Wisconsin Department of Transportation

DT2031 5/2007

1. Description of Proposed Action - Attach project location map and other appropriate graphics.

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It is determined, after review of the Environmental Assessment (EA), comments from the public, and coordination with other agencies, that this action would not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. This document is a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).
Environmental Assessment (EA) No Significant Impacts Indicated by Initial Assessment
Environmental Assessment (EA) EIS Required
Environmental Report (2-ER)
Programmatic Environmental Report (2-pER)
(Chief, Rails and Harbors Signature) / (Date)
(Regional Director Signature) / (Date)
(Director, Bureau of Equity and Environmental Services Signature) / (Date)

2. Purpose and need of proposed action. Include description of existing facilities, abutting facilities, and how the action links into the overall transportation system. When appropriate, show that commitment for future work is not being made without evaluation, and that viable alternatives in a larger framework are not being unduly foreclosed.

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3. Summary of the alternatives considered and if they are not proposed for adoption, why not. Identify which, if any, of the alternatives is the preferred alternative.

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4. Will the energy invested in constructing this harbor project result in energy savings (efficiencies) in the loading and unloading of goods and/or passengers?


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ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS / Adverse / Benefit / None / * Not Applicable / Comments
A. General Economics
B. Community & Residential
C. Commercial & Industrial
D. Agriculture
E. Wetlands
F. Streams & Floodplains
G. Lakes or Other Open Water
H. Upland Habitat
I. Air Quality
J. Construction Stage Sound Quality
K. Traffic Noise
L. Unique Area (e.g., 4(f), 6(f), historic or archeological resources)
M. Hazardous Substances or UST's
N. Aesthetics
O. Other (Erosion Control or Storm Water Management)

* Blacked out cells in this column require an “x” in at least one of the other columns.

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5. Describe existing land use - Attach land use maps if available.

a. Land use in immediate area.

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b. Land use in area surrounding project area.

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6. Briefly identify adopted plans for the area and discuss whether the proposed action is compatible with the plan.

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7. Early coordination and public involvement.

a. Agency Coordination

Attached -
Y/N / Explain or give results. If no correspondence is attached to this document, indicate when coordination with the agency was initiated and, if available, when coordination was completed.
Natural Resources (DNR)
Agriculture (DATCP)
State Historical Society (SHS)
Corps of Engineers (COE)
Soil Conservation Service (SCS)
Fish and Wildlife Service (F&WS)
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)

b. Briefly summarize the status and results of public involvement. Include the dates and results of coordination with local units of government, if any. Describe how the public involvement process complied with Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice.

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Indicate whether the issue listed below is a concern for the proposed action. If the issue is a concern, explain how that concern is to be addressed or where the issue is addressed in this environmental document.

1. Stimulation of secondary environmental effects.

No - Substantial secondary environmental effects will not be stimulated.

Yes - Stimulation of substantial secondary environmental effects will occur. Explain or indicate where addressed.

2. Creation of a new environmental effect.

No - A new environmental effect will not be created.

Yes - The project will create a new environmental effect. Explain or indicate where addressed.

3. Impacts on geographically scarce resources.

No - Geographically scarce resources will not be impacted.

Yes - Impacts on geographically scarce resources will occur. Explain or indicate where addressed.

4. Precedent-setting nature of the proposed action.

No - The proposed project does not have a precedent-setting nature.

Yes - The proposed project has a precedent-setting nature. Explain or indicate where addressed.

5. The degree of controversy associated with the proposed action.

No - The proposed action is not controversial or the level of controversy is low.

Yes - The project has a high degree of controversy. Explain or indicate where addressed.

6. Conflicts with official agency plans or local, state, or national policies, including conflicts resulting from potential effects of transportation on land use and land use on transportation demand.

No - No conflicts with any plans, policies, or land uses will result.

Yes - Conflicts with plans, policies or land uses will result. Explain or indicate where addressed.

7. Cumulative environmental impacts of repeated actions of the type proposed.

No - The proposed action will not contribute to cumulative environmental impacts of repeated actions.

Yes - Cumulative environmental impacts will result from repeated actions of the type proposed. Explain or indicate where addressed.

8. Foreclosure of future options.

No - The proposed action will not foreclose future options, i.e., the proposal will not require or preclude alternative transportation improvements.

Yes - The proposed action will foreclose future options, i.e., other transportation improvements will be required or alternatives for future improvements are precluded. Explain or indicate where addressed.

9. Direct or indirect impacts on ethnic or cultural groups.

No - Neither direct nor indirect impacts on ethnic or cultural groups will occur.

Yes - Either direct or indirect impacts on ethnic or cultural groups will occur. Explain or indicate where addressed.

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Identify and describe any commitments made to protect the environment. Indicate when the commitment should be implemented. The local government has jurisdiction to assure fulfillment for each commitment.

A. General Economics

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B. Community and Residential

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C. Commercial and Industrial

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D. Agriculture

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E. Wetlands

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F. Streams

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G. Lakes

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H. Upland Wildlife Habitat

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I. Air Quality

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J. Construction Sound Quality

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K. Traffic Noise

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L. Unique Area

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1) Archeology -

2) Historic property -

3) Park or recreational area or trail -

4) Wildlife or waterfowl refuge -

5) Other (Identify) -

M. Hazardous Substances or USTS

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N. Aesthetics

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O. Other (Erosion Control, Storm Water Management etc.)

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(Lakes, Ponds, Impoundments, Flowages, etc.)

Alternative / Preferred
Yes No
1) Name of Lake or Waterbody / 2) Location of Lake or Waterbody
3) Lake or Waterbody Type
Lake / Pond / Impoundment / Other – Describe
4) Area of Waterbody
Hectares ( Acres)
Permanent Flow (year-round)
Temporary Flow (dry part of year)
5) Lake or Waterbody Characteristics
Bottom: / Sand / Silt / Clay / Cobbles / Other - Describe
Maximum Depth
Meters ( Feet) / Vegetation in Lake or Waterbody
Absent / Present - If known describe
6) Identify Fish Species Present / 7) If water quality data is available, include this information (e.g., DNR or local discharger might have such records).
8) Are there any known endangered or threatened species affected by the project?
Yes - Identify the species and indicate whether it is on Federal or State lists. / No
9) Has Section 7 coordination been completed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?
Yes - Describe mitigation required to protect the federally listed endangered species. / No
10) Has coordination with DNR been completed?
Yes - Describe mitigation required to protect the State listed species. / No
11) Will the project rehabilitate or replace a bridge or box culvert?
Yes - Estimated number of nests is / No
12) Are migratory bird nests present?
Yes – Estimated number of nests is / No
13) Is a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Depredation Permit required to remove migratory bird nests?
Yes / No – Describe measures to mitigate harm / N/A
14) Describe land adjacent to lake or waterbody which would be affected by the project. If wetland, give type.
15) Describe proposed work in, over, or adjacent to lake or waterbody.
16) Section 404 Permit
Not Applicable - No fill to be placed in stream / Individual Permit Required
Applicable - Fill will be placed in waterbody
Indicate amount or length of fill - / Yes / No
Nationwide Permit Required / Nationwide Permit Number / Nationwide Permit Name
Yes / No
Is Notification to the Corps of Engineers Required
Yes / No

17) Discuss probable direct impacts to water quality in the waterbody, both during and after construction. Indicate the probable effects on plants and animals inhabiting or dependent upon the lake or waterbody.

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18) Describe proposed measures to minimize adverse effects or to enhance beneficial effects.

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Alternative / Preferred
Yes No
1) Name of Stream / 2) Location of Stream
3) Stream Type - Indicate Stream Class if Known
Unknown / Warm water / Trout-Class
4) Size of Upstream Watershed Area
Permanent Flow (year-round) / Temporary Flow (dry part of year)
5) Stream Characteristics
Substrate: / Sand / Silt / Clay / Cobbles / Other - Describe
Average Water Depth / Vegetation in Stream
Absent / Present - If known describe:
Identify Fish Species Present / If water quality data is available, include this information (e.g., DNR or local discharger might have such records).
6) Are there any known endangered or threatened species affected by the project?
Yes - Identify the species and indicate whether it is on Federal or State lists. / No
7) Has Section 7 coordination been completed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?
Yes - Describe mitigation required to protect the federally listed endangered species. / No
8) Has coordination with DNR been completed?
Yes - Describe mitigation required to protect the State listed species. / No
9) If bridge replacement, are swallow nests present?
Yes - Estimated number of nests is / No
10) Is a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Depredation Permit required to remove swallow nests?
Yes / No – Describe measures to mitigate harm. / N/A
11) Describe land adjacent to stream. If wetland, give type.
12) Identify upstream or downstream dischargers or receivers (if any) within 0.8 kilometers (1/2 mile) of the project site.
13) Section 404 Permit
Not Applicable - No fill to be placed in stream / Individual Permit Required
Applicable - Fill will be placed in stream
Indicate amount or length of fill - / Yes / No
Nationwide Permit Required / Nationwide Permit Number / Nationwide Permit Name
Yes / No
Is Notification to the Corps of Engineers Required
Yes / No

14) Describe proposed work in, over, or adjacent to stream. Indicate whether the work is within the 100-year floodplain and whether it is a crossing or a longitudinal encroachment.

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15) Discuss the effects of any backwater which would be created by the proposed action. Indicate whether the proposed activities would be consistent with NR 116, the National Flood Insurance Program, and Governor's Executive Order #73.

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16) Describe and provide the results of coordination with any floodplain zoning authority.

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17) Would the proposal or any changes in the design flood, or backwater cause any of the following impacts?

No impacts would occur
Significant interruption or termination of emergency vehicle service or a community's only excavation route
Significant flooding with a potential for property loss and a hazard to life
Significant impacts on natural floodplain values such as flood storage, fish or wildlife habitat, open space, aesthetics, etc.

18) Discuss existing or planned floodplain use and briefly summarize the project's effects on that use.

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19) Discuss probable direct impacts to water quality within the floodplain, both during and after construction. Include the probable effects on plants, animals, and fish inhabiting or dependent upon the stream.

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20) Describe proposed measures to minimize adverse effects or to enhance beneficial effects.

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