Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council

held on 13th February 2017 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall

22/17 Present and Apologies
Cllr Pickering (AP) (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Burlton (KB), Cllr Mrs Baldock (SB), Cllr Mrs Mitchell (MM), Cllr Mrs Morgan (JM), Cllr Dr Taylor (RT) and Mrs S Wood (SW) (Clerk). Apologies were received from Cllr Audsley (Vice-chairman) (prior commitment) and PCSO Burden. The Community Warden attended and nine members of the public were present.
23/17 Declarations of Interest
Voluntary declaration: Cllrs Mrs Baldock and Cllr Mrs Morgan, planning application 16/01883/AS, as members of the Hall Management Committee.
24/17 Minutes of the meeting of 9th January 2017
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January be approved and confirmed as a true record.
25/17 Matters Arising
25/17-1 Christmas tree on the village green (04/17-7): Costs are £140 for a 12ft cut tree with stand or £250 for a 12 ft living tree with root ball. The latter was preferred for reasons of cost-effectiveness. Cllr Mrs Burlton offered funding by HHVEC subject to agreement at its next meeting. Residents will be consulted on the proposal via the Herald and at the Annual Parish Meeting.
25/17-2 Herald distribution (10/17): Merger with the church magazine will not go ahead because of the different character of the 2 publications. Printing costs from 3 commercial printers were circulated, Cllr Mrs Burlton will obtain a quote from the school.
25/17-3 Hopes Grove pond clearance (04/17-2): Cllr Mrs Morgan met David Hartley but no feedback has been received. The Clerk to follow-up.
25/17-4 Ditch clearance (04/17-8): Completed but water levels remain high in one corner of the field. Landscape Services have been asked to inspect and advise.
25/17-5 Litter picking (11/17): It has not yet been possible to contact Tracey Butler.
25/17-6 Dog foul bags (15/17): A supply is now in the shop; the school will do a poster for the shop window.
26/17 Open Session
The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow members of the public to raise items with the Council.
Mr Buggins asked for information on the proposed street name (31/17). The Chairman advised that Geoffrey Bishop had been an active and longstanding member of the community for many years.
The Chairman reconvened the meeting.
27/17 Planning application
16/01883/AS The Memorial Hall, Ashford Road, High Halden
Creation of a parking area/drop off zone and dropped kerbs
The Vice-chairman had commented on potential problems when vehicles are manoeuvring into spaces while visitors are being dropped off. Cllr Mrs Mitchell noted that current safety concerns would be addressed by the application. It was proposed that the application be supported.
That the application be supported.
Report of Planning Committee 13th February 2017
The following applications were supported:
16/01861/AS Rose View, Ashford Road, High Halden: Proposed replacement dwelling and detached garage
17/00041/AS Hales Place, Woodchurch Road, High Halden: Proposed crossover off highway to enter a new position on the site to serve buildings in grounds of Hales Place
There were no objections to the following applications:
17/00058/AS Agricultural Barn at Marten Farm, Martens Lane, High Halden
Prior approval for change of use from agricultural barn to one dwelling house and associated operational development
17/00078/AS Oaklands, Ashford Road, High Halden
Erection of a double garage within the front garden and conversion of existing integral garage to a bedroom and utility room
17/00187/AS Bridge Park, Shawlands Lane, High Halden: Proposed conversion of detached garage to form ancillary accommodation with new door on east elevation
17/00189/AS Lotland Farm, Biddenden Road, Tenterden : Replacement of existing residential mobile home with a detached residential property (revision to design on planning permission 16/00459/AS)
16/01636/AS Church View, Church Hill, High Halden: Removal &; reconstruction of wall between bedrooms, 2 &; 3 including re-siting doors
16/01768/AS Beulah, Harris Lane, High Halden: Two storey rear extension, insertion of 1No. first floor window on south elevation and 1No. to north elevation. Erection of detached garage
16/01795/AS 7 Little Robhurst, High Halden: Proposed first floor side extension above existing attached garage
Prior approval not required:
16/01743/AS Barn north west of 2 Coombe Cottages, Redbrook Street, High Halden: Prior approval for associated operational development in accordance with prior approval 16/00914/AS (Prior approval for the conversion of existing barn to form 1No. 2 bedroom dwelling)
16/01408/AS Field West of Old Place Cottage known as Oak Tree Field, Woodchurch Road, High Halden : Change of use for stationing of mobile home and hardcore, installation of septic tank/drainage; fencing
Proposed development not lawful:
Bridge Farm Barn, Cripple Hill, High Halden: Lawful development certificate - Proposed - Conversion of existing car barn to habitable space with inclusion of glazing and fenestration
None to date
Other Planning Matters:
Pillreed Wood: The case has been closed by ABC.
Planesfield: The appeal decision is awaited.
Willow Paddock: The date of the appeal is not yet known.
28/17 Financial report
28/17-1 To agree payments in accordance with the Budget
That the following payments be made in accordance with the Budget.
Cheque / Details / £
001223 / S Wood (salary) / 474.26
001224 / S Wood (expenses) / 55.69
001225 / Npower (sports pavilion electricity) / 321.35
001226 / ACRK (subscription) / 50.00
001227 / PMC (dog foul bags) / 96.00
001228 / KCC Legal Services (subscription) / 378.00
001229 / B Croucher (caretaking services) / 31.40
Details / £
NatWest interest / 0.51
Balances as at 13th February 2017
£ 52808.30 (cheque and deposit accounts)
£ 932.83 (HHVEC cheque account)
£ 0.17 (HHVEC deposit account)
28/17-2 To consider a donation to ‘Life is not an Xbox’
The Chairman invited David Ball to address the Parish Council. Mr Ball reported on the success of the 2015 and 2016 expeditions to Morocco both of which were supported by the Parish Council and asked if it would be willing to give a contribution towards the cost of the 2017 trip. The success of the project is measured through a survey carried out after the expedition. Mr Ball stated that some of the group are at university, but others are not in education, training or employment (NEETS); Cllr Mrs Baldock offered help with the latter and asked for the survey results.
Cllr Dr Taylor advised that there is no provision in the Budget for a contribution and suggested that this be discussed at the end of the financial year; this was agreed. The Chairman reiterated the Parish Council’s support for the project.
28/17-3 To consider quotes received for grounds maintenance
Quotes from the following were circulated:
Aspire Landscape Management £5498.00
Harmer & Sons £5900.00
Countrywide Grounds Maintenance £5750.00
It was proposed that the quote from Aspire be accepted.
That the quote from Aspire Landscape Management be accepted.
Cllr Mrs Morgan advised that Aspire offers an inspection and maintenance service for playground equipment. The Clerk to follow-up.
29/17 Reports
29/17-1 Community Warden The Warden is in contact with the PCSO re warning letters for cars parked on pavements. A number of untaxed vehicles were reported in Hookstead, the Warden to follow-up.
29/17-2 PCSO PCSO Burden’s report has been circulated. Suspicious activity should be reported via 101. Cllr Mrs Mitchell asked for feedback on reported crimes; the Warden stated that she is not given this information.
29/17-3 Ward member The Parish Council has been asked to comment on ABC’s proposed sale of land at Tilden Close for an additional 2 houses. Cllr Dr Taylor noted that he had supported the proposal when it was first put forward. Other councillors regretted the loss of this open space, which it was felt would lead to overdevelopment. Alternative uses for the land were put forward. It was noted that no decision could be made on the proposal, which arrived after publication of the agenda.
Ashford will not be part of the possible merger of East Kent councils.
KCC is to increase its council tax by 4%, including 2% for social care. There will elections to KCC in May. ABC will levy the lowest rate.
The temporary coordinator was appointed to address the problem of domestic abuse; the post is to be made permanent.
The Leader’s briefing note re the boundary review is thought to be confusing, the ward member to follow-up.
The village confines exercise is ongoing; Cllr Mrs Mitchell is the PC’s link.
Local Plan review: the Omissions Site at Church Hill will not be included in the revised draft. Land at Popes House Farm has been put forward as an Omissions Site.
29/17-4 Environmental Dog foul bags: see 25/17-6. Ditch clearance: see 25/17-4. A village litterpick will be organised for 23rd April. A review of litter and dog bins in the parish is in hand.
29/17-5 Safety and Security Neighbourhood Watch has reported cases of dognapping.
29/17-6 Highways The Vice-chairman’s report is attached.
29/17-7 Marketing/projects Copy deadline for the Herald is 17th February.
29/17-8 Finance Committee The Committee will meet in April to finalise the accounts for the year.
29/17-9 KALC Nothing to report.
30/17 Information item - HHVEC update
Cllr Mrs Burlton reported that the Committee will meet on 22nd February.
31/17 Precinct 13: Proposed street name (Bishop Close)
It was proposed that the recommendation of Bishop Close be accepted.
That the recommendation of Bishop Close be accepted.
32/17 Reduction of speed limit on rural roads: petition to government https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/176763
The Joint Traffic Parishes Committee has circulated the link to a petition to reduce the speed limit on single track rural lanes from 60mph to 30mph and is encouraging residents in the rural areas to sign. The expiry date is 11th July 2017. The link will be publicised in the Herald and on the website.
33/17 Joint Traffic Parishes Committee: proposal to give written authority to the Committee to act on behalf of the Parish Council
It was proposed that the Joint Traffic Parishes Committee be authorised to act on behalf of the Parish Council.
That the Joint Traffic Parishes Committee be authorised to act on behalf of the Parish Council.
34/17 Village signs: Invicta plaque
Information on village name signs bearing the Kent Invicta crest was circulated. To be discussed further at the May meeting.
35/17 Any Other Business
35/17-1 There has been no response to the lighting review from ABC. The necked street light in Tilden Close has not yet been replaced.
35/17-2 A letter of thanks has been received from the PCC for the Parish Council’s donation.
36/17 Items for next Parish Council meeting
36/17-1 Drainage of the football fields
36/17-2 Annual Parish Meeting
36/17-3 Christmas tree on the village green
36/17-4 Outsourcing printing of the Herald
36/17-5 Donation to the Kent Air Ambulance
36/17-6 Boundary review: draft recommendations
36/17-7 Repairs to bus shelter at Hookstead
36/17-8 Village confines exercise
37/17 Date of next meeting
Monday 13th March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm / KB

29/17-2 PCSO Burden’s report

23/01/2017: vehicle interference. The Chennels (rear van doors have been prised open)

24/01/2017: vehicle interference . Hookstead (damage to locks on a van)

25/01/2017: theft . Brickhouse Farm, High Halden (theft of generator)

25/01/2017: theft. No exact location given (theft of deer fencing and electricity cable)

28/01/2017: theft. Cripple Hill (damage to perimeter fencing and damage to a locked container, and items stored within have been stolen)

30/01/2017: theft. Container on field in Cripple Hill (plant stolen)

Crime reports above are under investigation.

29/17-6 Highways’ report
I am chasing Highways to get hedges cut back along the A28 so footpaths are of maximum width. There is a particular problem with the hedge opposite the entrance to Tilden Close where the footpath is narrowed at a particularly dangerous place.
I have also asked for the sign warning of bends ahead, sited near the new Pedestrian Crossing warning sign, to be made more visible by getting the hedge cut back.
It is heartening that the government is being pushed to ensure lorries use Sat Navs appropriate to lorries, rather than ones for cars. The latter are cheaper for lorry owners to buy but they can lead lorries along routes not safe for them e.g. Low bridges, bridges unable to take the weight, narrow lanes etc
I continue to report various potholes and drainage problems when I see them.
John Audsley