27 APRIL 2006
1.1To update LEOG on progress with the review of area and old Tree Preservation Orders.
2.1Members consider the longer term TPO review strategy and, if options 2 or 3 are considered to be worthy of further examination, instruct officers to assess the likely financial implications and sources of funding and report back to this Overview Group.
2.2Environment Overview Group be invited to consider the report as part of the ‘Clean, Green and Safe’ agenda.
3.1Two TPO Review posts were created late 1995/early 1996 as a result of the Government’s announcement of their intention to, in due course, do away with ‘Area’ Orders. The two posts were one TPO Review Office and TPO Administration Assistant. The TPO review officer was appointed on a full time basis with the administration assistant employed as part time at 20 hours per week.
3.2The first appointed officer post for approximately three years and was responsible for only the TPO review. This enabled him to undertake his work without distractions. The following areas were reviewed:
January 1996 – December 19996. (91 TPOs made including some non-review TPOs)
Branksome Park including Motcombe/Eaton/Forest/Chester Road area, Western Road, Mornish Road, Leicester Road, Western Avenue and Bury Road.
January 1997 – December 1997. (80 TPOs made including some non-review TPOs)
Continuation of above areas in Branksome Park plus Sandbourne Road, Cassell Avenue, Tower Road.
3.3The second appointed TPO review officer remained in post for approximately 4 years and carried out reviews of Area TPOs in the following areas:
January 1999 – December 1999. (65 TPOs made including some non0review TPOs).
Canford Cliffs including Brudenell Avenue/Road, Shore Road, Chaddesley Wood Road, Chaddesley Glen, Nairn Road, Canford Crescent, Haven Road, Dornie Road.
Sandbanks. All roads on the peninsular between Banks Road and Panorama Road.
January 2000 – December 2000. (81 TPOs made including some non-review TPOs)
Central Broadstone including Charborough Road, Ridgeway, Tudor Road, Dunyeats Road, Grange Road, york Road, Lower Blandford Road, Wallace Road, Benridge Close.
Other Broadstone areas: Twin Oaks Close, Edwina Drive, Lytham Road.
Arrowsmith Road and some adjoining roads.
January 2001 – December 2001. (122 TPOs made including some non-review TPOs).
North Branksome Park including Lindsay Road, Poole Road, Wilderton Road, Balcombe Road, The Avenue.
January 2003 – December 2003. (70n TPOs made including some non-review TPOs).
Miscellaneous sites in Sandbanks, Branksome Park, and also Whitchurch Avenue, Badbury Close, Turnworth Close.
3.3.1During these four years his role was diluted due to undertaking other tasks, unrelated to the review of area and old orders, which include consultations on planning applications and tree work applications. These distractions had a significant and visible impact on the TPO review.
Two Arboricultural officers were moved from Leisure Services around this time to deal with planning consultations, tree work applications and tree contraventions. Previously, four Arboricultural and one senior Arboricultural officer from within Leisure Services carried out this task, alongside work involving Council owned trees.
3.4The current TPO review officer was appointed early in 2003 and has reviewed area and old TPOs in the following areas:
January 2004 – December 2004. (56 TPOs made including some non-review TPOs)
Ashwood Drive (evens), Hasler Road
Approximately 30 TPOs made to protect landscaping trees planted in Merley (between Oakley Lane and Merley Lane) when the estate was built. Request made by a resident. These trees had grown to sufficient height to provide considerable amenity value to the area but were now under possible threat to fell by residents. Only trees that were in suitable positions in relation to buildings, were protected.
January 2005 – December 2005. (56 TPOs made including some non review TPOs)
Miscellaneous sites reviewed, including Ashwood Drive, Corfe Way.
Oakdale: It was brought to our attention that important amenity trees such as Oaks were unprotected in the area around Upper Road, Middle Road and Enfield Road. The area was surveyed and as a result seven TPOs were made.
January 2006 – March 2006. (17 TPOs made).
Corfe Way review continued. The other TPOs related to trees under threat.
3.4.1To date, this officer has not been able to focus his efforts toward the review of area and old TPOs. This has been due to requests to protect previously unprotected trees and processing tree work applications which have definitive deadlines and take priority.
4.0The need to continue with the review of area and old TPOs
4.1Following a conversation on 11 April 2006 with the ODPM, it is clear that there is no foreseeable deadline date for completing the review of area and old TPOs. The advice given was to use the guidance given in Tree Preservation Orders “A Guide to the Law and Good Practice”, which states:
LPAs are advised to keep their TPOs under review. In particular they are advised to put in place a programme for reviewing the “area orders” for which they are responsible. A programme of work might be phased over a period of years depending on the number and size of the area orders currently in force.
5.0Proposed actions to revive the review of area and old TPOs
5.1From 12 April 2006, the current TPO review officer will resume the review of area and old TPOs and will undertake no other duties for a period of at least two months, with the exception of emergencies.
5.2The priority will be to complete reviews already started, in particular Corfe Way and Ashwood Drive. Following the completion of these two areas, TPOs will be reviewed in order of age and vulnerability.
5.3Particular attention will be given to Canford Cliffs, Lilliput and a number of TPOs around Sandbanks as these areas are being heavily developed.
5.4We are investigating the use of GPS technology to assist and speed up the review. A local company based in Bournemouth is to provide a demonstration of this equipment within the next few weeks.
5.5As such, this GPS/GIS system is perfectly suited for the surveying of TPOs, specifically the resurveying of area TPOs. Large numbers of trees can be surveyed accurately and quickly. The positional mapping of these trees is achieved by simply aiming the laser at each individual item, and therefore does not require direct contact. This is particularly useful when individual trees are within residential or commercial properties and access is unattainable. Subsequent data is then added, such as the amenity value of the tree, species, tree height and crown width. This data can be collected and reviewed in the field using a PDA and portable GIS system.
6.0New TPOs unrelated to review.
6.1This task will be undertaken by the remainder of the tree team and will be as a response to queries from the public or Councillors, while dealing with Tree Work Applications or Planning Consultations.
7.1Work has now begun to bring the TPO review back on track and clear guidance has been given. The review will be closely monitored over the next 12 month period at which point a progress report will be provided for members.
7.2It is essential that GPS/GIS technology be explored, as this will assist the TPO review and expedite the process.
7.3Reviewing TPOs is an ongoing requirement due to continued development demands and the ageing process of trees. However, if the revie wis conducted at its current rate, it is predicted that it will take at least 20 to 30 years just to review current area and old TPOs.
7.4There appear to be 3 options available to the Council:-
Option 1 – do nothing and continue the review in its current form.
Option 2 – employ a further Arboricultural officer specifically to speed up the review (approximate cost £25,000 per annum)
Option 3 – Appoint an external agency to complete the review.
Peter Watson
Head of Planning Design and Control Services