Lake Saint Louis Community Association

Lakes & Parks Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: June 7, 2016

Time: 7:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order by Vice Chairman Hollinger at 7:00pm

II Roll Call

Present Absent


Joe Dattilo, Chairman (2018) x

Darrel Hollinger, Vice Chairman (2018) x

Barry Berisford, Secretary (2016) x

Duane Wall (2016) x

John Dangoia (2016) x

Jerry Disper (2017) x

Mark Brown, (2016) - arrived late x

Skip Raleigh (2017) x

Nan McCabe (2016) x

Tom Bick (2017) x

Rob Stephenson (2016) x

Tom Mispagel (2018) x

Staff Representative

John Stone

Brian Devost x

CA Board of Directors

Joyce Corey, Board Liaison x

III.  Approval of Agenda: Motion to Approve Agenda as provided: Approved (9-0)

IV.  Approval of Minutes: Motion to Approve Minutes as provided: Approved (9-0)

V.  Guests: Justin Thomas---see new business

VI. Brian’s report:

-  Proximity card readers are being ordered to gradually replace current magnetic card strip reads at gates.

-  Installing new security cameras (Monitor in office and 16 new cameras)

-  Pool lights – poles were damaged in transit. New lights may not be installed in time for first swim meet on Monday.

-  Full service contract with Coke. We get 10% fee on all sales. Focus on healthier drinks.

-  Advertising for committee members

-  Maintenance has cleaned up at Windjammer.

-  New signage at Dauphine and Deloire. Signs are being repainted because damaged in storage.

-  New signage at pool area because old signs weathered. Adding “no dogs” sign to beach to comply with state statute.

-  Weed removal at small lake. Brian requesting assistance from Anglers.

-  Fecal count testing

-  Approval for dredging of Paris Cove. About $37k. Approved by E&F / Financing committees. Engineers examining installation of silt-capturing options.

-  Want to add dock identification numbering system for all private and CA docks. Perhaps to match street address #. Brian requesting L&P ideas.

John Stone report: Provided status report. Attached to agenda. Will be implementing new rotation schedule for patrolling both lakes. Will be on lake and in vehicles more than in office.

VII. Committee Reports

Aquatics – new light poles are on the way, but probably will not arrive in time for installation prior to first swim meet. Also, conduit crushed somewhere, so have to go around baby pool to run power, at an extra cost of $3k.

Finance: Tonya, the new accountant, has been able to get the Sage software to work and has accounting up to date through April. Jefferson Point sidewalk complete. Gate boulder installed. Landscaping completed. Donny has added new sand. Brian not aware of any intention to add additional beach.

Brian reports that looking at replacing skimmer pipe at cost of $3k/100 ft. Water flow study was cost-prohibitive, so no longer considering a jetty.

Brian reports that grass at JP still not ready to be parked on.

Brian says might be able to give short-term access to non-CA members on ski team for practices using new proximity readers.

Tom M. made motion to look into expansion of beach in accordance with original plan. Rob S. seconded. Unanimous approval.

E&F – Paris Cove dredging discussed above.

Green Environmental Advisory Committee – Scott Ellis reported that at last meeting, Keith Stone (Mgr at LSL Cuivre River Electric ofc), discussed that hydroelectric is replacing coal. Coal now 35%, when used to be 70%. Now coal % equal to natural gas. Wind = 20%. Hydroelectric is about 12-13%. Cuivre River has been pushing energy efficiency among customers, and it’s been having an impact. Committee is trying to write more educational articles for Newstime, etc. City has approved spending to promote butterfly garden awareness. New butterfly park will be built at Hawk Ridge Park near Zachary’s Playground. Also butterfly garden on LSL golf course.

Maintenance Items

-  Repair at Royal Court steps (Rob, Skip)

-  Lakewood Cove – graffiti and crack (Jerry D.)

-  On little lake, member (Michelle Beatty) had dock on CA property in Claremont Cove. Board required her to move it, but it’s still there. (Joyce)

-  Main Marina – seawall needs repaired. Brian reports that Donny thinks it may be about a $50k repair. John D. made motion to recommend this to the board. Rob. S. 2nd. Unanimous recommendation.

VIII. Results: Board of Directors Meeting: Board accepted L&P recommendation to increase Class 6 boat weight limit to 3300 lbs to accommodate 2016 Mastercraft ProStar. Board accepted our recommendation to task Donny/staff with a feasibility and cost review of David Monahan’s request to reconfigure the docs at Lake View cove. To be further review upon receipt of Donny’s/staff’s conversations/recommendations

IX Old Business: David Monahan dock reconfiguration request: No committee action needed at this time. Sugar Sand Tango Jet Boat request from Don Whilhite. Files provided on flash drive. He says that his is a carbureted 175 hp boat.

X New Business:

-  Justin Thomas request for approval of 2000 Mastercraft X-Star. Email confirming same hull as 2006 through 2011 X1 hull. Tom M. moved to approve 99-2002 X-Star. Seconded by Rob S. Unanimous approval.

-  Brian reports that gentlemen on Guyenne requesting that CA remove tree so he can better see lake.

-  Fecal Count: Scott Ellis reviewed Ron Wilson’s file. 4 data points from 2015. Scott recommends 6 data samples at 8 locations between Memorial Day and Labor Day. He doesn’t know cost. Brian to review.

XI Comments from Committee Members: None

Adjournment; 8:37pm

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Brown