Yes, I defined the function processInputPoint in filter.cpp
Thanks for replay,
I am creating newderived class “AsdkInputPointFilter" from Abstract class "AcEdInputPointFilter" in filter.h.
In Test 5.cpp file i trying to createreference from my derived class like this
AsdkInputPointFilter myFilter;
This gives compile error like this
e:\sankar\autocad objectarx 2007\testing project\copy of test 5\test 5\test 5.cpp(26) : error C2259: 'AsdkInputPointFilter' : cannot instantiate abstract class
due to following members:
'Acad::ErrorStatus AcEdInputPointFilter::processInputPoint(bool &,AcGePoint3d &,bool &,bool &,ACHAR *&,bool &,AcGiViewportDraw *,AcApDocument *,bool,int,const AcGePoint3d &,const AcGePoint3d &,const AcGePoint3d &,const AcGePoint3d &,const AcGePoint3d &,AcDb::OsnapMask,const AcArray<T> &,AcDb::OsnapMask,const AcArray<T> &,const AcArray<AcDbObjectId> &,const AcArray<AcDbObjectIdArray,R> &,const AcArray<int> &,const AcArray<AcDbObjectId> &,const AcArray<AcDbObjectIdArray,R> &,const AcArray<int> &,const AcArray<AcGeCurve3d *> &,const AcGePoint3d &,const ACHAR *)' : is abstract
T=AcDbCustomOsnapMode *,
// Test 5.cpp
// Test 5.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
AsdkInputPointFilter myFilter;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
/ stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
// Test 5.pch will be the pre-compiled header
// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
// TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H
// and not in this file
// filter.cpp
// AsdkInputPointFilter methods
//#include "VedbCavity.h"
bool& changedPoint,
AcGePoint3d& newPoint,
bool& displayOsnapGlyph,
bool& changedTooltipStr,
char*& newTooltipString,
bool& retry,
AcGiViewportDraw* pDrawContext,
AcApDocument* document,
bool pointComputed,
int history,
const AcGePoint3d& lastPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& rawPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& grippedPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& cartesianSnappedPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& osnappedPoint,
AcDb::OsnapMask osnapMasks,
const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*& customOsnapModes,
AcDb::OsnapMask osnapOverrides,
const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*& customOsnapOverrides,
const AcArray<AcDbObjectId& pickedEntities,
const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > &
const AcArray<int& gsSelectionMark, // of 0th element in
// pickedEntities
// AutoSnap Info:
const AcArray<AcDbObjectId& keyPointEntities,
const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > &
const AcArray<int& keyPointGsSelectionMark,
const AcArray<AcGeCurve3d*& alignmentPaths,
const AcGePoint3d& computedPoint,
constchar* tooltipString )
{// Function Starts.
//CString ShowString=_T(""), tempVar=_T("") ;
//}// IF(Second)->Ends.
// }// IF(First)->Ends.
return Acad::eOk;
}// Function Ends.
// stdafx.h
// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN// Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
// filter.h
#ifndef __FILTER_H__
#define __FILTER_H__
class AsdkInputPointFilter : public AcEdInputPointFilter
AsdkInputPointFilter(){ m_changePoint = false; };
virtual Acad::ErrorStatus processInputPoint(
bool& changedPoint,
AcGePoint3d& newPoint,
bool& displayOsnapGlyph,
bool& changedTooltipStr,
char*& newTooltipString,
bool& retry,
AcGiViewportDraw* pDrawContext,
AcApDocument* document,
bool pointComputed,
int history,
const AcGePoint3d& lastPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& rawPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& grippedPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& cartesianSnappedPoint,
const AcGePoint3d& osnappedPoint,
AcDb::OsnapMask osnapMasks,
const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*& customOsnapModes,
AcDb::OsnapMask osnapOverrides,
const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*& customOsnapOverrides,
const AcArray<AcDbObjectId& pickedEntities,
const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > &
const AcArray<int& gsSelectionMark, // of 0th element in
// pickedEntities
// AutoSnap Info:
const AcArray<AcDbObjectId& keyPointEntities,
const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > &
const AcArray<int& keyPointGsSelectionMark,
const AcArray<AcGeCurve3d*& alignmentPaths,
const AcGePoint3d& computedPoint,
constchar* tooltipString);
// Non-standard protocol
void enableChanges(){ m_changePoint = true; };
void disableChanges(){ m_changePoint = false; };
bool m_changePoint;