February 2016 RESEARCH PAPER SCHEDULE – Revised 1/26/16
Jan. 25 / Jan. 26 / Jan. 27 / JAN. 28 - In Class
Introduce paper
HW: List of 3 topics due 1/29 and parent/Guardian signature / Jan. 29 - IMC
Parent/Guardian Signature and List of 3 topics due (5 points)
HW: Narrowed Topic and Question due February 2nd / 30 / 31
1 – IMC
Research and decide on a narrowed topic
HW: Narrowed Topic and Big Question / 2 – IMC
Narrowed Topic due (3 points)
Big Question due (2 points) / 3 – IMC
HW: Answer to your question with 3 supporting details / 4 – IMC
Answer and supporting details due (5 points) / 5 – – In class
How to write a thesis statement
HW: Thesis statement / 6 / 7
8 – IMC
THESIS STATEMENT DUE (10 points) / 9 – IMC / 10 – IMC / 11 – IMC / 12
Early Dismissal / 13 / 14
15 – No School
Presidents’ Day
/ 16 - IMC
HW: 30 Note cards / 17 – IMC
30 NOTE CARDS DUE (20 points) / 18 – IMC / 19 - IMC / 20 / 21
22 - Last day in the IMC
HW: Outline / 23 - In class
OUTLINE DUE (45 points)
Write intro in class / March 7 th: Your Rough Draft is due (40 Points). Please come with a complete typed draft of your paper. Late rough drafts will earn a zero for that day (except for verified medical reason or another serious emergency). There will be no opportunity to make up that grade. You will peer review (read and correct) each other’s papers on that day. The peer review and the corrections that you make on your classmate’s paper will receive a grade.

March 22nd : Paper Due! (130 Points)

DUE DATES (revised 1/26/16) – these dates are subject to change. Please remember to check my webpage.

Research Days January 29th - February 23rd

List of 3 topics / Parent signature (5 points ) Friday, January 29th

Narrowed Topic what you learned (3 points)

Big Question (2 points) Tuesday, February 2nd

Answer and supporting details (5 points) Thursday, February 4th

Thesis due (10 points) Monday, February 8th

30 Note cards due (20 points) Tuesday, February 17th

Outline due (45 points) Tuesday, February 23rd

Peer Review/Rough Draft due (40 points) Monday, March 7th

Final Copy Due (130 Points) Tuesday, March 22nd


I have read the expectations/due dates for the 9th grade research paper and understand the requirements that must be met to complete the research paper process.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______


Passwords for Home Access to Pennfield Middle School On-line Subscription Databases

WORLD BOOK ONLINE: http://www.worldbookonline.com

Username: npenn

Password: northpenn

WORLD BOOK ADVANCED: http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/home?subacct=O1565

Username: npenn

Password: northpenn

CAREER CRUISING: http://careercruising.com

Username: pennfield

Password: careers

CULTURE GRAMS: http://online.culturegrams.com

Username: pennfield

Password: culture

DESTINY/OPAC: Username/Password: npenn login

Biography in Context:

Username/Password: nphsimc

Gale Virtual Reference Library:

Password: pennfield

Issues and Controversies in American History:

Username: northpenn

Password: northpenn

Blooms Reference:

Username: northpenn

Password: northpenn

Student Resource Center


Us history in context


word history in context


Opposing viewpoints


Password for all: pennfield or field