a 30 MPH zone it is a limit that is rarely observed. Dangerous overtaking manoeuvres have also been observed on this section of road in the Talgarth to Hay direction. Impatient drivers immediately attempt to overtake when still in the 30MPH limit but have passed the last centre refuge. This risks a head on collision with traffic turning left out of Hay road.
When the new school is built there will be a considerable number of children crossing this road daily. Talgarth Town council would like to suggest the creation of a new roundabout at the junction of Hay Road and the A4078. This would slow down the traffic approaching from Three Cocks direction and would stop dangerous overtaking on leaving Talgarth.
The junction of the A4078 and A479 would also benefit from a review and possibly the construction of a pedestrian refuge mid junction. We do realise however that this may need the cooperation of the Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency.”
Noted Cllr A Lord, Mayor, had forwarded information of the Consultation to GP Biotec as some parts would be of relevance to them eg The section 4.8 and he advised them to read it very carefully as it may affect future planning applications for the AD plant.
Noted letter dated 2 Feb received from BBNPA stating the Stakeholder Panel meeting will be held on Wed 11th Feb 10am in the Conference Room at the BBNPA Offices, Brecon and to confirm anyone attending by 9am Mon 9th Feb.
(i) BBNPA – Local List Criteria – No new update.
(j) BBNPA Public Speaking Scheme – Received below the link to BBNPA public speaking scheme. Please note there are now changes to the way in which Members of the Public / Agents / Applicants etc can apply to speak at Committee.
Please be aware that the deadline for submitting an application to speak at PAROW Committee has now been brought forward by 24 hours to 10am on Thursday prior to PAROW Committee.
(k) Melin Homes/Proposed Churchfields development – On 30 Jan serious expressions of concern were received from Paul Jones, 5 Churchfields and Douglas Lee, 2 Churchfields regarding to the notification they had received on 29 Jan from TR33 Ltd, who are acting on behalf of Melin homes, informing the residents that they are planning on undertaking a “scrub clearance” exercise of the Churchfields development site on Tuesday 3rd February, where an EPS (European Protected Species) has been found in the adjoining hedgerows to the site.
Town Clerk wrote to NRW with concerns and asked for clarification on this matter.
Response received from Jonathan Saville,NRW, stating that he does cover the Talgarth area for NRW duties, but he does not have had any direct involvement in this case and do not have direct access to the key details (including the licence itself) and offered, if we wish to see the conditions of the relevant species licence, he can forward our request to NRW species licensing colleagues.
Cllr A Lord, Mayor responded and pointed out that a wildlife crime will only be committed when the bulldozer actually destroys the dormouse habitat and strongly suspects that any action would be too late under those circumstances.
At 9.30am on Mon 2nd Feb, Paul Evans, Churchfields, informed the Town Clerk that TR33 / Melin Homes have arrived at the Churchfields site with a flatbed TR33 truck and workers. Cllr A Lord visited the Churchfields development site at approx. 11am and reported back that the company Tr33 are clearing the main area with strimmers. No heavy machinery as yet. They are well away from the dormouse hedge. Cllr Lord felt they are preparing an area to put materials and probably equipment.
Cllr Lord telephoned Enforcement at the BBNPA and was told that if we wish to register a breach it has to be in writing.
Cllr N Bally suggested contacting Powys drainage and Highways to ask if they have sent their responses to BBNPA in regard to the last consultation which was focused on land drainage , sewage and highway issues.
(l) Powys Local Development Plan 2011- 2026 - Update at January 2015 – Note the latest position with the preparation of the Powys Local Development (LDP).The Deposit LDP was published for public consultation from the 28th July to the 8th September 2014 and 670 comments or representations were received in response to the consultation.
The representation received from Welsh Government advised the Council that further supporting evidence should have been available to support the LDP at the time of the deposit consultation. Without this in place, Welsh Government advised that there may be a risk that the LDP might be found unsound at examination or additional work would be required at that point. Having discussed and considered Welsh Government’s comments, the Council is in the process of ensuring that the supporting evidence is available with a view to repeating the deposit consultation in mid-2015. A revised LDP preparation timetable will be prepared in early 2015 through a revised Delivery Agreement.The representations that were received on the Deposit LDP, 2014 can be viewed on-line through the ref points in each of the consultation documents found on the following webpage.
It is not PCC’s intention to consider and formally respond to individual representations but regard will be had to them in preparing supporting evidence and the revised Deposit Plan.Please note that the representations received on the Deposit LDP 2014 will not automatically be carried forward when the revised Deposit Plan is published for consultation. Further guidance on this will be provided at the revised Deposit stage.Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact
15/38 VERBAL REPORTS – COUNTY CLLR WILLIAM POWELL AM – Cllr W Powell circulated an update in advance of the meeting, stating the most recent Powys County Council Cabinet considered key issues of local importance, including the proposals for the 2014/15 budget and council tax, together with the Price Waterhouse Coopers’ report on the sustainability of secondary schools in the County. He attached a copy of the minutes of that meeting, for colleagues’ interest. The budget and council tax will be decided at next week’s Full Council – and given the new alliance between the various ‘independent’ groups within the Council, it is safe to assume that it will be adopted as presented to Cabinet.
As he mentioned in his report to last month’s Town Council meeting, he and Cllr John Hopkins attended a very useful meeting on Flood Alleviation on Wed 6th Jan, which included representatives of PCC Flood Alleviation team, Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water and key local stakeholders. A wide range of topics was covered – and, as promised last month, he has since circulated the minutes.