Clerk to the Village Council: Mrs A Holmes,

The Haven, 9 Keighley RoadCullingworthBD13 5JA Tel: 01535 273265





PRESENT: Cllrs: J Guy, L Ackroyd,M Ahir, P Sharp, R Hartley, S McCarter and the clerk

A Holmes.

FIFTEEN MINUTES from the general public:

A report was received from a resident of flooding in her garden from surrounding properties and it was suggested that a meeting was set up to discuss the matter. Cllr Hartley offered to liaise with the concerned parties.

Trip Hazard: It was reported that the tarmac on roadway entrance between the Fish Shop and the Old Baptist Church needed attention as it was a trip hazard. The clerk would report this to Highways. Mention was also made of a raised manhole on the pavement outside No 2 Halifax Road which would be reported at the same time.

2949 APOLOGIES:were received on behalf of Cllr. Worsnop who had work commitments and

Cllr. Kelsall who was ill.

2950 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: None were received

2951 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on 2 May were approved and signed.

Matters arising:

Bingley Stone: It was reported that the noise and flumes nuisance wasgradually increasing

in volume but the loud radio noise had stopped.

Chicken Factory: Cllr. Ackroyd had spoken to the manager regarding the parked cars and

the manager had asked the employees to move them and a notice had been put up asking

employees not to park on Lees Moor Road. The problem had been exacerbated by parked

builders’ vans working on an adjoining property. It was suggested that at the next meeting

with councillors and management the possibility of marking out the car parking area should be

raised. It was also suggested that the councilors could ask the tonnage weight of the weigh

bridge at the factory.


a)Fieldwork – CPRE Spring 2012

b)Clerk & Councils Direct – May 2012

c)The Clerk – May 2012

d)Standards Committee Agenda 17 May , 2pm City Hall

e)Audit Commission appointment of auditors Littlejohn LLP for 2012/13 for five years.


The clerk presentedthe financial report to 6 June 2012

It was resolved to approve payments of:

1) Clerk’s salary for May and payment to HMRC

2) J W Plant – new flag £75.90

3) Arboricultural Contractors £600

4) Coley Nurseries – hanging baskets £200

Noted: Vat refund of £135.18

Approved: The internal audited accounts 2011/12 and Annual Return were read and

approved and the return would be submitted to Mazars for the external audit by 30 June




12/01424/VOC Midgeham Cliff End Quarry, Ryecroft Road, Harden – Application

to vary condition 14 and to remove conditions 26, 27 & 28 of planning permission

11/03414/FUL to prevent a reduction in permitted operating hours, remove a recycled

aggregate output restriction; remove the requirement to keep site output & input

records and remove a requirement to agree a Transportation Policy. Grid Ref: 407164


The Village Council made the following observations regarding the above application.

Condition 14 – The hours of operation as set out are currently 08.00 – 6.00pm. Given the

highly intrusive nature generated by the operation of this site the current condition 14 is

totally appropriate. We oppose any extension of the operating times in recognition of the

adverse impact and loss of amenity upon residents. RUDP P13

Condition 26 – The restriction of aggregate to 5000 tonnes per annum does ensure that the

restoration of the quarry remains of paramount importance and is not superseded by the

excessive production of aggregate. The adverse effect of site operations upon local

residents must be considered and accord with the RUDP Policy13 & 15. We do not

support the removal of this condition.

Condition 27 – Monitoring of activities within sites of this nature is a crucial element of

acknowledging that members of the public have a right to be protected and more importantly

reassured that the site management is accountable. This condition is perfectly reasonable

and a fundamental expectation of members of the public. Recording of activity on this site is

vital for a site of this nature in order to demonstrate good working practices are employed.

Itdoesnot support the removal of this condition in order to accord with RUDP P13 & 15

Condition 28 – This condition serves to ensure that there is clarity regarding the routing of

HGVs to and from the site. Most importantly the Waste Planning Authority must approve the

Transportation Policy which is essential in the interests of residential amenity and highway

safety which accords with RUDP P.TM19A, P13 & TM2 Wedo not support the removal of

condition 28

Recommend Refusal

12/02099/FUL: Laveroc Hall Farm Haworth Road Cullingworth

Installation of 1 Bergy 10kW wind turbine on 20m monopole mast. Grid Ref: 404686


The proposed site of the installation of a wind turbine is within the Greenbelt as designated

in the RUDP

This proposal does not satisfy Planning Policy GB1 as the applicant has not evidenced

any “Special circumstances” that warrants setting aside the above policy

The installation of a wind turbine at the proposed site would compromise the visual

amenities of the Green Belt and does not accord with Policy GB2

Planning Policy Guidance 2 acknowledges that “When located in the green belt,

elements of many renewable energy projects will comprise inappropriate

development, which may impact on the openness of the green belt. Careful

consideration will therefore need to be given to the visual impact of projects, and

developers will need to demonstrate very special circumstances that clearly outweigh

any harm by reason of inappropriateness and any other harm if projects are to


The proposal does not include an Environmental Impact Assessment given the existing wildlife upon this site and the surrounding area.

The application does not explore or assess the likely impact the development may have upon the nearby properties of Laveroc Cottage and Stamp Cross Farm, i.e. shadow flicker, loss of visual amenity etc.

The Village Council was unable to support this application in its present form.

Recommend Refusal

Ratification of Applications submitted to Shipley: None

b) ENVIRONMENTAL - to note and discuss

1) To report and discuss the secret garden competition 2012:

Cllr Sharp reported that there were seven entries registered so far and asked for details

of any other gardens which could be included. Judging would take place on Saturday

22 July by Dr. Mike Ashford who is a botanist and has lectured in horticulture at Askam

Bryan College for 23 years.

2) To discuss and report on progress at The Dell.

The arboricultural work had been carried out this month and a meeting would be

arranged to discuss further progress. No further information had been obtained on

which body had responsibility for the watercourse. This was needed to be able to apply

for gates to be put on the culvert entrances. A further meeting with all parties

involved in the remediation would be arranged later this month.


1) Reports Recreational:

Cricket: Five games had been played in the Craven League, tow won and three lost.

Bowling: The Bowling Club held an open day over the Jubilee Weekend but it had

been interrupted by the wet weather and continued indoors with games.


Cllr. Hartley reported that a meeting had been arranged for 19 June to finalize details for the

concert on 6 July.

The Jane Breen Award: Details had been sent out to parents of children at the Primary

School at half term but no information was available regarding Parkside. The closing date

for entries was 13 July.


There was nothing to report.

2957 DATE OF NEXT MEETING::This will be held on 4 July 2012 in theMethodist Church at


Signed ……………………………………..

Dated ……………………………………..

June/12Page 1