Georgia Internet Research Guide

On the website , locate the following information:

  1. Location in the United States (circle one): North, South, East, West, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest
  2. Capital: ______
  3. Current governor (Find Governor. Write the name listed in blue): ______
  4. Date Georgia became a U.S. state. (Find Admission to Statehood. Write the date listed in blue): ______

Find Symbols. Click on “Georgia Symbols”. Write the following information.

  1. State bird: ______
  2. State flower: ______
  3. State tree: ______
  4. State motto: ______


  1. State flag(Find Flag. Write what the symbols on the state flag represent):








Find Economy: Write the following information under the word economy:

  1. Agriculture: The state’s major agricultural products (on a farm)


  1. Industry: The state’s major manufactured products (man made)


  1. State borders (states that surround Georgia): - Find Border States – Write the names of the states next to the words Regional List


  1. State population (number of people in the state): Find Population – Write the number next to the words Quick Facts ______
  2. Five famous people from the state and their job: Find Biographies – Click on Famous Georgians. Choose any of the people listed.


  1. The top five largest cities in the state: Find Largest Cities – Write the names of the first five cities listed in blue


  1. Five interesting facts about the state: Find Fast Facts – Click on 50states List. Write anything on this page that you think is interesting.


Go to the following website: Browse through the places listed and complete the following.

  1. Five places of interest in Georgia:


  1. Pick a place that you would want to visit in the state and tell why:______


Go to the following website: Write the information below.

  1. Land regions (names of each region). *Hint: Look for the picture titled “Georgia Land Regions”. Write the names of the regions only!:







  1. Climate (weather): Average temperature :______

Record low temperature: ______

Record high temperature: ______

*Hint: For climate, look at the bottom of the webpage in the yellow boxes.

22. Resources (where did you get the information you used in project):

Internet sites:

Other: ______

You may also choose to decorate the end of your report with pictures that you found on the Internet or in a book about your state. You can look for these at home. Everything else will be done here at school.