Wicomico County Public Schools
Teacher Evaluation Fact Sheet
Determination of Final Evaluation Rating
At the end of the 2013-14 school year, the Teacher Evaluation Committee reviewed the results of the final evaluation scores for all teachers who were evaluated under the new system during the year to set cut scores for the designations of Highly Effective and Effective. The Committee shared its recommendationsfor cut scores with the Superintendent of Schools who made the final determination.
On a 100 point scale, the Highly Effective cut score was set at 93.75 points and the Effective cut score was set at 68.75 points. Cut scores will be revisited annually to accommodate changes as needed.
Phase-In of Three Year Evaluation Cycle
Implementation of the teacher evaluation model follows a three-year cycle. Teachers are divided into three different cohorts and will transition to the new evaluation process according to the schedule below. The professional practices component for Cohort 1 was evaluated during 2013-2014. The professional practices component for Cohort 2 will be evaluated during 2014-2015 and for Cohort 3 during 2015-2016.
Phase-In of Three Year Evaluation CycleCohort / SY 2014-2015 / SY 2015-2016 / SY 2016-2017
1 / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Carry Over 2013-14 Professional Practice Score / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Carry Over 2013-14 Professional Practice Score / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Evaluate Professional Practice
2 / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Evaluate Professional Practices / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Carry Over 2014-15 Professional Practice Score / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Carry Over 2014-15 Professional Practice Score
3 / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Convert previous score to new Professional Practice Score / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Evaluate Professional Practice / Evaluate Student Growth Measures / Carry Over 2015-16 Professional Practice Score
To accommodate the phase-in, Wicomico County will use a decision matrix based on Student Growth scores and the previously earned qualitative evaluation rating to determine the teacher’s evaluation rating as shown below. Please note that the carry over only occurs for tenured teachers who have been rated as effective or highly effective in Year 1 of their cycle.
Phase-In Matrix to Determine Final Evaluation Rating(Based on SLOs = 50 points total)Previous Qualitative Evaluation Rating
Student Growth Points / Commendable / Satisfactory
50 / Highly Effective / Highly Effective
43-49 / Highly Effective / Effective
<43 / Effective / Effective