
Mark J. Hanson

Curriculum Vitae

2705 Gilbert AvenueDept. of Global Humanities and Religions

Missoula, MT 59802Dept. of Philosophy

406.542.7786University of Montana

406.493.8098 cell32 Campus Drive

Liberal Arts Building 101

Missoula, MT 59812

406.243.6844 tel

406.243.5313 fax


1987-1993:Ph.D. in Ethics and Religious Studies, University of Virginia

1985-1987:M.A.R. (Master of Arts in Religion, with a concentration in ethics), Yale Divinity School

1984-1985:Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, Georg August UniversitätGöttingen, Germany

1980-1984:B.A. magna cum laude in Psychology and Religion, St. Olaf College

Fellowships and Honors

1996:Willard Gaylin Award, The Hastings Center

1990-1991:Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

1988-1991:Grants for Advanced Theological Studies, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

1987-1989:Graduate Fellowships, University of Virginia

1984-1985:Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, Georg August UniversitätGöttingen, Germany

1984:Phi Beta Kappa, St. Olaf (Delta of Minnesota) Chapter

1983:Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology


“Implications of Nonfoundationalist Moral Epistemologies for Theological Ethics in Public Moral Discourse” (James F. Childress and David Little, advisors)

Current and Previous Appointments

2009-present:Lecturer in Global Humanities and Religions (previously Liberal Studies) and Philosophy, University of Montana, Missoula

2007-present:Adjunct Professor of Health Professions, Missoula College, University of Montana,

2001-2009:Adjunct Associate Professor of Philosophy and Liberal Studies, University of Montana, Missoula

2004-2005:Interim Director, Practical Ethics Center, University of Montana, Missoula

2003:Associate Director, Practical Ethics Center, University of Montana, Missoula

1999-2003:Research Faculty, Practical Ethics Center, University of Montana, Missoula

1999-2002:Executive Director, Life’s End Institute: Missoula Demonstration Project, Inc.

1999-2001:Faculty Affiliate, Department of Philosophy, University of Montana, Missoula

1994-1999:Associate for Ethics & Society, The Hastings Center

1993-1994:Research Associate, The Hastings Center

1992-1994:Associate Editor, Hastings Center Report, The Hastings Center

Teaching Experience

2016-present:Adjunct Professor in Business University of Montana; courses taught:

  • “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility” (fall 2016)

2009-present:Lecturer in Global Humanities and Religions (previously Liberal Studies) and Philosophy, University of Montana; courses taught:

  • “Introduction to the Humanities I” (Ancient)” (each fall 2009 to present)
  • “Introduction to the Humanities II” (Modern) (each spring 2010 to present)
  • “Philosophy and Biomedical Ethics” (each spring 2001 to present, exc. 2007);
  • “Medical Ethics” (on-line course, UM College of Technology; each term 2009 to present,)
  • “Comparative [Religious] Ethics” (fall 2015, 2016)
  • “Contemporary Religious Thought: The Politics of Jesus” (fall 2014, spring 2016)
  • Jewish and Christian Ethics (special topics, spring 2015)

2007- present:Adjunct Professor in Health Professions, University of Montana College of Technology; courses taught:

  • “Medical Ethics” (on-line course, UM College of Technology; summer 2007 to present, each term)
  • “Medical Ethics” (UM College of Technology fall 2007 to 2011, each term).

2001-2009:Adjunct Associate Professor of Philosophy and Liberal Studies, University of Montana; courses taught:

  • “Introduction to the Humanities I” (Bible through Augustine)” (summer 2007, each fall 2006 to 2008)
  • “Introduction to the Humanities II” (Dante through the present) (each spring 2007 to present,)
  • “Philosophy and Biomedical Ethics” (fall 2001, summer 2002, each spring 2003 to 2009 (ex. 2007);
  • “Comparative [Religious] Ethics” (spring 2006, spring 2007, spring 2008)
  • “Contemporary Religious Thought” (spring 2008)
  • “Environmental Chemistry Summer Research Program Ethics Component” (A National Science Foundation Program, “Research Experiences for Undergraduates” summer 2005 to summer 2009, each summer)
  • “Life & Death, Love & War: Ethics and Contemporary Controversies” (summer 2005, summer 2006)
  • “Research Ethics” (2004-06 online asynchronous)
  • “Engineering Life: Ethics and Biotechnology” (summer 2003, fall 2005)
  • “Religious Ethics and Modern Moral Problems” (fall 2004, fall 2005, fall 2007)
  • “Case Studies in Ethics” (spring 2005)
  • “Research Methods in Ethics” (spring 2004)
  • “Human Values and Aesthetics,” with Dr. Don Carey (spring 2003)

2000:Faculty Affiliate in Philosophy, University of Montana; taught “Medical Ethics” (fall 2000)

1990:Instructor in Religious Studies, University of Virginia; taught “Religious Ethics and Modern Moral Problems” (fall 1990)

1987-1989:Teaching Assistant in Religious Studies, University of Virginia; led discussions and graded work for students in the following courses:

  • “Moral Choices in Public Policy Decisions,” with Dr. Kenneth Crispell (spring 1989)
  • “Basic Medical Ethics,” with Dr. John C. Fletcher (spring 1988 and spring 1989)
  • “Religious Ethics and Modern Moral Problems,” with Dr. James F. Childress (spring 1988 and spring 1989)
  • Theology and Biomedical Ethics with Dr. James F. Childress (fall 1987 and fall 1988)

Other Professional Experience and Service

2017-present:President, State Council of the Montana Wilderness Association (President-elect 2015-2016, council member at-large (2013-2014)

2014-present: Fellow, Pedagogy Project, University of Montana

2006-present:Committee Member, Ethics Committee, St. Patrick Hospital and Health Sciences Center, Missoula, Montana

2008-2016:Committee Member, Ethics Committee (Co-chair 2013 to 2016), Montana Wilderness Association

2002-2006:Committee Member, Partnership for Caring Hospice Ethics Committee, Missoula, Montana

2004-2007:Committee Member, Advisory Committee of the Institute for Medicine and Humanities, and University of Montana

1999-2005:Board Member, Advisory Board of the Practical Ethics Center, University of Montana, Missoula

1998-2003:Task Force Member, Writing Team Leader, Principal Writer, Task Force on Health and Health Care of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), developed a national social statement on health and health care, adopted as an official social statement of the ELCA, August, 2003, Chicago, Illinois

1997-1999:Consultant, United Hospice of Rockland, Inc., Pomona, New York

1993-1999:Consultant, Phelps Hospital Ethics Committee, Tarrytown, New York

1998:Consultant, Health Committee of the New York State Legislature, regarding cloning legislation, New York, New York

1996-1997:Consultant, Phelps Hospital Institutional Review Board, Tarrytown, New York

1991:Consultant, Rapid City Regional Hospital ad hoc Ethics Committee, Rapid City, South Dakota

1987-1991:Assistant Editor, White Burkett Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia; edited for publication transcriptions of lectures and forums concerning the U.S. presidency

1989:Intern, University of Virginia Center for Biomedical Ethics, Ethics Consultation Service, and Ethics Committee, Charlottesville, Virginia

Research and Other Administrative Activities

2012-2013:Planning Committee Advisor and Moderator, Mansfield Conference, “The Future of Health Care in America: Balancing Individual Rights with Social Responsibility”

2007-2008:Committee Member, Asian Religions Search Committee

2004-2005:Committee Member, Student Leadership Award Selection Committee, University of Montana

2003-2005:Researcher, Practical Ethics Center project, “Development and Pilot Testing of a Comprehensive Assessment Tool for Responsible Conduct of Research”

2003-2004:Principal Investigator, Practical Ethics Center project with the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, “The Role of Ethics and Public Participation in Developing Regional Plans for Managing Fire and Fuels in Wilderness”

2000:Research Group Member, Hastings Center project, “Public Perceptions of Agricultural Biotechnology”

2000:Researcher, consultation on cloning technologies for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

1996-1999:Director, Hastings Center “Values and Biotechnology” program

1996-1999Director, Hastings Center “Religion and Biotechnology Policy” project

1994-1999:Media Relations Coordinator, Hastings Center

1994-1999:Co-editor (with Daniel Callahan) of “Hastings Center Studies in Ethics,” Georgetown University Press series

1992-1999:Editorial Committee Member, Hastings Center Report

1998-1999:Co-organizer, Banbury Conference on xenotransplantation at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York

1996-1998:Researcher, Hastings Center project “Priority-setting in Medical Research”

1994-1996:Director, Hastings Center project, “Moral Pluralism”

1992-1997:Co-director (with Daniel Callahan), Hastings Center international project, “The Goals of Medicine”

Scholarly Articles, Book Chapters, and Books

“Denying the Wolf Within: A Tragedy for Our Times,” submitted to ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, June 2016.

“Introducing Ethics to Chemistry Students in a ‘Research Experiences for Undergraduates’ (REU) Program.” Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 43, no 2 (2015): 76-80.

“Ethical Implications of Democratic Theory for U.S. Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment.” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 35, no. 1 (Jan. 2012): 37-44 (with Marion Hourdequin, Peter Landres, and David R. Craig).

“Patenting Genes and Life: Improper Commodification?” in Who Owns Life?ed. David Magnus, Arthur Caplan, and Glenn McGee (New York: Prometheus Books, 2002), pp. 161-74.

Claiming Power over Life: Religion and Biotechnology Policy, ed. Mark J. Hanson (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2001).

“Cloning for Therapeutic Purposes: Ethical and Policy Considerations.” Toledo Law Review 32, no. 3 (spring 2001): 355-65.

“Cloning for Therapeutic Purposes: Ethical and Religious Considerations” in Human Cloning: Papers from a Church Consultation, ed. Roger A. Willer (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Press, 2001), pp. 58-65.

“Defining Health and Health-Related Concepts: Conceptual and Theological Considerations.” Word & World 21, no. 1 (Winter 2001): 23-31.

“Indulging Anxiety: Human Enhancement from a Protestant Perspective.” Christian Bioethics 5, no. 2 (1999): 121-38.

Pain Seeking Understanding: Suffering, Medicine, and Faith (Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press, 1999) (edited with Margaret E. Mohrmann).

“Bioethics and the Challenge of Theodicy,” in Pain Seeking Understanding: Suffering, Medicine, and Faith, ed. Margaret E. Mohrmann and Mark J. Hanson (Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press, 1999).

“Biotechnology and the Commodification of Health Care.” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24, no. 3 (June 1999): 267-87.

The Goals of Medicine: The Forgotten Issue in Health Care Reform (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1999) (edited with Daniel Callahan).

“The Idea of Progress and the Goals of Medicine,” in The Goals of Medicine: The Forgotten Issue in Health Care Reform, ed. Daniel Callahan and Mark J. Hanson (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1999), pp. 137-51.

“Lessons from a Religious Objection to Gene Patenting,” in Perspectives on Gene Patenting: Science, Religion, Industry, and Government in Dialogue, ed. Audrey R. Chapman (Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1999), pp. 221-34.

“The Religious Difference in Clinical Health Care.” Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics 7, no. 1(Winter 1998): 57-67.

“Religious Voices in Biotechnology: The Case of Gene Patenting.” Hastings Center Report 27, no. 6, special supplement (1997): S1-S24.

“Commodity or Public Work? Two Perspectives on Health Care.” Bioethics Forum 11, no. 3 (Fall 1995): 3-11 (with Bruce Jennings).

“The Seductive Sirens of Medical Progress: The Case of Xenotransplantation.” Hastings Center Report 25, no. 5 (1995): 5-6.

“How We Care for the Elderly,” in A World Growing Old: The Coming Health Care Challenges, ed. Daniel Callahan, Ruud H. J. terMeulen, Eva Topinková, (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1995), pp. 1-8.

“How We Treat the Elderly.” Hastings Center Report 24, no. 5 (1994): 4-6.

“Implications of Nonfoundationalist Moral Epistemologies for Theological Ethics in Public Moral Discourse.” Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 1993.

Occasional Essays

“Above Glen Lake,” accepted for publication for a forthcoming untitled book on wilderness conservation in Montana, Stoneydale Press Publishing Co.

“Field Note: Birds of a Feather,” aired on Montana Public Radio, March 9 and 10, 2014.

“King’s Words Connect to Today’s Protesters.” The Missoulian, January 16, 2012.

“Truth Beat Out Fear This Election,” Missoulian, November 20, 2008, B5.

“A New Age, A New World,” Missoulian, January 21, 2008, A7.

“U.S. Needs to Repair Its Moral Authority,” Missoulian, October 19, 2007, B4.

“Institute Universal Health Care for Those Who Need It Most,” Missoulian, March 19, 2007, E4.

“A Revolution of Values” Missoulian, January 15, 2007, A6.

“The Ethics of Therapeutic Cloning,” Journal of Lutheran Ethics, (Fall 2001).

“Monsanto and Intellectual Property: A Case Commentary,” Teaching Ethics 2, no. 1 (Fall 2001): 111-14.

“Genome Discovery: A Little Humility Will Be a Good Start,” Missoulian, July 2, 2000, B7.

“What’s God Got to Do with It?” The Daily News (New York City), July 2, 2000, p. 46.

“With More People Growing Older, We Must Learn to Cope with Death,” Missoulian, April 17, 2000, A5.

“The Depths of Reason: Biotechnology’s Challenge to Public Policy.” Science & Spirit (January/February 2000): 22-23.

“A Xenotransplantation Protocol” (Case Commentary). Hastings Center Report 29, no. 6 (1999): 22-23.

“Organ Transplantation: The Gift of Life, The Justice of Sharing, and the Perils of Challenging Nature.” New Choices, New Responsibilities: Ethical Issues in the Life Sciences, third ed. (Garrison, N.Y.: The Hastings Center, 1999) (with Bruce Jennings and Lori Knowles).

“How Old is Too Old? No Babies after Menopause.” The Daily News (New York City), May 1, 1997, p. 51.

“Cloning Human Beings.” The Daily News (New York City), March 2, 1997, p. 47.

“Who Dresses You? Donning Your Morality.” Troika: Wit, Wherewithal, Wisdom, July-August 1995, 94-5.

“A Moral Vision of Health Care.” HealthWise (May 1995): 48.

“Joy over Capital Punishment Sends a Disturbing Signal.” The Citizen Register (Gannett Suburban Newspapers), January 15, 1995.

“Making a Split Decision.” Grand Times 3, no. 3 (April-May 1994): 17-19.

“Please Pass the Butter Cookies” (Case Commentary). Hastings Center Report 23, no. 3 (1993): 28.

“In Brief” essays for the Hastings Center Report: “Not Just for Breakfast Anymore.” HCR 27, no. 1 (1997): 49; “After the Cloud of Hiroshima.” HCR 23, no. 6 (1993): 2; “Speaking of God.” HCR 23, no. 4 (1993): 3; “Diagnostic Distance.” HCR 23, no. 4 (1993): 2; “Medicine Coming of Age.” HCR 23, no. 3 (1993): 2; “HealthRight? Wrong!” HCR 22, no. 6 (1992): 4; “A Pig in a Poke.” HCR 22, no. 6 (1992): 2; “Do as I Do.” HCR 22, no. 5 (1992): 3.

Book Reviews

Review of Biotechnology, Patents and Morality, edited by Sigrid Sterckx.Politics and the Life Sciences 18, no. 2 (September 1999): 358-59.

Review of Bioethics and Society: Constructing the Ethical Enterprise, edited by Raymond DeVries and JanardanSubedi.Value Inquiry 33 (1999): 423-28.

Review of The Biotech Century: Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World, by Jeremy Rifkin. Journal of Religion and Health 37, no. 3 (1998): 287-8.

Review of Xenotransplantation Science, Ethics, and Public Policy, by The Institute of Medicine, and Animal-to-Human Transplants: The Ethics of Xenotransplantation, by The Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Politics and the Life Sciences 17, no. 2 (September 1998): 216-18.

Review of The New Genetics: Challenges for Science, Faith, and Politics, by Roger Lincoln Shinn. Theology Today 54, no. 3 (October 1997): 436-39.

Review of Intersections: Science, Theology, and Ethics, by James M. Gustafson. Journal of Religion and Health 36, no. 2 (Summer 1997): 183-4.

Review of Body, Soul, and Bioethics, by Gilbert Meilaender.Journal of Religion and Health 36, no. 1 (Spring 1997), pp. 87-8.

Review of Before the Shooting Begins: Searching for Democracy in America's Culture War, by James Davison Hunter. Journal of Religion and Health 34, no. 3 (Fall 1995): 263-4.

Review of Facing Evil, by John Kekes.Journal of Religion and Health 33, no. 3 (Fall 1994): 293-4.

“Voices in the Wilderness.” Review of Theological Voices in Medical Ethics, ed. Allen Verhey and Stephen E. Lammers.Hastings Center Report 24, no. 3 (1994): 46-47.

Review of Deciding Who Lives: Fateful Choices in the Intensive Care Nursery, by Renée R. Anspach. Society 32, no. 2 (1994): 85-89.


2016 (April)“Hospital Ethics Committees and Ethical Decision-making,” at annual meeting of the Montana Association of Surgical Technologists,Missoula, Montana.

2016 (April)“The Ethics of Advance Directives and Proxy Decision-making, Friday Medical Conference, Providence St. Patrick Hospital, Missoula, Montana.

2014 (November)“Book Burning and Civil Discourse,” a talk invited by the Mansfield Library as part of “Fighting the Fires of Hate: America and Nazi Book Burnings,” an exhibit of the American Holocaust Museum.

2009 (April):“Medical Ethics,” at annual meeting of the Montana Society for Radiology Technology, Missoula, Montana

2007 (March):“Ethics and Ethical Reasoning: Reviewing the Basics,” at a conference for continuing legal education of the Montana State Bar Association, Butte, Montana

2005 (April):Ethical responses to several talks at “Crushed by Our Own Weight: The Ethical, Economic, and Clinical Implications of Obesity in America,” a conference of the Mansfield Health Education Center, Billings, Montana

2004 (September):“The Ethics and Politics of Stem Cell Research,” at “PEC Presents,” a seminar of the Practical Ethics Center, University of Montana College of Technology

2004 (August):“Introduction to Ethics” University Transition Program, University of Montana

2004 (April):“Corporate Scandal: Are only the CEOs to Blame?” at a series on business ethics, First Presbyterian Church, Missoula, Montana

2004 (March):“The Ethics of Social Responses to Teen Pregnancy and Parenting,” at a public forum on teen parenting cosponsored by the Missoula Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting, and Prevention Services and the Practical Ethics Center, Missoula, Montana

2003 (September):“Good Death, Bad Death,” keynote address at the conference “What is a Good Death?” United Campus Ministry at Montana State University–Billings

2002 (October):“Health Care and the Market: Ethics and Values,” at “Health Care and You: A Healing Place or a Marketplace?” a lecture series of the Institute of Medicine and Humanities, Missoula, Montana

2002 (September):“The Ethics of Stem Cell Research,” at the annual conference of the Montana Senior and Long-term Care Division, Butte, Montana

2002 (April):“Medical Ethics and Rehabilitation” at a conference of the Rehabilitation Association of Montana, Missoula

2001 (October):“The Ethics of Stem Cell Research,” at “PEC Presents,” a seminar of the Practical Ethics Center, University of Montana

2001 (May):“The End of Life: A Community Project,” at the “Building Family Strengths International Symposium,” University of Nebraska, Lincoln

2000 (October):“Cloning for Therapeutic Purposes: Ethical and Religious Considerations,” at a consultation on cloning for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

2000 (May): “Natural or Unnatural? The Concept of the Natural in the GM Foods Controversy” at an international working group meeting of the Hastings Center project on “Public Perceptions of Agricultural Biotechnology,” Utrecht, the Netherlands

2000 (March):“Patents on Genes and Life: Improper Commodification?” at “Who Owns Life?” a conference of the University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, Philadelphia, Pa.

1999 (October):“The Commodification Objection to Gene Patents,” annual meeting of the American Society of Bioethics and the Humanities, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1999 (September):“Understanding Public Objections to Patents: An Ethical Analysis,” at “Genetic Patenting: The State of the Law, The Effect on Science & Medicine, The Impact on Life,” an IBC USA conference, Washington, D.C.

1999 (September):“How Does Practical Ethics Work?” Project on Hospice Values and Access to End-of-Life Care, The Hastings Center, Garrison, New York

1999 (June):“Consenting to Xenotransplantation: The Risks of a Focus on Risk,” at “Ethics, Science, and Governance,” a planning meeting for an international think tank, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

1999 (April):“The Ethics of Cloning: Rights, Risk, and Repugnance,” Natural Science Lecture Series, State University of New York, Purchase, New York

1999 (March):“The Ethics of Xenotransplantation,” philosophy seminar, United States Military Academy at West Point, New York

1998 (June):“Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Cloning,” at “BIO ’98: International Biotechnology Meeting and Exhibition,” the annual meeting of the Biotechnology Industry Organization, New York, New York

1998 (May):“Ownership of Living Entities: Ethical and Religious Perspectives,” at “Biotechnology Law & Policy,” conference of the Biotechnology and the Law Committee of the New York State Bar Association and the New York Biotechnology Association, Albany, New York