Cadet Handbook
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Cadet: ______
Table of Contents
Chapter Title Page
Purpose 3
Pledge of Allegiance and Cadet Creed 4
1 General Information
History of JROTC at Alhambra High School 5
Enrollment Opportunities 5
Program of Instruction 5
Attendance Policy, Discipline, and Rules 7
School / Community Service 9
Cadet Leadership Camp 9
2 Organization and Cadet Leadership Responsibilities
Battalion Organization 10 Cadet Leadership Responsibilities 10
3 Grades
Grading System 16
Student Status 18
4 Promotion and Demotion System
Rank Structure and Promotion Criteria 19
Demotion of Cadets 21
Rating Chain 22
5 Awards and Decorations
Company Award Streamers 23 Individual Awards 24
Ribbon and Awards Criteria 25
Shoulder Cords, ARCs, and Other Awards 26
6 Cadet Uniforms
Uniform Wear 28
Uniform Issue and Turn-In Procedures 29
Lost Uniform 30
ANNEX A: Plan for Student Success 32
B: SGT Promotion Board 38
C: Battalion Staff Position Application 40
D: Award Recommendation Form 42
E: Supply Form 44
F: Cadet Leadership Evaluation Form 46
G: Promotion Study Guide 48
This Handbook is applicable to students enrolled in the Alhambra High School JROTC program. It specifies the procedures and policies that you will follows while enrolled in this program. This Handbook will remain in force until revised or rescinded by the Senior Army Instructor (SAI).
This Handbook is yours to keep. Know your Handbook. You will be expected to understand and comply with its provisions. Bring your Handbook to class each day for ready reference. The Cadet Handbook is a curriculum topic. This will be your first block of instruction and test.
Cadets and Parents/Guardians will be required to sign a copy of ANNEX A (Plan for Student Success) acknowledging your responsibility to comply with the rules and expectations of this program.
If you have any questions regarding the contents of this Cadet Handbook, contact your Instructor.
LTC (Ret), USA 1SG (Ret), USA SFC (Ret), USA
Senior Army Instructor Army Instructor Army Instructor
(602)764-6291 (602)764-6301 (602)764-6312
Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the corps of Cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic.
I am the future of the United States of America.
I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
Chapter 1. General Information
1-1. History of JROTC at Alhambra High School.
A. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) was organized under the National Defense Act of 1916.
B. The Alhambra High School JROTC unit was established on 1973 and has been designated as the 8th Battalion of the Phoenix Army Cadet Brigade.
1-2. Enrollment Opportunities
A. The JROTC program is for High School students in grades 9 through 12. Students will receive high school elective credits toward graduation while learning discipline, teamwork and leadership skills.
B. Students must be:
1. Enrolled as a student in Alhambra High School
2. Demonstrate good moral character and behavior
3. Physically capable of participating in Army JROTC instruction.
4. Willing to wear a JROTC uniform all day, once per week.
1-3. Program of Instruction.
A. The mission of JROTC is “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” JROTC will instill in Cadets the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. JROTC will help students to excel in high school and in life. Students, with positive attitudes, who want to be leaders, will gain the most from JROTC.
B. The Alhambra High School program offers four years of JROTC training. The US Army Cadet Command developed the Program of Instruction. The lessons provide the maximum growth opportunity for each Cadet. Cadets receive military style training and discipline fostering leadership and teamwork. Training is organized into four levels designated Leadership, Education and Training (LET) Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each succeeding year introduces a Cadet to more leadership and staff opportunities.
C. JROTC consists of the sub-courses listed below:
1. Academic Training:
a. Citizenship in Action
b. Leadership Theory and Application
c. Foundations for Success
d. Wellness, Fitness and First Aid
e. Citizenship in American History
f. Methods of Instruction
g. Service Learning
h. Military History
2. Physical Activity and Leader Assessment:
a. Leadership Applications
b. Cadet Challenge
c. Service Learning and Community Service Projects
d. Administration
e. Skills Testing
f. Uniform Inspections
3. Addition subjects may be taught at the option of the instructors. This may include: Guest Speakers, Field Trips, Marksmanship, Current Events, Customs of the Service, Financial Planning, Drill and Ceremony, Communication skills, Outdoor Recreation Skills, Geography, Map Reading and Government.
4. We also offer extra-curricular teams that compete Statewide against other JROTC programs. These teams are the Armed and Unarmed Drill Teams, Color Guard, Marksmanship Team, Leadership and Academic Challenge Teams, Orienteering, and Adventure “RECONDO” Team.
D. Materials Required: All text books for this course are provided in the classroom, no books are issued. Instructional material can be sent home with Cadet on a case by case basis.
E. NO COMBAT SKILLS ARE TAUGHT! There are no “WAR GAMES “or other activities related to fighting! CADETS DO NOT JOIN THE ARMY BY TAKING JROTC! There is no military obligation and a Cadet can withdraw after any semester if they don’t like it, or have other classes they want to take.
F. Practical Applications: Student leaders use the knowledge from the classroom to help conduct training in Drill, Physical Fitness, and other learning projects. Cadets also plan, organize, and supervise co-curricular events such as:
1. Service Learning Projects
2. School support for assemblies, ceremonies, open house, sports events, parades.
3. Competitions (Desert Classic Drill Meet, Endurance Challenge, Orienteering)
4. Formal Dinners, Picnics, or Parties
5. Field Days (Skills Competitions or Training)
6. Camping Trips, Hikes, and other outdoor recreation
1-4. Attendance Policy. Regular attendance in JROTC is critical to success in the program. A large portion of your grade is based on performance skills, uniform inspections and attitude; none of which can be graded if you are absent. Cadets are expected to set a positive example for other students at Alhambra High School. Therefore, unexcused absences and tardiness will cause your grade to go down.
1-5. Discipline. All Cadets are expected to display proper military bearing and courtesy on and off campus. This includes not only the JROTC classroom, but other classes as well. In addition, Cadets must maintain proper discipline while travelling to and from school and during JROTC activities.
A. JROTC exists to help make you a better citizen. Therefore, we will do everything within our power to guide you toward making good choices. On those occasions that you make bad choices you will face a variety of consequences. Generally, you will be individually counseled to correct the problem. In most cases this is all we will do. However, if this doesn’t work, we may take direct additional corrective training, such as:
1. Additional Physical Training or additional homework
2. Verbal or written counseling from Cadet leaders or instructors
3. Loss of Cadet privileges
4. Reduction in rank
5. Removal from Cadet leadership positions
6. Being placed in a “Student” versus “Cadet” status
7. Removal from the JROTC program
B. Classroom and Battalion Area Rules.
1. Cadets will sit according to their squad assignment
2. Do not sit on tables or feet on chairs or tables
3. Do not wear headgear in the classroom or battalion area
4. Do not use electronic devices to include cell phones, I-Pods, etc. in the classroom. These will be confiscated and turned in to security.
5. Do not lay your head on the table during class.
6. Do not talk in the classroom without permission
7. Follow the school dress code
8. Keep tables cleared of personal items
9. Only authorized personnel may be in the Concession and Staff area
10. Do not chew gum in the classroom
11. Wear your student ID in classroom and Battalion Area
12. Other rules established by Cadet Leadership as appropriate
C. Reporting Procedures. Use proper reporting procedures (NOT preceded by the phrase “um”) when wishing to enter instructor offices.
1. Assume to position of attention
2. Knock 3 times
3. Sound off with: “Cadet ( your name ), I request permission to enter.”
4. Enter when permission is granted
5. Report to the Instructor, center yourself in front of his desk and salute
1-6. School / Community Service. Cadets will perform a number of service projects for the school and community.
A. As a way of “giving back” to your school, you will perform occasional school service projects mostly during school hours. These may include activities such as Set Up and Clean Up for school events, performing Color Guard, raising/lowering the US flag.
B. You will also perform community service. This aspect of demonstrating good citizenship represents a JROTC core value.
C. You will conduct at least one major Service Learning Project each year. The Cadet Chain of Command will select the specific project.
1-7. JROTC Cadet Leadership Camp (JCLC).
A. This activity is a 4-day/3- night event held after the last week of school.
B. Cadets must earn the right to go. The criteria are:
1. Have an excellent record of wearing your uniform on Uniform Day.
2. Your achievement and attitude in JROTC must be well above average.
3. Must be physically and emotionally able to undergo the training.
4. Other criteria as determined by the Instructors
D. JCLC Leadership Camp Events include many leadership opportunities and:
1. Swimming and Drown Proofing
2. Physical Fitness Course
3. Leadership Reaction Course
4. Canoeing
5. Survival
6. Air Rifle and Archery Marksmanship
7. Social / Dance / Camp Fire
Chapter 2. Organization and Cadet Leadership Responsibilities
2-1. Battalion Organization.
2-2. Cadet Leadership Responsibilities. Every leadership and staff position is important to the overall operation of the Battalion. It is important that Cadets learn their respective job and perform it well. A job well done is a demonstration of excellent attitude and responsibility. The most mature and capable Cadets are selected for promotion and positions of increased responsibility. Authority to exercise command and control at each unit level is given to Cadet Leaders who must establish and uphold the standards and performance of their units.
A. Cadet Officers and Noncommissioned Officers (NCO).
1. Selected because they have clearly demonstrated competence and leadership ability as Cadet Leaders. In addition to command and staff abilities, they must be qualified to assist the SAI/AI in class activity. Promotion to Cadet Officer/NCO will not be given solely as a reward for longevity; you must earn it.
2. Cadets of lower rank are required to obey all lawful orders from Cadet Officers/NCOs unless they are illegal, unethical, or immoral.
B. Responsibilities of All Cadets.
1. Normally, the responsibilities of Cadets stop at the end of the school day. However, their responsibilities as student role models extend beyond the school campus. In addition, Cadets should always represent the values of the Army and JROTC, especially while in uniform.
2. Cadets must correct uniform violations regardless if they are in class or not.
3. Cadet leaders are responsible for the appearance and discipline of their units during the class period.
4. Cadets are expected to set the example. Cadets should help maintain a positive learning environment while in the classroom and during all JROTC activities.
5. All Cadets in leadership positions are expected to set the example by participating in the maximum number of events and activities as possible.
6. Cadets are expected to wear their uniform with pride and be well-groomed. Leaders who fail to lead by example may be removed from their leadership position.
2-3. Cadet Command and Staff duties and responsibilities.
A. Battalion Commander (BC).
1. Responsible for the operation of the Battalion and what the Battalion does or fails to do.
2. Responsible for coordination with the SAI/AI on all matters pertaining to the Battalion.
3. Provide guidance to Company Commanders and Staff
B. Battalion Executive Officer (XO).
1. In the absence of the Battalion Commander, assume command and be responsible for the efficient operation of the battalion.
2. Directly supervise the Battalion Staff. Responsible for the proper coordination of all staff actions related to personnel, security, logistics, public relations, and records keeping.
3. Establish a duty roster to properly run the JROTC concession stand.
4. Maintain an accurate accounting of JROTC student funds.
C. Battalion Command Sergeant Major (CSM).
1. Advise the Battalion Commander on personnel issues concerning the cadets.
2. Conduct a SGT Promotion Board each quarter.
3. Conduct a Cadet of the Month Board each Month.
4. Responsible for the cleanliness and neatness of JROTC classrooms and Battalion Area.
5. Provide guidance to the 1SGs.
6. Maintain control of the National and State Flags, and the JROTC Battalion Colors.
D. Battalion S-1. Battalion Personnel Administration Officer. (S1)
1. Responsible for all matters relating to Personnel and Administration.
2. Prepare orders and announcements as directed by the Battalion Commander/Executive Officer and in coordination with the SAI/AI.
3. Maintain the Cadet Record database, the Junior ROTC Unit Management System (JUMS), on issues relating to personnel records.