Explorers Post Test

Name ______

Date ______

True or False- Write T or F in the blank before each statement.

______1. The Spanish explorers found no people in North America when they first arrived here.

______2. Ponce de Leon was searching for the Fountain of Youth.

______3. Florida was named “Florida” because of all the flowers they found when they landed there.

______4. The explorer who probably saw the Mississippi River for the first time was Ponce de Leon.

______5. St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest, continuously settled city in the United States.

______6. The Spanish Missions were established to bring Christianity to the Indians.

______7. Champlain established the city of Montreal.

______8. John Cabot was born in England.

______9. Henry Hudson was an explorer who was seeking riches and adventure.

______10. The Spaniards were all searching for gold.

Multiple Choice – Put the letter of the best answer in the blank.

______11. What were the explorers from England, France, and Holland searching for?

a.  the Norwest Passage

b.  furs

c.  gold

d.  new lands for their country

______12 How did Ponce de Leon die?

a.  a fever

b.  a poison arrow

c.  fighting with an Indian

d.  drowned

______13. What did Hernando de Soto discover?

a.  the Grand Canyon

b.  the Fountain of Youth

c.  the Mississippi River

d.  Florida

______14. Where was John Cabot born?

a.  England

b.  Spain

c.  Italy

d.  Holland

______15. What explorer was from England but sailed for Holland?

a.  Ponce de Leon

b.  Coronado

c.  Hudson

d.  Hernando de Soto

______16. What company paid Henry Hudson to sail for them?

a.  French Bread Company

b.  British Northern Tea Company

c.  Dutch East India Company

d.  Muscovy and Meyers Company

Matching – Put the letter of the correct explorer next to the terms that describe him best.

You may use an answer more than one time and you may not use some of the names listed.

a. Hudson e. Columbus i. Coronado

b. Champlain f. Cortes j. Pizarro

c. Cabot g. Marco Polo k. de Soto

d. Vespucci h. Cartier l. Ponce de Leon

______17. I found the city of Quebec.

______18. I explored the St. Lawrence River farther west than anyone else.

______19. I was called the “Father of New France”.

______20. I helped England get rich by selling fish.

______21. I led the exploration that discovered the Grand Canyon.

______22. I sailed for Holland and explored a river in New York.

Short Answer – Write your answer on the lines after each question.

23. What was one reason that people wanted to explore?


24. Why did Ponce de Leon name Florida what he did?


25. If the “Seven Cities of Cibola” did not exist, why did the explorers keep searching for it anyway? ______


26. What was the MOST important thing that John Cabot’s exploration did for England?


27. Who was the first Spaniard to explore the lands that are now the United States?


28. Where is the Hudson River located?


29. Many French and English explorers were searching for the Northwest Passage. What was this and why did they want to find it?




30. Explain in detail one principle that you have learned from our study of Explorers. Why is it important for you to learn about these guys? What have you learned that will help you be a wiser person in the future?




31. In the Southwestern United States, the Spanish explorers built missions. What were the missions and why were they important to Spain? (You should be able to give three reasons they were important.)






1. Name the waterfall between the United States and Canada.


2. Name the five Great Lakes. ______
