Case-8: Tired all the time

Patient Brief Record / Brief Scenario:

(Information for student about the case)

ü  Patient Name: Nabeel

ü  Age: 30 years

ü  Occupation: Salesman at a computer shop

ü  Not known to have any chronic illness

ü  Today:

BP: 120/78 mm Hg

Pulse: 102 beat/minute

Temperature 36.5 0C

Mr. Nabeel is a 30-year old, presented today with the complaint of feeling tired all the time.

TASK: (What is expected from a student?)

ü  Take a focus history from this patient, to arrive at the most likely diagnosis.

ü  Perform the relevant clinical examination

ü  Inform the patient about the possible diagnosis.

ü  Explain to the patient the management plan.


Case-8: Tired all the time

Patient Brief Record / Brief Scenario:

(Information for the simulated patient)

ü  Patient Name: Nabeel

ü  Age: 30 years

ü  Occupation: Salesman at a computer shop

ü  Married but lives alone as the wife and two children 3 and five year old are in Philippine.

You are a 30-year-old man, who works as a salesman. Since few weeks you feel tired all the time.

Opening scenario: I feel tired all the time, doctor (You will admit only this information).

Tell your doctor about the following information only if specifically asked about:

ü  Since few weeks you feel tired all the time.

ü  When you clime staircase you feel slightly shortness of breath.

ü  You live with your friends in a shared house.

ü  Your family is in Philippine as you could not get them here, due to visa problem.

ü  Usually, you do not cook at home, but you take milk and milk product in your food at home or some fast food stuff.

ü  You usually take Brufen (Analgesic tablets) for aches and body pain on and off, as you have long standing duty at the shop.

ü  No history of fever, coughing or vomiting blood.

ü  No history of blood in stool or black stool.

ü  No history of constipation, the bowel movement is normal

ü  Not known to have any chronic disease.

ü  No history of feeling low or chest tightness.

ü  Your appetite and sleep pattern is normal.

ü  Slight worried as family is abroad.

ü  No history of specific diseases in family.

ü  Non-smoker.

ü  Your idea: it is something serious going on.

ü  Your concern: You are worried that you may lose your job.

ü  Your expectation: to get medication to treat your problem.

Doctor will perform a general examination for you.

Case-8: Tired all the time

1.  Professional behavior

ü  Introduces himself, and get the permission to take history and do examination

ü  Starts with open ended question.

ü  Develops the rapport with patient.

ü  Do not interrupt the patient during history taking.

2.  History Taking Skills:

ü  Explore about the problem, by exploring different symptoms to differentiate, possibly, between different causes of tiredness including; nutritional (IDA) anemia, hypothyroidism, depression, and so forth.

ü  Specially, screen about depression and hypothyroidism.

ü  Dietary habit inquiry

ü  Family history

ü  Smoking

ü  Medications (NSAID)

ü  Social history (home or work stress…)

ü  Ongoing problem/past history

ü  Summarizes to the patient about the history taken from him.

ü  Explored well Patient idea, concern and expectation

3.  Clinical examination:

ü  General Examination:

ü  Vital signs

ü  Looking for pallor in different sites; conjunctivae, mucous membrane, palms of the hands and finger nails.

Ø  When the student examine the patient, look at the technique, and tell him that the findings are as follow:

Pallor all over the mentioned sites above, and tachycardia, otherwise OK

4.  Management

ü  Explored the patient understanding about the problem.

ü  Explain the possibility of Nutritional Anemia and drug induced (NSAID) anemia.

ü  Explains the role of dietary stuff in Anemia

ü  Adding supplemental iron, should write the prescription.

ü  Lab investigation: CBC, Ferritin level, possibility of Hb electrophoresis to exclude hemoglobinopaties.

ü  Arrive at shared understanding.

ü  Invite questions from patient

ü  Summarize at the end of consultation

ü  Follow up arranged.