Springfield, Vermont

September 9, 2014

Present: HCRS Staff: Steve Klein (Facilitator), Will Shakespeare, Bill Metcalfe,Katherine Cook, Wendy Smith, and Crystal Morey Client/Community Representation: R. Hill, C. Cheney, M. Veale, D. Slade, K. Beach, P. Morse, G. Zdunek, and W. Verboncoeur

Board Representation: Sarah Carter

Present by Video Conferencing: Brattleboro Elm – Lori Lintner, Jordan Adams, M. Batts, A. Clishman, C. Morneau, A. Bonnett, J. Kelley, and M. Cannu

Hartford Office: Brad Sewall, B. Conniff, M. Douglas, and P. Charpentier

Welcome: At 12:15 PM, Steve Klein, Chief Program Officer welcomedeveryone to the meeting. George Karabakakis passed along his regrets as he was not able to attend today’s meeting. Introductions were made including those participating via video conferencing.

Joint Standing Committee Minutes: The June 10, 2014Joint Standing Committee Meeting were were reviewed and approved as written. These minuteswill be posted to the HCRS Internet Site.The Internet website is:

CEO Update:Steve Klein announced that since June, SLT has been focusing on a plan for the upcoming year, promoting a culture of health. The focus will be on access to services, communication, improving staff morale, better business practices, incl. technology improvements, quality of services, and staff and community engagement.

HCRS recently hired Katherine Cook, Director of Quality Assurance. She has been with the Agency for about two months now. Katherine will begin developing an annual training plan for all staff in every area. Each quarter, she will focus on specific areas of training. In addition to the training plan, she will begin working on ways in which HCRS documents services; more specifically around the service planning process and making it more person centered focused. There will be an initiative to bring everything together in the near future.

George has been holding a series of “lunches with George” at each of the area offices and he has received positive feedback from staff. To date, 125 people have attended. George would like to continue with the lunches on a regular basis.


Children’s Standing Committee: The Children’s Standing Committee did not meet over the summer, but the group is excited about some of the plans that they have in the works. There is some transitioning happening now that Sue Hennessey has retired. The group continues to look at ways in which to revamp the committee, to provide better services, and to bridge the gap in communication between schools, the agency, and parents. Restraints and de-escalation techniques are being discussed as well as the building a a better relationship between Crisis and the police social worker.

Will Shakespeare, Children’s Program Director briefly talked about the Summer Therapeutic Program. Over 250 children attended and he reported he had a great group of staff working with great kids. Two parent reps asked about the kids who age out (children 15-17). There isn’t a program just yet, but Will is looking at a transitional youth program for another time.

DS Standing Committee and Program Update: Bill Metcalfe, DS Director, provided an update on theDevelopmental Services Standing Committee. The Governor signed a proclamation for direct support professionals’week celebrating and recognizing the dedication and accomplishments of direct support professionals and the vital contribution they provide to members of our community. An ice cream social will be held to recognize folks in the Developmental Services Program. Clients are also making flags that will be hung up at the state house.

The DS Advocacy group met in August, but prior to that many advocates attended Vermont’s 16th Annual “Voices and Choices” Self-Advocacy Conference at the Killington Grand Resort Hotel & Conference Center in Killington, VT. The conference provided an opportunity for Vermonters with developmental disabilities, their families, service providers, and allies to collectively learn about decision-making, self-advocacy, and relationships. More than 450 people representing every county in Vermont attended.

On August 22nd an all day training was held with DS staff and clients to discuss what choices mean to them.

Bill talked about the Special Olympics team at HCRS for soccer. The team will participate in a soccer tournament at the end of October. Practices will be held every Friday from 5:30 –7:00. Approximately 10 players participate. Bill wanted to take a moment to thank all of the volunteers who help out with the Special Olympics team.

A DS Standing Committee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow from 12:00 – 1:30.

Adult Standing Committee and Program Update: Phil M. Chair provided an update on what is happening at the Adult Standing Committee meetings. The group is moving forward in a positive direction. The PRC may be opening up to three days a week possibly beginning January 1, 2015 with more group participation. The group recently wrote a letter to George Karabakakis requesting it to be re-opened and he agreed. The group continues to work on an outline for what the standing committee really does, bringing in a focus on psychiatry.

The group is also looking at the integration of services and creating a continuum of care and getting away from labeling. Regardless of program all Case Managers have integrated amongst HCRS staff to provide better clinical services.

Some new initiatives are being established. Recently HCRS was approved for opening an apartment for clients coming out of corrections. HCRS is also working with the courts in Brattleboro to address domestic violence issues and to provide assistance at the court. Last Wednesday was the first day it was put into practice.

Over the next few months, Meline Veal would like to hear from the clients to see how the integration is working out in all of the Programs.

Next meeting: The next Joint Standing Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 12:00 PM. Lunch will be provided.

Minutes by Crystal Morey, Recorder