Minutes of a Meeting held on Wednesday 4th January 2017 at
7.00 p.m. at Barlby Library and Community Hub
Present : Councillor P Welch (Chair)
Councillor J Cusson
Councillor S Duckett
Councillor B Marshall
Councillor C Leng
Councillor S Sinclair
District Cllr J Deans
1. Apologies Councillor R Speck
District Cllr K Arthur
County Cllr M Jordan
2. Public Session
No matters raised.
3. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
Standard Planning items, otherwise as recorded in the Interest Book.
4. Finance
Monthly Accounts circulated for payment (SD)(CL), agreed. Bank Statements and
invoices available for inspection and payment.
A total expenditure of £10,130.27 was approved.
1. Clarke Telecom – £1,000.00
2. Xmas fundraiser – £165.00
3. Photo book sales – £100.00
4. Grass cutting refund – £1,563.09
Correspondence/other matters
1. Autela advice notes – Pensions Regulator advice noted.
2. Utilities advice notes – noted.
3. Budget 2017/18 – 3 Options were considered. Proposed (SD)(BM) approve
Option 3, agreed. Parish and Town Council Precepts will remain under review
but take into account increases that are a direct result of additional
responsibilities such as grass cutting and Community Library provision.
4. Proposed (SS)(CL) approve the revised invoice for Xmas lights, agreed.
5. Grants/Donations – proposed (SD)(CL) put the Xmas fundraising towards a
Village defibrilator, agreed.
6. Estimates from last Meeting – office equipment, defer to next Meeting.
Proposed (CL)(SD) add a calendar to the website, agreed.
5. Reports
Community Police
The date for the Police walkabout is 24th January. The Meeting was advised that
there were a number of speeding and drink driving initiatives over Christmas.
Drax have a small pot of funding for landscape enhancements. Proposed
(BM)(JC) put in a bid for meadow enhancement, agreed. No other issues raised.
County and District Councillors
Cllr J Deans wished all present a Happy New Year, Cllr M Jordan also sent
seasonal wishes. Cllr B Marshall gave an update on policing in Selby. Cllrs
S Duckett and P Welch confirmed that no issues had been raised over the
Christmas period.
No matters raised.
Health and Safety
No matters raised.
6. Minutes of last Meeting (30.11.2016)
The Minutes were approved and duly signed as a correct record of the Meeting
(SD)CL), agreed.
7. Matters Arising/Council Managers Report
1. Community issues – there had been some issues with cardboard (kerb
collections ) not being collected and the paper recycling bins always being full
at Osgodby.. To be reported to SDC.
2. CEF – following a meeting with AVS there are some additional funding streams
to be followed. CEF funding information received, which shows some groups
are getting repeat funding. There are still concerns that the CEF meetings
clash with Town Council Meetings.
8. Projects
1. Emergency Plan – the Control Room meeting went well plus Hi-vis jackets had
been supplied. Passport photos required for name badges and for Councillor
profiles. It was proposed (SD)(CL) to print 30 copies of the Emergency Plan
and have a working group meeting in February, agreed.
2. Memorial Garden – SDC have responded and the transfer in still in hand. A
Hemingbrough Councillor to be invited to a Meeting to discuss a similar project.
3. Funding has been received for Allotment improvements, it was proposed
(CL)(SD) that Bee-able be consulted on the proposed path, plus a notice board
and re-instatement of the entrance, agreed.
9.. Correspondence
For consideration and action
1. Draft Public Service Ombudsman Bill Consultation – there are plans for a new
Public Service Ombudsman. Additional legislation may deter people from
becoming Councillors. Proposed (SD)(JC) object to the proposal, agreed.
2. Broadband – most of the properties in Osgodby will be upgraded to superfast
broadband by summer 2017.
For distribution – circulated
3. SLCC/YLCA Advice Notes
4. SLCC/YLCA Training events
5. White Rose Update
6. SDC Media Releases
7. Northern Lights Dementia Awards
Newsletters – circulated
8. SD AVS/Mini bus for sale
9. RAY/Rural Services/Rural Arts
10.CPRE/Keep Britain Tidy
11.A163 Roundabout Newsletter
12.SDC Reduce Re-use Respect Waste Campaign – a 3 Month project will see
litter bins transformed into Charity collection ‘pots’. More litter in the bins will
result in more money going to chosen Charities.
10. Correspondence since agenda
For information only
11. Planning
Proposed (SS)(RG) forward approved comments to SDC, agreed.
2016/1442/HPA (8/16/369C) – Proposed single storey extension (following
demolition of conservatory) to side of 44 St Leonards Avenue, Osgodby
(Mr V Gelbuda)
Comments ; No objections
2016/1344/HPA – Proposed internal alterations and single storey extension to
rear of The Stables, Hall Garth, Osgodby (Mr O Phillips)
Comments : No objections
Applications Granted
1. Works to trees at 2 Hall Garth, Osgodby
2. Works to trees at Orchid House, Howden Gardens, Barlby
3. Works to Pine tree at Kenmar, The Crescent, Osgodby
4. Single storey double garage at Birchcroft, Cliffe Road, Osgodby
5. Works to Ash tree at 7 Landing Lane, Barlby
Applications Refused
1. Single storey dwelling, land at 43 Acorn Close, Barlby
2. Replacement garden boundary at Ivy Dene, Old School Lane, Barlby
Correspondence/Other Matters
1. Major development sites in the Parish/Olympia Park – no update
12. Play Areas/Amenity Open Space
For consideration and action
1. Play Area/Open Space – 2017 projects deferred to next Meeting.
2. Grass cutting – after due discussion it was proposed (JC)(SS) to take the
playing fields off the current contract and defer a decision on the remainder of
the contract until further information received, agreed.
3. Equipment leaflets – noted.
13. Street lights & Furniture, Roads & Paths
For consideration and action
1. Street Lights – most of the first round of new columns are in place.
2. Xmas lights – Plantscape have reduced the expected costs by 50% due to a
number of unit failures.
3. Highway issues – a dropped kerb at Barlby Library and Community Hub is on
the waiting list. Request for a dog bin at Hilltop School – proposed (SD)(CL)
install a bin at location approved by the School, agreed. Parking at Hilltop
School – after a lengthy discussion it was proposed (SD)(CL) to send a letter
to NY Highways requesting that restrictions are put in place when the new
road crossing scheme is installed, agreed. Hemingbrough and Cliffe have
been granted parking restrictions.
4. Road Traffic Order, York Road, Barlby – The order proposes a ‘No right turn’
onto the A19 at the junction with York Road, for safety reasons and to improve
traffic flow at the new roundabout junction. Comments about the traffic lights
on the A19 have been passed to Highways and the developer.
5. PROW – defer to the next Meeting
6. Highway notices/Equipment leaflets – noted
14. Barlby Library and Community Hub
For consideration and action
1. Library – the Children’s Xmas Party was a huge success and raised £165.00.
Proposed (SD)(BM) book the Hilltop Choir again for 8th December 2017,
2. Some funding is expected from NYCC as part of grants to Community
Libraries and there is a £30,000.00 earmarked reserve for a community hall
so plans for improvements to the Community Hub need to be taken forward.
Proposed (SD)(BM) quotes be sought for a range of building works and
interior refurbishment, agreed. The car park barrier is on order.
3. Community Navigators (SD DIAL and Age Concern) are keen to establish an
outreach session in the Library on Tuesday evenings.
4. Events – the SDC Networking Event is rescheduled for February.
15. Community Cohesion
1. Community Group – there will be a Xmas event at the Institute.
2. Youth Club – the Meeting was advised that both sessions are well attended
and numbers growing.
16. Matters for Councillors Attention and Information
1. YLCA Advice notes – details of a live web chat concerning the NYCC Budget
circulated. Referendum principles circulated.
2. Issues raised by residents – Parking at Hilltop School (see item 13). Other
issues raised included concerns about the telecoms mast at Osgodby and
parking on grass verges. The verge at Northfield is not a Town Council verge,
to be discussed with SDC.
3. FOI requests – none.
4. Staff issues – equipment, policies and references deferred to next Meeting.
17. Next Meeting Wednesday 25th January 2017 at BLCH at 7.00 p.m.
18. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
Requests for items for inclusion to be sent to the Chairman 7 days before the
date of the next Meeting.
19. Items of Expenditure over £500
On notice boards
The Meeting was closed at 9.35 p.m.
The Town Council may, by resolution, exclude the public whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the nature of the confidential business to be transacted. Extract Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960.