Version Oct 22, 2008 .doc

Template and Information Regarding County FacultyAnnual 2008 ROA and 2009 POW

Please utilize your most recent promotion packet or ROA written in PS&P format to begin this process or start with a new document (new faculty)

-All main text and text from previous year(s) must be in black (accumulation of this will help faculty to complete their next promotion packet easier).

- Do not change any numbering or format of tables as they match the current PS &P packet formats, these may change if the UF Board of Trustees approves a change.

-All information added/modified to your “current ROA” (for calendar year 2008) must be in blue

-All information added/modified to your “next POW” (for calendar year 2009) must be in red

  1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF JOB DUTIES - This should be a brief description of the assigned duties and responsibilities of the nominee (about 150 words).

Specific duties by percentage (use same titles of Extension Program found in Section 23.)

  1. Program titleX %
  2. Program titleX%
  3. Program titleX%
  4. 4-H and (if non-4-H faculty) Other Extension ActivitiesX%


  1. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION - Self-explanatory(1 to 2 lines).
  2. ASSIGNED ACTIVITY SINCE LAST PROMOTION (NOT TO EXCEED TEN YEARS), OR SINCE UF EMPLOYMENT, whichever is more recent - Please list the assigned activity while employed at the University of Florida beginning with 2008 and working backwards. For purposes of tenure and promotion, an academic year is from August to August. Percent of effort should be listed in Teaching, Research, Service, and Extension and should be summarized by academic year as below. (replace the data in this table with your information if different and insert or delete columns if needed)

2008-09 / 2007-08 / 2006-07 / 2005-06 / 2004-05 / 2003-04
Teaching / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Research / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Service / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Extension / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100%
TOTAL / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100%
  1. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND - List all degrees awarded, beginning with the highest degree. All entries must include the university/college attended, field of study, degree and date awarded. (replace the data in this table with your information)

Educational Background
University / Program Area / Degree / Year
University of Minnesota / Youth Development / PhD / 2000
University of Minnesota / Counseling / MS / 1998
Cornell University / Education / BS / 1996
  1. EMPLOYMENT (Employment should be listed in reverse chronological order with the University of Florida employment appearing first. Please show whether or not the position was permanent status or permanent status-accruing. (replace the data in this table with your information)

Employment Listing

University/ Organization / Title / Permanent
Status* / Year
UF/IFAS/Brevard County Extension / Extension Agent III / Yes / year – present
UF/IFAS/Brevard County Extension / Program Extension Agent II / accruing / Mn/Year –Mn/year
UF/IFAS/Brevard County Extension / Courtesy Extension Agent I / accruing / Mn/Year- Mn/year

*non-permanent status accruing (for the Program Extension Agents).


The university’s criteria for granting tenure, promotion, or permanent status shall be relevant to the performance of the work that the faculty member has been employed to do and to his/her performance of the duties and responsibilities expected of a member of the university community. These criteria recognize three broad categories of academic service as follows:

(A) Teaching – Instruction, including regular classroom teaching and distance/ executive/continuing education, direction of theses and dissertations, academic advisement, extension education programs, and all preparation for this work, including study to keep abreast of one’s field.

(B) Research – Research or other creative activity including peer-reviewed publications.

(C) Service – Public and professional.

Extension contributions in academic service may be inclusive of the three broad categories described above.

In most cases, tenure and promotion require distinction in at least two areas, one of which shall be that of the faculty member’s primary responsibility, and those areas should be teaching and research unless the faculty member or extension faculty member has an assignment that primarily reflects other responsibilities, such as the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Merit should be regarded as more important than variety of activity.


Faculty are expected to perform at an outstanding level in their assigned areas of responsibility with productivity that is proportional to their assignment. Regardless of the number of functional areas of assignment, it is expected that the faculty member will meet the professional responsibilities normally expected for service.

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (Teaching):

For faculty with a teaching assignment, evidence of distinction as an educator for that portion of FTE assigned to teaching is necessary. Distinction may be evidenced in a number of ways, including course and curriculum development and improvement, student and peer evaluations of instruction and advisement, and involvement in counseling students in programs of study and research including service on graduate committees and supervision of masters’ theses, doctoral dissertations and other student research. Other indicators of distinction include the development and use of innovative teaching methods, teaching contracts and grants, relevant publications, software and other creative activities (the scholarship of teaching), as well as teaching awards and the faculty member’s involvement in professional development opportunities designed to enhance teaching proficiency and service to students.

Florida Agricultural Experiment Station (Research):

For faculty with a research assignment, distinction in the scholarship of discovery, innovation and applications based research is necessary for tenure and/or promotion. There must be evidence of an organized, significant and long-term research program proportional to the percent of FTE assigned to research. Demonstration of competence in design, conduct and interpretation of original research must be documented. Research distinction may be evidenced by scholarly work published in refereed journals, development of or contributions to publications for use by producers and other clientele, and scholarly products and activities such as books, patents, cultivar releases, software and other creative works. Other indicators include extramural support, interdisciplinary or cooperative research efforts, and scholarly presentations at professional meetings and conferences. Service on graduate committees and supervision of masters' candidates and doctoral candidates to degree completion is required.

Florida Cooperative Extension Service (Extension):

For faculty with an extension assignment, effective contribution to the planned non-degree educational programs of UF/IFAS for that portion of FTE assigned to extension is necessary for promotion and tenure. Distinction in this area may be evidenced by effectiveness in obtaining, integrating and organizing educational resources into programs directed to meet the needs of extension clientele (general public, producers, industry groups, families, youth and other relevant audiences); the design and implementation of educational experiences (the scholarship of application) appropriate to priority needs identified; the packaging of research based information into program materials such as bulletins, fact sheets, newsletters, mass media messages, electronic publications, distance education, and public displays; and the development and utilization of result demonstrations and other teaching methods as a part of the educational process. Other indicators include participation in professional development and training opportunities to remain current with scientific and methodological developments, extramural funds received, and recognition by peers and clientele as a leader in the assigned areas of responsibility.

  4. GRADUATE COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES –NA (list if applicable)
  6. CREATIVE WORKS OR ACTIVITIES (should be educational productslisted in reversechronological order.Add current works in blue for ROA and addplanned works in red for POW when POW is required, and use the same logic for the rest of the document.If appropriate createa subheading forPowerPoint presentations– with the title ofInstructional Multi-Media Presentations. Do not list individually, but summarize for each year.Also if appropriate create subheadings for other creative works.

Instructional Multi-Media Presentations

2008 (Total 7) Instructional Multi-Media presentations on topics such as XXX, YYY and ZZZ, range of slides was 21 to 46.

Web based communication and teaching

Exhibits (includes displays and posters)

Plays and games,

CD-ROMs and software


  1. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS – none or appropriate information
  2. PUBLICATIONS(should be listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent publication and going backwards. The format of the citation is the nominee’s choice, but should contain the information requested below. Please include the names of all authors. The name(s) of the senior/principal author(s) is/are to be underlined. Program Assistants, Volunteer, Interns, etc. listed as authors should be identified with an * and an accompanying footnote. Non-English titles should be immediately followed by the English translation in parentheses. Includeall category headings a through k. If you have no entries for the category, put “none” after each. Indicate Totals for each category.Indicate at the beginning of the section if the nominee published under a different name.Add current 2008 publications in blue for ROA and addplanned 2009 publications in red for POW)
  1. Books, Sole Author (Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
  2. Books, Co-authored (Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date,

Inclusive Pages)

  1. Books, Edited (Editor, Co-editor(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date,

Inclusive Pages)

  1. Books, Contributor of Chapter(s) (Author, Co-author(s), Title of Book and Chapter,
    Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
  2. Monographs (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Series of Volume, is applicable, Publisher,
    Place of Publication, D ate, Inclusive Pages)
  3. Refereed Publications (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publication, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)
  4. Non-refereed Publications (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Bulletin, Circular, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)

(Most Extension publications go here. You can create sub-categories such as Fact Sheets, Trade Journal Articles, EDIS (indicate that EDIS pubs are peer-reviewed and give URL), Newsletter Edited, Newsletter Articles, Newspaper Articles, etc.)

  1. Bibliographies/Catalogs (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, if applicable, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
  2. Abstracts (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publications, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)
  3. Reviews (Author, Co-author(s), Title and Author of Work Reviewed, Where Review was Published, Date, Inclusive Pages)
  4. Miscellaneous (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Source of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)

(this is the appropriate category for news releases, brochures and fliers)

  1. LECTURES, SPEECHES OR POSTERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES/MEETINGS since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment , whichever is more recent
    This listing is to be in reverse chronological order. The entries must also tell if the contribution was a lecture or poster and if the lecture or speech was invited, contributed or selected. The list should include participation as an invited panelist, organizer or moderator. Professional meetings with mixed audiences (i.e., peers and clients) could be listed here.



Regional (i.e., Southeastern US)

State (EPAF presentations are selected, not invited)


  1. CONTRACTS AND GRANTS -since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment, whichever is more recent(Entries should be made in reversechronological order.(enter appropriate information in table). The nominee should indicate, wherever applicable, his or her specific share (%) of the total grant funding.
  1. Funded Externally

Years of Contract or Grant:

Contractor or Grantor:

Project Title:

Grant Amount:

PI, Co-PI or Investigator:

If Co-PI, Specific %:

Years of Contract or Grant:

Contractor or Grantor:

Project Title:

Current Year’s Amount:

PI, Co-PI or Investigator:

If Co-PI, Specific %:

Summary of External Grant Funding Received (current)
Summary of External Grant Funding

Role / Total / Direct Costs / Indirect Costs
Principal Investigator / $xx / $xxx / $xxx
Co-Principal Investigator / $xx / $xxx / $xx
Investigator / $xxx / $xxx / $xx
Sponsor of Junior Faculty / $xxx / $xx / $-
TOTALS / $ xxx / $xxxx / $xxxx
  1. Funded Internally.

Years of Contract or Grant:

Contractor or Grantor:

Project Title:

Grant Amount:

PI, Co-PI or Investigator:

If Co-PI, Specific %:

Years of Contract or Grant:

Contractor or Grantor:

Project Title:

Current Year’s Amount:

PI, Co-PI or Investigator:

If Co-PI, Specific %:

Summary of Internal Grant Funding (Current)

Role / Total
Principal Investigator / $xxx
Co-Principal Investigator / $xxx
Investigator / $xxx
Sponsor of Junior Faculty / $xxx
TOTALS / $ xxxx
  1. Submitted, Pending Decision.

Years of Contract or Grant / Contractor or Grantor / Project Title / PI, Co-PI, or Investigator / If Co-PI
Specific Responsibilities
  1. Submitted But Not Funded. Indicate resubmissions if any.

Years of Contract or Grant / Contractor or Grantor / Project Title / PI, Co-PI, or Investigator / If Co-PI
Specific Responsibilities
  1. In-kind Contributions Use this statement for volunteer hours:

“Calculation of economic value of trained volunteers’ contribution to extension programs: According to 2005 Florida data from the Independent Sector () the estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour is $16.07 (this includes estimated fringe benefits). In Extension, trained volunteers are contributing to Extension programs by dedicating their time, skills, talent, and expertise under supervision or guidance by faculty.”

(Additional subheadings, such asf.,g. etc. can be added if needed to reportmonetary donations, etc.)

  1. UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE - listed in reverse chronological order.

Years / Name of Activity, Committee, etc. / Your Role, e.g., member, chair, etc.
  1. CONSULTATIONS OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY – Use this section only for consultations for which you were paid other than your Extension salary.
  2. EDITOR OF A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL, SERVICE ON AN EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD OR REVIEWER FOR A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL –Pleaselist whether the nominee was an editor, served on an editorial advisory board, or was a reviewer, the name of the journal or publication, the date(s) of service and the amount of reviewing/editing done.
  3. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES - Please describe teaching, research, and extensionactivities and their significance for the nominee’s year
  4. EXTENSION PROGRAM - Delineate the major extension programs carried

Overall brief summary of your extension programs and include the role and activities of your advisory committee in this paragraph, Include the dates (at least two/year) of advisory committee meetings, rotation plan, geographical, socioeconomic and racial representation, officers, minutes sent to CED and DED (limited to 100 words or less).

Summary of Programs Table
(Days planned and days expended only for current ROA, do not accumulate for multiple years, do not include PA and volunteers)

Program title / Days Planned* / Days Expended**
IV. / 4-H and Other Extension Activities

*full time agents plan for 120 – 160 days

** range for full time employment is 210 – 240 days

(Days planned and days expended only for current ROA, do not accumulate for multiple years)

Program Details (see for suggestions how to complete this section.)

  1. Title for Program I


Situation statement: Identify issues and explain the need for your program, including rationale (justification for your program) (1/2 page length or less).

Target audience(s): List your target audiences of this program

Program Objectives
Two to Three objectives for each program (could be more); should be client-centered and SMMART. (See EDIS pub, “Writing SMMART Objectives” at explain how objectives will be measured (i.e., pre-post assessment, survey, etc.)

Educational Methods and Activities

Summarize your educational methods and activities; and include the following tables:

Table 1a. Group Teaching Events- Agent

[Use one table for each calendar year, current Years’ Group Events At Which You Taught (in Blue), make a separate table for PAs and Volunteers, include your workshops, field days, day camps, residential camps, Polycom workshops, etc.]

Type of Event/Topic / Number of Events / Number of Participants
………. / ……….

Table 1b. Group Learning Events- PAS)

[Use one table for each calendar year,current Years’ Group Events at Which PAstaught (in Blue),include workshops, field days, day camps, residential camps, Polycom workshops, etc.]

Type of Event/Topic / Number of Events / Number of Participants
………. / ……….

Table 1c. Group Learning Events-Volunteers)

[Use one table for each calendar year,current Years’ Group Events at Which Volunteers taught (in Blue),include workshops, field days, day camps, residential camps, Polycom workshops, etc.]

Type of Event/Topic / Number of Events / Number of Participants
………. / ……….

Table 2.“Workload Data”

(Use one table for each calendar year, Transfers your current years’ total numbers from “Workload” database, include PA and volunteers data to this table)

Yourtotal number of Educational Materials prepared this Year
Your Number of Clientele contacts:
field consultations
office consultations
telephone consultations
group learning participants
e-mail consultations

Table 3:Race and Ethnicity Data

(Only Current Year’s, include PA and volunteers, use to determine if parity is reached, do not accumulate for multiple years in this file, hard copy of previous years should be filed)

Race and Ethnicity / Projected
Target Audience
(from 2008 POW) / Audience Reached
in 2008 / Parity
(± 4%)
Number / % / Number / %
Pacific Islander
American Indian
Total / 100% / 100%
Male / % / %
Female / % / %
Unknown / % / %
Total / 100% / 100%

Outcomes and Impacts

State program outcomes or progress to date in meeting each of the stated objectives listed above. Also include Impacts and Success Stories for this program area (Current year in blue) (see

  1. Title for Program II



  2. SERVICE TO SCHOOLS – In 1984, the Legislature determined that service to the public schools (K-12) would be considered for permanent status and/or promotion purposes. Such service should be listed in this area.

Do not include 4-H Program activities here.


Association / Role (e.g., member, committee chair, elected office, etc.) / Years
  1. HONORS - Include date(s). Describe the organization issuing the award. Indicate the significant of the award.

Year / Organization / Award