5th Annual Minnesota State University
Army ROTC Veteran’s Day 5K
Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:00 AM
Start and finish on the MSU campus
Course starts and ends outside of the Myers Field House on the Minnesota State University Mankato campus. Parking is available in Lot 20 Purple (corner of Stadium Road and Warren Street) and Lot 5 Gold (north side of Taylor Center).
Packet pick-up and race day registration will take place between 8:00 AM and 8:45 AM in Myers Field House.
Awards will be awarded to the top male and female finishers in each age group:
18 and under 19-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Last name First Name MI Age(on 11/13/10) Sex
Address City State Zip
E-mail address Phone number
T-shirt size: (please circle one) S M L XL XXL
Entry fee is $15 by November 5th; after November 5th race day registration is $20. Please make check payable to the “Cadet Activity Fund”. All proceeds go to the 1LT Michael Fasnacht Scholarship Fund at MSU.
Veteran’s Day ROTC 5K
2nd Lieutenant Milstead and 2nd Lieutenant Harting
316 Wiecking Center
Mankato, MN 56001
Waiver: I certify that I am eligible to participate in this competition under USAT&F rules. In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Minnesota State University Army ROTC program, Minnesota State University, the City of Mankato, and any other sponsors and their representatives, successors and assigns for any and all injuries suffered by me in said event. I attest and verify that I am an amateur and that I will participate in the event as a footrace, that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event and that my physical condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use my name, likeness, and voice, as well as any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings and any other record of this event in which I may appear for any legitimate purpose including television broadcast of the event, the reuse in any media of this broadcast and in advertising and promotion for such broadcast and reuse. I understand that the race may be cancelled or postponed due to natural disaster or other similar causes. Fees are non-refundable. If I require medical attention as a result of my participation, I hereby give my consent to authorized medical personnel to provide such medical care as deemed necessary by such authorized personnel.
Participant Signature (parent must sign if under 18) Date