TamworthPrivate Sector Landlords Forum

Minutes of meeting 26th October 2017

Wilnecote Parish Hall, Tamworth

Present: I Beattie, M. Bygrave, C. Lear, C , Keeling ,S, Hannant , V. Martin, E., White, A. Blunt, A. Parr, R. Jones, C. Pitt, J. Davies, S, Ivey, S. Phipps

Notes / Action
1. / Welcome and Introductions
Ian opened the meeting- the minutes of the last meeting were agreed . Ian spoke very briefly about the tougher rules coming in around BTL mortgage borrowing, ,e.g. which will look across a whole portfolio and check if repayment affordable should interest rates rise to 5% .
He also explained that the speaker expected on modern slavery had cancelled but that Steph Ivey from TBC would now present on safeguarding. Welcomed also Claire Keeling and Richard Jones .
2. / Richard Jones- ARK gave a presentation ( attached) around passport bank accounts and the extended services that Ark can offer, including rent guarantees. . In brief they can offer a tool for tenants, LA s and landlords to ensure that rent is paid- and tenancies sustained. E.g Las have somewhere they can deposit Bonds/ rent in advance/ rent repayment…. (2 Councils using it at present time… linked well with Claire’s presentation …next
4. / Claire Keeling- . Housing Solutions Manager
Claire briefed the Forum on the new incoming Homelessness reduction act. ‘For the first time homelessness reduction/ prevention and alleviation will have statutory framework. Preparations are already underway for this new act- due April 2018 which imposes far more obligations on local Authorities . and Claire advised that landlords should expect more contact from the Housing solutions team as they work with applicants under these new provisions.( see attachments)
Steph Ivey- TBC - gave a well- received presentation on the difficult subject of safeguarding. Private landlords are in a good position often to spot issues which may not be ‘quite right’ and will now hopefully feel confident to pass these concerns on,,,
( see attachment)
Open Forum / AOB
Very brief this time…
Mandy Bygraves - new policies on private rental market very vague….
Some discussion around s21 notices being 3 months, not 2.
All parties keen on longer term tenancies,
proposals around dedicated Housing courts…..
Ian Beattie- raised the issue of the difficulties of securing good speakers… especially when audiences are small and local forums competing….
This linked into a brief discussion about exploring the possibility of Tamworth and Lichfield combining on an ongoing basis to have joint forums. This is to be explored …. Incl. issues such as venue….
He asked for suggestions as to what people wanted…
Richard suggested that Landlords often welcome presentations on practical ‘ how to issues’ e.g. what to do if a tenant dies in a property… / Sue Phipps –to speak to David Whittaker at LDC .. Mandy/Ian
Also to explore the idea.
Details of next meeting to be advised a.s.a.p