November 2005doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1101r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Suggested updates to document 802.11-04/1540r1
Date: 2005-11-08
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Dennis Ward / University of Michigan / 2150 Plymouth Rd.
Suite 2200B
Ann Arbor, MI / +1 734 763-9522 /


This document contains suggested updates to document 802.11-04/1540r1

Suggestions for 11-04/1540r1page 1Dennis Ward, University of Michigan

November 2005doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1101r0

Overall – The Task Group must approve a completed document

X.3.1 – Only equipment necessary to perform the test and reported results should be listed or specified. Minimum capabilities for each piece of equipment shall be listed if not part of an overall generic requirement. If relying on a generic requirement, any specific capability that exceeds the generic requirement must be specified.

X.3.3 – The margin of measurement error / uncertainty shall be defined for the baseline test. In the event that measurement uncertainty is equipment dependent, a method for computing the baseline measurement error / uncertainty shall be provided that clearly shows equipment dependencies.

X.4.1.2 – The baseline test set up should include any minimum or maximum gain / losses for the system that may affect repeatability if not generically specified. For example, precision couplers, feedline lengths, antenna maximum forward gain.

X.4.2 - For OTA environments, all DUTs and equipment physical location that affect performance or measurement shall be specified. Any measurements required in the environment shall specify exact locations plus tolerances where measurements are to be made.

X.4.3 – The test procedure must include specific test equipment set up parameters for each type of test. Additionally, if changes to test equipment settings are necessary to obtain other required data, these must be specifically detailed in the procedure.

X.4.4.1 – A minimum reported data set shall be specified that is applicable to at least the baseline test. Suggestions may be made for optional reporting parameters. Minimum reporting requirements shall not be interpreted as optional or suggested.

A table shall be provided that details the manufacturer model number and serial number as well as NIST traceable calibration certificate information and expiration as appropriate for each piece of test equipment.

A table providing for the mandatory reporting of DUT Model and Serial numbers shall be provided. DUT Model and Serial number reporting shall be required.

In test environments requiring a shielded enclosure, a table for providing evidence that the isolation requirement is met shall be required.

In OTA environments, a table for providing antenna parameters such as polar plots, reference antenna calibration parameters, maximum forward gain, and other parameters pertinent to the test shall be required.

In OTA environments, a table / summary shall be required to outline physical location of all DUTs and equipment.

Suggestions for 11-04/1540r1page 1Dennis Ward, University of Michigan