ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2016


To ensure that the school is positive and an attractive environment that will encourage attendance.

To put in place strategies for teaching and learning that will foster success and encourage children to attend school.

To reward good attendance throughout the year.

To target and reduce the number of persistent latecomers and poor attendees

Programmes to date / ACTION PLAN / Who? / When?
School motto: Be on time at ten to nine
Badges given on a monthly basis for full attendance
After School HW Clubs:
Junior club from 1:30 – 2:30
Senior Club from 2:30 – 3:30
GAA after school
Irish dancing after school
Basketball after school
Knitting after school
Cookery club after school
Games club after school
Drama after school
After school activities for Infant classes until 2:30 pm / The school will continue to encourage and
acknowledge good timekeeping:
  • Motto
  • 3rd – 6th: termly initiatives of
Recording and collecting percentages
Of pupils in line on time. Winning class poster to be displayed clearly at the end of each week.
  • Infants – 2nd class: In-class rewards, e.g., stickers
School Completion Initiatives/In School programmes
  • Encourage children to come to school (Music, Drama, Fun Athletics, Soccer, GAA, RSE, Trips out, etc.)
Print full attendance list every month for the classes
Breakfast Club
After School HW Club to continue
After School activities
Specialist activities
End of term assemblies and end of year graduation will acknowledge and reward full and excellent attendance with prizes and certificates.
Maths Groups used to deliver a spiral curriculum in Maths.
The Write-to-Read programme is used to deliver a high quality and engaging programme for literacy.
Literacy Groups used in all classes.
IPPN form will be issued to transferring pupils with the expectation it will be returned in order to keep our roll books up to date.
Utilise fully the facilities available in the new school building to foster a positive and attractive environment. / Teacher and pupils of 6th class. Anne Denvir to co-ordinate.
Class teachers
School Completion Co-ordinator (Lesley Keegan), Majella Clarke
Anne Denvir
Principal, HSCL, SNAs
School Completion
Voluntary basis
Outside specialists, e.g., GAA coach from Liffey Gaels
Breda McEvoy
Anne Denvir
All teachers
Joan Horan, All teachers
All teachers
Breda McEvoy
Joan Horan
School community / First month each term
First month each term
School Year
School Year
School year
Christmas, Easter, June
As arises
Throughout the year, including holiday periods
Continue to feed back at parent/teacher meetings/report cards re: attendance and punctuality.
Monitor data collected from 3rd – 6th classes regarding punctuality with the aim of rewarding.
Monitor testing data to ensure that teaching and learning initiatives are reflected by a rise in test scores over time.
Reports are issued to Tusla four times a year.
Individual reports are furnished to Tusla for immediate attention.
Parents are asked in a stepped approach to meet with the class teacher/principal where a pattern of absenteeism/lateness is emerging.
Arrange school calendar to minimize the level of absenteeism on days following school closure. / Class teachers
Class teachers, 6th class
Anne Denvir
Anne Denvir
Breda McEvoy
Class teacher, Breda McEvoy
Whole Staff / During school year
Termly assemblies
June each year
Four times a year
As arises
As arises
As necessary
June of previous school year
Cumulative report issues to Tusla in June of each year.
Review of roll book records in relation to action plan initiatives with a view to improving future attendance.
Staff discussion re the value of initiative agreed in action plan. / Anne Denvir
Joan Horan
Whole staff / June of each year
June of each year
Staff meeting