Guidance for mapping resourcesagainst the Speech, Language and Communication Framework (SLCF)

The Speech, Language and Communication Framework (SLCF), developed by
The Communication Trust sets out the skills and knowledge the workforce need to know to support and develop children and young people’s speech, language and communication. It is available as an online tool at Users can register as an individual and also use the tool as part of a group. This document is for training providers and describes the process for mapping training against the framework. It also includes step by step guidance for submission on to the SLCF website.

Mapping your resource(s)

Organisations and providers may choose to map their resources on to the SLCF for a number of reasons. Most providers will choose to upload their resource information to enable SLCF users to find out about and access their resource(s), others may choose to use it solely at a local level to enable them to identify any gaps in their individual resource(s) or resource bank.
Details of the mapping process and benefits of using the SLCF are outlined below:


  • It clearly demonstrates the areas included in your resource(s), such as the content and level your resource is targeting.
  • If you offer a range of resources, mapping will show the breadth of what you currently provide, can indicate any specialist areas,and can help to identify areas you might like to develop in the future.
  • The SLCF can be used to develop new resources using the competencies to inform content.
  • The SLCF signposts people to relevant resourcesaccording to their gaps and learning needs. If your resource is mapped and verified, potential userscan be clearly signposted to it.

Mapping process

1Contact us to let us know you would like to map your resource(s). E-mail

2We will send you:
• A checklist form to complete to make sure your resource meets the criteria for inclusion on the database
• A database template. This is an excel spreadsheet that you need to complete and return which gives us the relevant details about your resource, which users of the site will be able to see
• A blank matrix of all the competencies of the SLCF – this is what you need to fill in to show how your resource maps to the SLCF

3Once you have returned your completed forms to us, via the e-mail address above, we will then allocate a time for moderating your mapping.

4You will need to send us either an electronic or hard copy of the resource. This is essential in order to complete moderation. The address to send hard copies to can be found at the end of this document.

5We will notify you once moderation is complete and your resource will then be uploaded onto the SLCF website.

Checklist for mapping

You will need:

  • A copy of the mapping guidance - this document
  • A copy of the resource
  • An electronic copy of the SLCF matrix– you can download a copy here.

Further guidance

  • Mapping should be based on written and published materials only.
  • Mapping should be undertaken by a professional experienced in speech, language and communication. It can be time-efficient if they have a strong knowledge of the resource being mapped and it can be really useful to undertake the mapping with a partner.
  • If you have highlighted a competency (see mapping matrix instructions for more information), you must include a reference to where this can be found in yourresource, e.g. the page number – any competencieshighlighted without a reference will not be moderated.
  • A named contact and their details must be provided and the criteria and monitoring agreement signed.
  • The final decision rests with The Communication Trust.

Moderation process

The Communication Trust will moderate your mapping, sampling at least 1/3 of competencies identified. Moderators are experienced and qualified education and speech and language therapist professionals. Moderators will evaluate the accuracy of the mapping, based on the references in the matrix and on the resource provided. They will not seek additional competencies.

The moderator will contact you directly to discuss any specific queries. In the unlikely event that an organisation/provider and moderator are unable to reach a resolution, The Communication Trust will not upload the mapped resource.

Mapping your resource(s) using the SLCF – the process and useful advice

Familiarise yourself with the SLCF

Spend some time familiarising yourself with the strands, competencies and levels.

Have the resource available

It is easier to map one resource course at a time. You might have a general sense of where your resource sits on the SLCF– the strands it covers and the level it mainly focuses on.

Have the SLCF to refer to

Some judgements may be really straightforward; others may need more consideration.

You may find it easier to print a paper copy of the SLCF matrix and mark your decisions on this initially OR make your judgements straight onto the electronic mapping matrix.

See which elements of your resource are likely to support people to develop specific skills and knowledge on the SLCF

Go through your resource systematically – look at each section, for example. For each one, refer back to the SLCF and see where the two may link.Or, you may find it easier to work through the SLCF taking each competency into consideration and thinking about whether, and where, your resource meets this competency.

Remember to focus on what’s available in printed/published format.

Make decisions on where the resource(s) maps to the SLCF

Does this bit of the resource link to the SLCF? Will this provide participants with skills/ knowledge identified in a competency of the SLCF? (Keep in mind the target audience for your resource and the expected levels of skills at the different levels of the SLCF.)



Summarise these decisions on the electronic mapping matrix as instructed


Type in the ‘reference’ for each highlighted competency in the reference text boxes provided - this could be a page number, slide number, DVD link, activity etc.

Within some resources, there may be some competencies which are well-supported by the resource as a whole and ‘implicit’. These may be highlighted on the matrix and marked as implicit.

If a competency is covered at more than one level, highlight each competency at each relevant level, as per the key.

Summarise additional information or main themes

There may be important additional information about your resource you wish to include, for example:

- The ways in which your resource supports transfer of learning into practice

- Particular features of the format

- A particular focus of the resource such as collaborative practice; key strands/competencies with a high level of input

- There may be areas not reflected in the competencies of the SLCF that you would want to highlight.

This section on the mapping matrix document is to provide some brief, qualitative information which may support practitioners to select relevant resources, above and beyond which competencies it covers.

Complete all relevant documentation and send your mapped matrix and a copy of the resource(s) you have mapped to TCT

Important points

  • There is no expectation that one resource will support all of the competencies at a givenlevel of the SLCF. People may gain the skills and knowledge identified in the SLCF in a range of different ways, and not necessarily from a single resource.
  • Some resources may support the development of competencies at more than one level; other resourcesmay sit wholly within a single level, for example universal level.
  • Some resources will cover competencies at all or many strands; some will focus closely on a smaller number.
  • Mapping isn’t on a like-for-like basis. The SLCF focuses on how skills and knowledge are put into practice – therefore we cannot say that by using or reading a particular resource, people WILL achieve certain competencies. We suggest that resourcesmay support the development of specified competencies.
  • Mapping isn’t an exact science – although our moderators will be as objective as possible, mappingcan be a subjective activity dependent on professional background, expertise, and experiences of using the resource(s). It is important to consider and be realistic about what people may be able to do with the skills and knowledge gained from resources.
  • It is important to consider your target audience and the aims of the levels of the SLCF throughout the process.
  • If you find that your matrix has a large number of implicit competencies compared to referenced ones, you may wish to consider how your resourceis presented to make links more explicit for yourselves and people who may use the resource.

Contact The Communication Trust:

All queries regarding mapping resources onto the SLCF and/or completed mapping documents and electronic resourcesshould be returned to .
If you need to send hard copy resources please send these to:
The Communication Trust,
31 Angel Gate,
Goswell Road,
Let us know that you have sent them and if you require them to be sent back to you following moderation.