Appendix (Electronic Supplementary Material)

Based on Cook’s distances, Canada, Chile and Japan are identified as outliners and may be excluded from analysis. The cut-off value is 0.12 (=4/33). Canada’s and Chile’s Issue Importance values yielded a Cook’s distances of 0.16 and 0.21 respectively. Japan’s Risk Perception value yielded a Cook’s distance of 0.42. The exclusion of the three outliners does not significantly affect the selection of optimal regression models and the correlations between variables, as shown in the tables below.

Table A1 Correlation coefficients for dependent and independent variables (all outliners excluded), using ISSP data (N = 30)

Issue Importance / Risk Perception / GDP per capita / Energy use per capita / CO2 emissions per capita
Risk Perception / -.273
GDP per capita / .711** / -.641**
Energy use per capita / .432* / -.692** / .761**
CO2 emissions per capita / .174 / -.520** / .433* / .670**
ND-GAIN Index / .529** / -.680** / .815** / .722** / .411*

* and ** denote significance at .05 and .01 levels respectively.

Table A2 Perceived importance of climate change and national indicators, based on ISSP data (Japan excluded)

(2005 prices USD per capita) / Energy use
(oil equivalent kg per capita) / CO2 emission (tonnes per capita) / Climate change preparedness
(ND-GAIN Index) / AICc / ∆AICc
** / - / - / - / 197.347 / 0
** / - / - / n.s. / 199.339 / 1.992
** / n.s. / - / - / 199.552 / 2.205
** / - / n.s. / - / 199.579 / 2.232
** / - / n.s. / n.s. / 201.838 / 4.491
** / n.s. / - / n.s. / 201.929 / 4.582
** / n.s. / n.s. / - / 202.301 / 4.954
** / n.s. / n.s. / n.s. / 204.866 / 7.519
- / - / - / * / 210.869 / 13.522
- / n.s. / - / # / 211.993 / 14.646
- / ** / - / - / 212.132 / 14.785
- / - / n.s. / ** / 213.357 / 16.010
- / ** / n.s. / - / 214.029 / 16.682
- / n.s. / n.s. / n.s. / 214.465 / 17.118
- / - / - / - / 218.553 / 21.206
- / - / n.s. / - / 218.704 / 21.357
Estimation method: generalized linear models with ‘Issue Importance’ as dependent variable
#, * and ** denote significance at .1, .05 and .01 levels respectively. n.s.: not significant.

Table A3 Perceived danger of climate change and national indicators, based on ISSP data (Canada and Chine excluded)

(2005 prices USD per capita) / Energy use
(oil equivalent kg per capita) / CO2 emission (tonnes per capita) / Climate change preparedness
(ND-GAIN Index) / AICc / ∆AICc
- / * / - / * / -3.095 / 0
- / - / # / ** / -2.484 / 0.611
- / - / - / ** / -1.944 / 1.151
- / ** / - / - / -1.094 / 2.001
- / n.s. / n.s. / * / -0.907 / 2.188
n.s. / # / - / * / -0.348 / 2.747
n.s. / - / # / * / 0.331 / 3.426
n.s. / - / - / * / 0.406 / 3.501
n.s. / * / - / - / 0.706 / 3.801
- / ** / n.s. / - / 1.351 / 4.446
n.s. / n.s. / n.s. / * / 2.119 / 5.214
** / - / # / - / 3.046 / 6.141
n.s. / # / n.s. / - / 3.198 / 6.293
** / - / - / - / 3.682 / 6.777
- / - / ** / - / 8.021 / 11.116
- / - / - / - / 13.859 / 16.954
Estimation method: generalized linear models with ‘Risk Perception ’ as dependent variable
#, * and ** denote significance at .1, .05 and .01 levels respectively. n.s.: not significant.

Figure A1 Bivariate correlation plots for perceived seriousness of climate change and GDP per capita, using World Values Survey data

Country code: AD (Andorra), AU (Australia), CA (Canada), CY (Cyprus), CH (Switzerland), DE (Germany), DK (Denmark), ES (Spain), FI (Finland), IT (Italy), JP (Japan), NO (Norway), SE (Sweden), US (United States).

Figure A2 Bivariate correlation plots for perceived seriousness of climate change and ND-GAIN Index, using World Values Survey data

Country code: AD (Andorra), AU (Australia), CA (Canada), CY (Cyprus), CH (Switzerland), DE (Germany), DK (Denmark), ES (Spain), FI (Finland), IT (Italy), JP (Japan), NO (Norway), SE (Sweden), US (United States).

Table A4 Perceived seriousness of climate change and national indicators, based on the World Values Survey data

(2005 prices USD per capita) / Energy use
(oil equivalent kg per capita) / CO2 emission (tonnes per capita) / Climate change preparedness
(ND-GAIN Index) / AICc / ∆AICc
- / - / - / ** / -14.095 / 0
- / - / n.s. / ** / -10.921 / 3.174
- / n.s. / - / ** / -9.804 / 4.291
n.s. / - / - / ** / -9.413 / 4.682
* / - / - / - / -6.890 / 7.205
- / - / - / - / -6.179 / 7.916
- / * / - / - / -6.176 / 7.919
** / - / # / - / -5.034 / 9.061
n.s. / - / n.s. / ** / -4.981 / 9.114
- / n.s. / n.s. / ** / -4.704 / 9.391
# / n.s. / - / - / -4.185 / 9.910
- / - / n.s. / - / -3.737 / 10.358
n.s. / n.s. / - / ** / -3.544 / 10.551
- / ** / n.s. / - / -1.471 / 12.624
* / n.s. / n.s. / - / 1.178 / 15.273
n.s. / n.s. / n.s. / ** / 3.572 / 17.667
Estimation method: generalized linear models with ‘ Perceived seriousness of climate change ’(World Values Survey) as dependent variable
#, * and ** denote significance at .1, .05 and .01 levels respectively. n.s.: not significant.