Band Boosters of Lake Zurich


Band Boosters of Lake Zurich Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Rick Mercier at 7:02 pm.

2. Attendees:

Rick Mercier, Sheri Conover, Lynne Recktenwald, Jenni Witt, Catherine Halinski,

Lynne Recktenwald, Kelly Brodeur, Lori Schwartz, Linda Glave, Kathy Fitzpatrick,

Paul Pike, Tom Ketchum, Emily Kunschke, Ronisue Alber, Mary Madsen,

Jennifer Ginn, Michelle Lanter Smith, Terry Ihm

3. New Business

·  Positions for next year (WE NEED YOU!!!) Get Involved……can give as little or as much time as you want…..there will be a committee for each activity. If you have any questions please reach out to Lori Schwartz, or Josh, or Sheri

o  President - Lori Schwartz is stepping up from VP

o  Vice President is open!!

o  Treasurer

o  Financial rep

o  Manna Gift Cards Shadow

o  Car Wash Chair

§  Scheduled for Aug 12th

o  Web Site Chair

o  Video / Pictures Shadow

§  Would like to have 2 or 3 people

§  At the end they would compile and create the DVDs

§  New Equipment was purchased

o  Hospitality Shadow

o  Band Uniforms Shadow for Marching Band

o  Band Uniforms Shadow for Concert Band

o  7th / 8th Grade Half Time Chair – Emily Kunschke!

§  Night time practice

§  Assistance for performance at game

o  Solo and Ensemble Chair

§  Local in Lake Zurich this year, just our school

§  Done during the week

§  7 – 10 Rooms

§  Snacks for students

§  Judges will be in attendance and require dinner

o  Wind Ensemble Invite Shadow

§  March

§  Feed other bands

§  Provide dessert after concert

o  Spiritwear – Terry

o  Dine and Share Chair

§  Set up a monthly schedule for take-out / eat in opportunities

o  Jazz IMEA Concert

§  November timeframe

§  Concessions

o  Jazz by the Lake Shadow

§  Elizabeth

·  Blue Seats available for purchase

o  We have been given early notice

o  BBLZ will send out the notice of when they go on sale

4. Approval of Minutes:

·  Minutes were approved from last month

5. Band Director’s Report

·  Concert donations raised: donations raised over $1,700.00!

o  Donations will cover the expenses for that evening

o  Breaking even

·  Band Clinics last week

o  1 hour and 15 minute sessions with each band

o  Brought in an outside director

o  98% attendance by the students

·  Wind Ensemble went to the Hersey festival

o  45 minute review with outside director

·  Pit Orchestra has started

o  Show is next week

·  Honors recital

o  Perfect scores or top scores in the room

o  Students performed

·  Music calendar for next year

o  All musical events have been put on next year’s calendar

o  Will send out

o  Josh has them on his calendar already (google calendar)

·  Band Camp

o  Aug 3rd – 5th

o  Need Chaperones….it is fun and it is warm out!!

o  Game night

o  Snack night

o  Check kids in at night and ensure they are up in the morning

o  Sheri to remind Josh that a truck driver is needed for the band truck

·  Drum Line Auditions

o  Coming up shortly

·  Expenses in the fall for marching band

o  We will be doing the Thanksgiving Parade in downtown Chicago

·  Uniforms should be good for next year

·  Band Banquet

o  May 24th

o  Starts about 7:30

o  Dinner served at 8:00

o  Band Boosters subsidizes part of the meal

o  Can use your Band Account to pay for the event as well

o  Parents are welcome to join in the fun!

§  Usually parents come after dinner, but you are welcome to come to the dinner

6. Financial Officer's Report:

·  Budget of $17,500

·  Income YTD is over 100% of the budget…..EXCELLENT!!!

·  Spending YTD is around 66% of the budget

·  Friends of BBLZ is around 68% of the budget

7. Fundraising

·  Buzz Books

o  Looking for a chair

·  Poinsettias

o  Nothing to report

·  Jazz By the Lake

o  Nothing to report

·  Manna Gift Cards

o  Continue to move forward

·  Uniforms

o  Nothing to report

·  Newsletter

o  Concert coming up

o  Special addition for the festival, printed 250 copies

o  Official Open House for BBLZ the next meeting scheduled for May 19

§  Bring in the freshman parents

§  Also bring in any parents that have not participated previously

§  Trying to get more people to come to the monthly band meetings

§  Possibly get some students to come to and talk about how they have benefited

§  Provide some snacks

§  Possible sign-up sheet for questions or interest

·  Website

o  Still having issues

o  Should be resolved for next year

o  Rick still trying to contact the hosting provider

·  DVDs

o  $710.00 (71 sold) against budget of $1,500.00 but this does not include costs associated with producing the DVDs

o  Rick has about 34 minutes on the DVD

o  He is shooting for about 60 minutes

o  Currently working about 4 hours of film

·  Restaurant fundraiser

o  Lori will call Mod Pizza and try to schedule for some time after the concert

·  Hospitality

o  Getting ready for the next concert

o  Do we want to consider the mini ice cream cups instead of Culvers?

o  Another idea would be to scoop ice cream ourselves, but would be messy

o  Can get the mini ice cream cups from GFS

o  We have water as well

·  Car Wash

o  Working to determine if we need a chair for next year

o  More to come next month

·  Cheesecake and Coffee

o  Sales will begin the first week of April (April 5 – 25)

o  Delivery in time for Mother’s Day which is May 8th (May 6th delivery)

§  After school until 7:00 pm

o  The coffee is roasted the day before

·  Buttons

o  The middle school loved the buttons

o  Are excited to start collecting them once they get into High School

o  Student Committee to help with button designs

o  More colorful

o  Applies to LZ specifically

o  Had enough to give out to the elementary and middle schoolers

o  Didn’t have enough for the high schoolers

·  Ornaments

o  Lori is going to design one for Paris

o  Put picture in the upcoming newsletter

·  Yard signs

o  Cost is still $25 for a yard sign with student’s name on it

o  Will be available at uniform fittings

o  Also available at Band Camp

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:08 pm

Next Meeting: May 17, 2016 @ 7:00 pm small auditorium