Grade 12- CLN4U1 Exam Review- JUNE 10

Pay attention to the weighting of each unit and study accordingly!

Included Textbook Chapters: 1-11, 14, 17-18

There will be multiple choice (Knowledge), matching (Thinking) short answers, (Communication) and a case study (Application) on this exam-

Unit 1-Heritage- Chapters 1-3

-Review the factors that drive changes in the law

-rule of law =applies equally to all persons

-substantive vs. procedural law

primary and secondary sources of law

Natural, positive law

-public vs. private law-what types of law are included in each-Page 61-great summary

-people that have influenced Canadian law historically-Socrates, Plato, etc. (know a couple)

-philosophers presentation-review the assignment

Total questions on the exam from this unit =Approx 15

Unit 2- Rights and Freedoms- Chapters 4-7

-sources of the CDN constitution

Entrenchment, amendments, habeas corpus, civil rights

-Stereotyping, Prejudice, Discrimination

-Bill of Rights

-Charter of Rights and Freedoms- 7 categories of rights- (fundamental, democratic, mobility, legal, equality, official languages, minority language_

Ultra vires/intra vires, conciliation

-constitution assignment-review

-Reasonable limits, fundamental freedoms- what they allow

-Human Rights-discrimination, prejudice, stereotyping,

Human Rights in Canada- past and present-what measures we have in place now to protect human rights

Quebec Sovereignty-

-Majority vs. minority rights-French/English conflict

Separatism, Federalism, Sovereignty Association, Federalism, Quebec Referendums,

-Aboriginal Rights-Collective Rights

-Affirmative Action-why it was implemented, what is the aim, reverse discrimination

Total questions on the exam from this unit = Approx 35

Unit 3-Criminal Law- Chapters 8-11

-crime and the criminal code

-purposes of criminal law-

Elements of an offence-Actus Reus and Mens Rea

-interpretive presumption, requisite intention

-absolute vs. strict liability,

-importance of preserving evidence- CSI activity

-Types of physical evidence-

criminal trial principles-

-impact of the charter on police powers-search, warrants

-indictable, summary, hybrid offences

-inferior and superior jurisdiction- type of court-jury or no jury

-jury process-from the street to the trial!!

-full disclosure, preliminary inquiry, pre trial conference,

-types of sentences- sentencing aims

Defences-negativing and affirmative

Total questions on the exam from this unit = Approx 65

Unit 4- International Law and Labour Law Chapters 14, 17

-Functions and definition of International law

-Why United Nations and League of Nations were formed- what their aims were/are

- International law- review lecture notes, refer back to simulation and reflection

Labour Law- Essential Services- why unions were formed, what options are available to employers, employees when in striking position- look at notes on course website

-Your ISU topic for a possible question

Total questions on the exam from this unit = Approx 15