Sutton Cheney Parish Council

Clerk: Alan Robinson

38 Thirlmere Avenue



CV11 6HU

October 31st2006

Notice of meeting of Sutton Cheney Parish Council

I herby give notice of the next Sutton Cheney Parish Council meeting on Wednesday November 8th2006 at 7.30pm at Sutton Cheney Village Hall.

- Agenda -

  1. Apologies.
  2. Declarations of interest on items on the agenda (personal and prejudicial).
  3. To approve and adopt minutes of the last meeting (September 9th2006).
  4. Police matters and Report (Sgt. Sibson).
  5. County Councillor Report (Ivan Ould).
  6. Borough Councillor Report (Reg Ward).
  7. Financial report.
  8. Financial status to September 30th 2006.
  9. To approve the accounts for 2005 – 2006.
  10. To approve the statement of accounts for audit 2005 – 2006.
  11. To approve the statement of assurance for audit 2005 – 2006.
  12. Planning applications:
  13. Erection of three (3) Overhead Power Lines at Lodge Farm, Market Bosworth Road, Dadlington.
  14. 06/01161/FUL: Erection of stables at Lodge Farm, Market Bosworth Road, Dadlington.
  1. Planning Decision Notices:
  • 06/00806/FUL: Erection of stables at Lodge Farm, Market Bosworth Road, Dadlington.

-Application withdrawn.

  • 06/00793/FUL: Erection of one dwelling and detached double garage with associated parking and access on land adjacent to 31 Hinckley Road, Dadlington -Application withdrawn.

06/00431/COU: Alterations to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at St George’s Farm, Stapleton Lane, Dadlington, Nuneaton -Application withdrawn.

  • 06/00833/LBC: Alterations to roof at Shenton Hall, Bosworth Road, Shenton -Application withdrawn.
  • 06/00859/GDO: Alterations to property to form two dwellings at St George’s Farm, Dadlington– Permission granted subject to conditions.
  • 06/00938/GDO:Erection of steel portal framed barn at Elms Farm, Dadlington Road Shenton– Prior approval not required.
  • 06/00938/FUL: Erection of new farmhouse and detached double garage at New House Farm, Stapleton Lane, Dadlington-Application withdrawn.
  • 06/00976/FUL: Extensions and alterations to dwelling at Narrowbeams, Bosworth Road, Sutton Cheney - Refused.

Items for Discussion:

  1. Sutton Cheney Street Lighting.
  2. Children’s Play area for Blacksmith’s Lane, Sutton Cheney.
  3. Rural Partnership Website.
  4. Donation to Market Bosworth Community First Responder Scheme.
  5. Report on Parishes Forum Meeting on September 28th.
  6. Mobile Library Service.


  1. Letter from Mrs Gill Price, previous clerk, expressing thanks.
  2. Letter from H&B Borough Council, regarding Cleaner, Safer, Greener Parish Workshop.
  3. Letter from H&B Borough Council, regarding Cultural Strategy 2007 - 2012.
  4. Letter from H&B Borough Council, regarding Standards Board Training Session.
  5. Letter from H&B Borough Council, regarding planning Applications Received.
  6. Letter from St James Church, Sutton Cheney, requesting grant from Parish Funding.
  7. Letter from Land Management Information Service, regarding parish mapping.
  8. Letter from Leicestershire County Council, regarding Local Transport Plan.
  9. Letter from Voluntary Action, H & B, regarding Community Buildings Programme.
  10. Letter from H&B Borough Council, regarding Rural Summit on November 28th.
  11. Date of next meeting.

Ends (3 of 3)

-All members of the public are invited to attend all meetings and may speak at the invitation of the chairman. –