Las Cruces, NM

May 16 & 17, 2008

Your SRD Central Committee is busy preparing for your arrival to SRD 2008. We want everyone to come and participate in the biggest TOPS event of the year for the State of New Mexico as we honor our 2007 New Mexico State Division Winners, crown our State Royalty and recognize your chapter royalty and our KOPS.

SRD will be held in the Hotel Encanto de Las Cruces (the former Las Cruces Hilton) It is located on Telshor Blvd. directly across from the mall. You will find all required registration forms enclosed with this letter. Please read them carefully and follow instructions. Again this year, each member picks up their own packet. Deadline for all registrations is April 15th. Registration fee is $35.00 per member or guest. No refunds of registration fees, but you may substitute one member from your chapter for another member who cannot attend. At the door, registration is $40.00. All registration and confirmation tables will open at 8:00 AM on both Friday & Saturday. Send all registrations along with your chapter check to:

Paula Norero …HC 71 Box 945…San Lorenzo, NM 88041

Prepare for SRD. Have your fundraisers early. Send as many members as possible. Pay registration for your members. Get ready to enter the events. All events must be pre-registered. None will be accepted at the door. Chapter Events are: Skit, Poster, Name Tag, and Centerpiece. Individual Events are: Magnets.

We have Friday morning all filled up with programs, games, and workshops. Starting at 9:00 AM.

·  1st general session will be at 1:30 PM. We have introductions, program, Chapter Recognition. Family in TOPS. Speaker, then break for dinner.

·  2nd session will be 7:30 PM. This is our Fun session with skits and SRD awards.

·  3rd session is KOPS, State Winners and Royal on Saturday morning. With candle on the water and circle of light.

We are asking all chapters to donate a basket, any theme. A dream basket; maybe bath supplies, kitchen, office, play, gardening, candles, let your imagination go wild. What ever, surprise us. It is fun and we will have drawings through the events. Basket should be worth 25.00. You may bring as many as you wish.

Our Regional Director, Beverly Staniak, will be anywhere and everywhere on Friday morning. Stop and get acquainted.

Am still asking for help. Anyone wanting to help please call me, write, or email.

Thank you and see you at SRD in May 2008.

NM Coordinator

Paula Norero



Posters are to be no smaller than 14”X 28” and no larger than 22” x 28”. Remember to illustrate the purpose of TOPS. Follow the theme. (You must bring an easel or stand to display your poster)


Send to Paula Norero for approval by April 15th.

PARADE OF SUCCESS (baggy garment parade)

Open to all members who have lost over 35 pounds, or members who reached goal this year.

No smoking is allowed in meeting rooms.

No video camera without prior approval.

Winners’ rehearsal in Ballroom immediately following Friday night session.

All participants must follow dress code. If on stage, wear long floor length skirt or dress, men wear sport jacket or suit, shirt & tie.

Look for the hostesses. They know the hotel and can direct you.

SRD Charms and pinette will be on sale at the promotion table. $3.50 each. You may pre-order with your registration. Write separate check and state which you want.