1. Welcome
2. Voting Item – Ratification of names submitted to Governor
3. Minutes of January 22, 2014
4. Budget
5. Planning and Grants - Voting Item #2
6. Boards and Commissions Compulsory Training
7. Legislative and Public Policy Update
8. Investigation of Bullying Report by OMNI
9. CANDO Report
10. Community Living Advisory Group Report
11. Adjournment
1. Council convened at 12:07 pm
2. Marcia Tewell solicited names to chair the Multicultural Committee that has been dormant since Jesus Castillo resigned. Gina Quintana and Melissa expressed an interest in taking on the Chair duties. Deon Gillespie offered to CO-Chair. Jeanette Cordova, if appointed to the Council, also agreed to CO-Chair.
A slate of six names was presented to Council to replace resignations and term limited Council Members. The Voting Item passed.
3. Minutes of January 22, 2014 passed.
4. Budget: Mackenzie Helton reviewed his budget handout and pointed out there is no more
money to use up and no new projects can be considered until October 1, 2014.
He said that the expenses for the annual Dan Davidson Gala will come out of the current (FFY14) funds.
He also explained the current status of the Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 12, 13 and 14.
5. Planning and Grants Voting Item #2: Katie Grange clarified the language of the Civic
Engagement Voting Item. Like the earlier Local
Leadership grants, which was following a natural
progression, this voting item supported existing
groups to become more inclusive in their scope of
All grants do community building which creates
change at the local levels.
The Voting Item passed.
Katie asked the Council to forward any suggestions, to make the grantee reports easier to understand, to Sue Fager.
6. Boards and Commissions: Mary McGhee and Jean McAllister showed a power point
presentation to understand the limits and scope of the Council’s
authority. This was in conjunction with an on-line training that
all members of Boards must take. The deadline for Council has
passed, but staff and people at the Boards and Commissions will
make all efforts to accommodate a Council member to complete
this training.
7. Legislative and Public Policy: Julie Farrar showed Council some of the ways they can follow
(L&PP) the progress of legislation through some friendly Internet
Josh Winkler urged Council to pay $750/year for a “seat” on Colorado Capitol Watch, a great Internet resource to know everything about legislation during the session.
Carol Meredith enthusiastically endorsed this action and also suggested these legislative links could be added to the CDDC website.
Katherine Carol felt Julie could send alerts to Council on certain bills she believed needed Council’s attention.
8. Bullying Report by OMNI: Emily Murillo reviewed the final findings on the statewide
investigation on bullying and focused on the recommendations.
Sue Fager believed the Bullying document should be released nationally because it was rare that a study included youths and
Discussion ensued as to how to proceed with the
Recommendations; P&G will take the lead on future direction.
Emily pointed out that the research indicated what was needed and it was up to Council to prioritize them.
9. CANDO Report: Carol gave a brief history of the evolution of CANDO and the huge challenge
that integrating data systems is proving to be. (see handout)
Privacy laws make it difficult to obtain data; which in turn is a prime
obstacle to making laws.
She said the main focus now was the coordination of mental health
10. CLAG Report: Todd Coffey highlighted the recommendations of the Eligibility/Entry Point
Subcommittee of the Community Living Advisory Group (CLAG), which were
presented on March 24. They included:
a} implementing a pilot study for Presumptive Eligibility for long term
services and supports
b} creating training modules for entry points (becoming more competent in motivational interviewing/interacting with individuals when doing assessments and re-assessments)
c} creating an “800” number to access information on all available services, including technology on the website
d} creating a comprehensive access point for all-an agency to handle any long term services, one that does not presently exist in Colorado
The first three efforts funnel into the fourth one, which needs to be discussed in more detail. Many issues and stakeholders are involved in the complicated process of trying to make it universal.
11. New Business: -Melissa will attend a transportation meeting in Idaho Springs in May.
-Tim has organized a reprise of the Affordable Housing seminar in
Carbondale on Friday, April 25 from 12:30-2:00 pm. Corey and Valley Life
for All are the hosts for this meeting.
-Tim is pulling together a transportation Lunch and Learn for early June in
the Denver area, place and time to be determined.
-Katherine met with Christi Blakely and Ron Ustach, of APPLE, and talked
about using Medicaid dollars for tablets and iPads. Ron will be going up
to Aspen in May to talk about Smart Home Technology. Jill Pidcock will
12. Adjournment at 4:25 PM.
NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: WEDNESDAY, May 28, 2014 11:30-4:00 PM in Greeley
1. Corry Robinson moved to ratify the names to be submitted to the Governor for new Council Members; Melissa seconded, and the motion carried.
2. Melissa moved to accept the minutes, Corey Mineo seconded, the minutes passed.
3. Corry Robinson moved to name the Davidson Award for Inclusion in Employment as the Clarence Miller Inclusion in Employment Award. Carol Meredith seconded, motion passed.
4. Lionel will send the Davidson Gala Invitation electronically to all Council members.
5. Melissa moved to approve the Civic Engagement Voting Item; Tim Hudner seconded; motion passed unanimously.
6. Lionel will email the legislative links that Julie provided.
7. Katherine told Julie that the L&PP should bring Josh’s request to join Colorado Capitol Watch to the Executive Committee.
8. Katie will advise P&G to follow up on the direction to take with OMNI’s report. Katherine urged the report to be distributed amongst all the national Councils.
9. Emily agreed to be available to the Council for consultation on the Bullying Report.
Those in attendance: Katherine Carol, Todd Coffey, Ed George, Deon Gillespie, Katie Grange, Mike Hoover, Tim Hudner, Melissa Mannix, Carol Meredith, Corey Mineo, Jennie Munthali, Gina Quintana, Corry Robinson, Karen von Phul, Josh Winkler (GTM)
Those absent: Senator Irene Aguilar, Mary Anne Harvey, Lisa Kramer, Scott Leroy (GTM), Sarita Reddy
Staff Present: Sue Fager, Julie Farrar, Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell
Guests: Jeanette Cordova, Donna Downing, Mikele Learned, Jean McAllister, Mary McGhee, Emily Murillo, Barb Ramsey
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Final Council Meeting Activities 3/26/2014