Project title / Code / Date / File name
WHS Reporting Mobile App / 1.0 / 26/04/2016 / Project Management Plan_WHS Reporting Mobile App
Project Sponsor / Project Manager / Project client
Ben Russell (Chief Executive Officer GSE) / Sean Nguyen / GSE

Prepared by

Document owner(s) / Project/organisation role
Sean Nguyen / Project Manager
Ashok Tadulker / GM Project Management

Project charter version control

Version / Date / Author / Change description
1.0 / 26/04/2016 / Sean Nguyen / Document created






4.1Goals and Outcomes

4.2Organisational Impacts

4.3Organisational benefits

4.4Project deliverables


4.6Project estimated duration

4.7Project estimated cost


5.1Project assumptions

5.2High-level project risks

5.3Project constraints

6Creating the work breakdown structure (WBS)

7Verifying completion of project deliverables

8Managing requests for changes to project scope



The implementation of the WHS Reporting Mobile App is in direct response to the following issues identified based on feedback from WHS personnel:

  1. The hazard management and incident reporting processes are currently paper-based and handled from an office location, making worker consultation, communications and reporting processes time consuming and arduous, especially when issues frequently occur away from the office, such as in the manufacturing plant or warehouse
  2. Access to paper-based hazard/ incident and notifiable incident reports are time consuming which contributes to a “reporting reluctance” as well as time delays and inaccurate reporting, leading ineffective controls and investigation processes
  3. Hazard and incident reporting are legal duties of PCBUs (persons conducting a business or undertaking) under the model WHS legislation and regulations – therefore the potential for a simpler and more cost effective process of meeting our reporting obligations is always beneficial


To capture the essential inputs, assumptions and constraints at the concept stage of the project. This plan defines the project boundaries and is used to describe the scope of the project to stakeholders.


Global Star Enterprises vision is to bethe company of choice - creating sustainable value for shareholders, employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and business partners. Central to our vision is our goal of zero harm to people and the environment.

Global Star Enterprises is committed to providing its management teams and staff with every possible resource to ensure the goal of zero harm to people is constantly achieved. In order to continue improving onits impeccable safety record, the CEO and Management have agreed to invest in the integration ofa mobile based WHS Reporting application to improve speed, accuracy and usability of hazard and incident reporting processes.


4.1Goals and Outcomes

Goals / Outcomes
The project will enable GSE to identify, source and integrate a WHS Reporting App into its existing WHS management system /
  1. Select and purchase licences for a functional, effective and user friendly WHS Reporting Mobile App that meets organizational and user requirements
  2. Implement of the App into the existing GSE WHS management system within three months

4.2Organisational Impacts

  1. Minimal disruption to WHS management process, including hazard and incident reporting

  1. Merge paper-based reporting processes into one central online reporting tool

  1. Streamline incident and hazard follow-up processes

4.3Organisational benefits

  1. Greater access to hazard and incident forms – anywhere, anytime

  1. Increased automation of reporting processes saving time and money on WHS systems

  1. Improved organisational capability and efficiency for reporting hazards and incidents

  1. Increased safety performance through higher performing communication and reporting mechanisms

4.4Project deliverables

Milestone / Deliverable
  1. Consultation with GSE staff on user issues and needs
  • Consultation reportwith recommendations

  1. Develop and confirm selection criteria
  • Project Management Plan
  • Selection criteria/ product specifications

  1. Financial resources
  • Project budget

  1. Vendor selection
  • Vendor proposal and contract
  • Product overview

  1. Integration into WHS management system
  • Implementation strategy including schedule, communication and training plan

  1. Review and evaluation
  • Project finalization/ review report


  1. It is anticipated that the selected is not aimed to cover the scope of a WHS management system, or replace GSEs existing system
  2. GSE is not responsible for developing the design of the WHS Reporting Mobile App product

4.6Project estimated duration

Project milestone / Date estimate / Deliverable(s) included / Confidence level
1. Development and authorisation of project management plan / 26/04/2016 /
  • Consultation reportwith recommendations
/ High
2. Development of selection criteria based on issues and user needs / 20/05/2016 /
  • Project Management Plan
  • Selection criteria/ product specifications
/ High
3. Identification of suitable product that meets specification criteria / 15/06/2016 /
  • Project budget
/ High
4. Development and authorisation of vendor contract / 28/06/2016 /
  • Vendor proposal and contract
  • Product overview
/ High
5. Integration of WHS reporting Mobile App into WHS management system, including communications and training / 25/07/2016 /
  • Implementation strategy including schedule, communication and training plan
/ Medium

4.7Project estimated cost

Project critical tasks / Cost estimate / Indicative budget
Consultation with GSE staff and WHS teams / $1,500 / $1,500
Vendor selection / $800 / $1,000
Purchase of Mobile App / $1,500 / $2,500
Training system users / $1,500 / $1,000
Communication and support / $1,000 / $1,000
Total estimated cost / $6,300 / Within allocated budget of $7,000


5.1Project assumptions

  • The project will be based on the assumption that every worker has access to a smart phone
  • GSE staff will all have some basic I.T. knowledge
  • The selected product will require very little ongoing maintenance
  • Free telephone/ online support is available from the supplier to assist with product issues as required

5.2High-level project risks

# / Risk area / Likelihood / Risk owner / Project impact-mitigation plan
1 / Upfront and ongoing costs exceeding budget. / High / Gina Johnson / Follow monitoring and control procedures. Use of change management and risk management procedures.
2 / User reluctance due to new technology and some users not having a smart phone. / High / Peter Habib / Training and communication plan. Development of reward and recognition plan. Incentives to purchase a smart phone device.
3 / Mobile App product does not perform as expected. / Medium / Sean Nguyen / Follow-up reviews with vendor. Testing with sample group. Consultation and ongoing feedback with users.
4 / Schedule and allocated hours is exceeded. / Medium / Gina Johnson / Follow monitoring and control procedures. Use of change management and risk management procedures.

5.3Project constraints

  • Time – The project must be completed within three (3) months and only minimal time can be allocated from project and WHS staff according to budget constraints
  • Cost – The allocated budget of $7,000 is small in terms of human resources and purchasing and does not allow for ongoing expenses for maintenance and upgrades.
  • Quality – The product must be simple, easy to use and able to be accessed from an iPhone and Android device. It must be centred around users with little experience in I.T.

6Creating the work breakdown structure (WBS)

7Verifying completion of project deliverables

Verification will be complete upon integration of the selected App into WHS management system, including communications and training.

8Managing requests for changes to project scope

All change requests, approvals and actions must be completed in accordance with the GSE procedure as stated in the Change Management Plan Template located on the GSE Intranet.


Prepared by: / Sean Nguyen
Project manager
Approved by: / Ben Russell
Project sponsor
Ashok Tadulker
Executive sponsor

Global Star Enterprises is a fictional company created for educational and training purposes only. This document may not be reproduced or distributed, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © Raw Pixel 2016

Project Scope Management Plan_WHS Reporting Mobile App V1.0 April 2016Page 1 of 8