Deployment Manual

YasperWE - Server part

about / this document
Author / Ivo Raedts
Version / 1.3.2
Subject / YasperWE server installation
Title / Deployment Manual
Last update / Feb 21, 2006
Last update by / Reinier Post

Contents of this document:

Contents of this document:

YasperWE server installation prerequisites

YasperWE server installation items

Installing and configuring IIS

Installing IIS

Allowing public access to your webpages in IIS

Configuring the use of ASP.NET

Installing the YasperWE web service

Installing the YasperWE database

Testing the installation

YasperWE server installation prerequisites

The following software must be present and functional before the YasperWE server software can be installed:

  • As the database backend: MySQL 4.1 (MySQL 5.0 does *not* work) (a free download from
  • For convenient database configuration: MySQL Administrator 1.0 (a free download from
  • To support the YasperWE server software:
  • IIS 5.0, 5.1 or 6.0 (a Windows component; it is on the Windows distribution CD)
  • .NET Framework 1.1 runtime, with SP1 (free downloads from
  • MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver (a free download from
  • MS WSE 2.0 SP3 (a free download from

Other versions may work, but have not been tested, except MySQL 5.0, which is known not to work. Note that he MySQL server can be installed on a different host.

YasperWE server installation items

The following components must be installed:

  1. the YasperWE web service software
  2. the initial YasperWE database content

Installing and configuring IIS

Installing IIS

Internet Information Services (IIS) is a webserver.

It is a component of the Microsoft Windows operating system and available on the Windows installation CD.

To install IIS, select Start->Settings->Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs, then Add/Remove Windows Components:

Be sure to check Internet Information Services (IIS). Under Details, the Internet Information Services Snap-In must be selected.

Have your Windows installation CD handy.

Once IIS is installed, administration can be performed with the “snap-in” mentioned. One way to open is through

Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services.

You probably want to serve webpages without user authentication. Right-click on Web Sites and select Properties, then

under Directory Security, click Edit …, then enable Anonymous access and Integrated Windows authentication.

Allowing public access to your webpages in IIS

The listed user has been created by the IIS installation; this user must have read permissions on your website’s files.

There will be a default website (in the example above, it has been renamed to Reinier’s testing webserver); right-click on it and select Properties, then click on Home Directory:

On the directory listed in Local Path:, the user mentioned before must be given read and execute access:

find it, right-click on it, and under Security, enable read and execute access for that user.

Test the results by feeding to a web browser and seeing that it returns a page.

Configuring the use of ASP.NET

The .NET Framework 1.1 installation installs ASP.NET support on your computer. To configure IIS to use it, go to the directory in which you have installed the .NET Framework, which is by default


and execute the command

aspnet_regiis.exe –i

For details, see Microsoft KB article 555132 at

Installing the YasperWE web service

  • Optional Step

If you want to have control about the location where the files are stored on the disk, you can create a virtual directory called “YasperWE”.

StartAdministrative ToolsInternet Information Services

Browse to “Default Website” (or the current active one).

Right-ClickNewVirtual Directory

Nextenter “YasperWE”NextBrowse to your desired locationNextNextFinished.

This is what it looks like in the IIS configuration tool when the virtual directory has been created; also is the properties screen (rightclick on YasperWE, select Properties)

  1. Install the files

Open “ServerSideSetup.msi”


With the optional step of creating a virtual directory, after the first Next the screen looks roughly as follows:

  1. Configure the web service

This amounts to editing an XML file. Browse to the directory where YasperWE is stored. (If you install into a virtual directory, this directory is a property of the virtual directory, as shown in the previous screenshot.)

Open Web.config with an editor, e.g., Notepad or WordPad. Scroll down and you will see:


addkey="MySQLConnectionString"value="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=ywe;UID=YasperWE;PASSWORD=yas;OPTION=3"/>



2 parameters can be modified:

  • MySQLConnectionString - The string to the MySQL database.
  • Server - defines the server name from the database server. If the MySQL server is on a different computer, replacelocalhostwith its Internet (DNS) name or IP address.
  • Port – defines the TCP/IP port number (this can be omitted, in which case the default number 3306 is used)
  • Database – defines the name of the database instance. Set this to yasperwedb!
  • UID – defines the name of the database user that is used by this web service.
  • PASSWORD – defines the password of the database user.

The Database, UID and Password settings must not be changed!

  • BaseURL – The directory where the files belonging to the Project Types and the Project Instances will be stored on the server. If YasperWE is installed in a virtual directory it is convenient, but not necessary, to define this directory to be a subdirectory of the virtual directory. Don’t forget to create this directory on disk.

Installing the YasperWE database

Open MySQL Administrator.

Select Restore from the left-menu.

Set the file to restore to PlainYasperWE.sql, whichcan be found on the YasperWE website.

Click Start Restore.

The (empty) database tables are now present as a database (“catalog”) with the name of yasperwedb.

Now make sure the user specified in the web.config MySQL query string (see above) can access this database:

Select User Administration from the left menu.

Click on New User.

Enter the correct username (default: YasperWE) atMySQL User.

Enter the correct password (default: yas) at Password and at Confirm Password.

Click on Apply Changes.

Select YasperWEfrom User Accounts.

Click on the tab page Schema Privileges.

Select yasperwedb from Schemata.

Click on the button in order to assign all privileges.

Click on Apply Changes.

Testing the installation

There is no specific software for testing the installation.

The recommended procedure is to simply verify with the client-side toolAdmin Project Control tool that a project can be uploaded successfully. If that doesn’t work, the web services should at least respond; this can be tested by feeding the URLs that appear in the AdminProjectControl.config file into a regular web browser.

Bear in mind that these URLs can be configured in the client configuration files,

AdminProjectControl.exe.config and ClientTaskControl.exe.config, in your client installation directory

(on a default installation,C:\Program Files\ASPT\YasperWEClients).

Once everything configured here is set up correctly, the YasperWE server application will log what it is doing into the log table of the yasperwe database. You can use a tool like the MySQL Query Browser to view this log, for instance, with the query

