The American University in Cairo

Research Institute for a Sustainable Environment

NICHE, June 22, 2014

RISE Gender Policy 2014-2019

Approved by RISE Director on June 22, 2014


Taking into consideration that sustainable development, environment and natural resource management, food production in Egypt are characterized by significant gender issues, which create obstacles for both men and women to participate and benefit equally in these sectors; and that these barriers are a result of the interplay of various social, economic and cultural factors:

RISE as a research, education and service institute is dedicated to benefiting people and nature through integrated resource management solutions to environmental problems. Through it recognizes that gender relations are central in these sectors and therefore believes that understanding and addressing them can help improve employment opportunities, increase production and improve livelihoods and enhance the sustainability of the sectors;

It acknowledges its responsibility as an education center in providing education that is equally relevant and accessible to both men and women; and considers relevant to understand the different socio-economic and cultural factors that are preventing men and women from enjoying equal rights and opportunities;

Is committed to work towards strengthening the knowledge, capacity and involvement of women in agriculture, resource management and sustainable development, and to actively assist stakeholders in these sectors in addressing gender inequalities through consultancy work, research and training.

Based on these commitments, RISE has created a Gender Committee that is appointed by the institute director. RISE's Gender Committee has developed this gender policy in consultation with all RISE staff. This policy addresses gender issues both regarding RISE’s organizational procedures and the content and implementation of its research, training and community service activities.


RISE is an equal opportunity employer committed to mainstream gender both in its internal operations and in all the programs, projects and activities aiming at achieving its mission:

RISE’S mission and gender

RISE will use the following approaches and strategies to work towards mainstreaming gender in the internal organization and in its core business: Research, Training and Community Services.

Recognizing gender as one of the pillars of sustainability, RISE is dedicated to encourage women to participate in its core operations and to provide equitable opportunities for advancement for both genders.

RISE’S internal organization and gender

RISE is a workplace that gives both men and women equal access to employment, training, development and community services. In its mission, operations and programs, RISE does not discriminate according to gender. The Institute strives to grant men and women equal access to, work promotion, continuous training and skill development and to ensure that staff receives equal salaries and benefits according to their job description and qualifications, independent of their gender. RISE encourages a gender balance in its workforce, promotes women in managerial and supervisory positions and ensures that men and women enjoy the same opportunities for upward mobility in their career. The Institute also commits itself to providing continuous gender awareness training for its staff, equal access to services and workspaces, and a work atmosphere characterized by mutual respect.

RISE will use gender mainstreaming as an approach:

RISE is committed to making gender one of the Institute’s core concerns and to integrate gender into all of its main activities: research, training and community services. Gender will be seen as one of the main components of the center’s internal performance and activities as a training center. To this end, RISE seeks to ensure the integration and implementation of a gender policy into all its fields of operation.

RISE will continue to monitor the implementation of the policy and its effectiveness:

Through an ongoing analysis of gender trends and developments in the agricultural and development sectors and the continuous reassessment of its own gender policy, the center will ensure that it effectively addresses gender inequalities, both in its internal operations and in the pursuit of its mission.


RISE is an equal opportunity employer where both men and women have equal access to employment opportunities and supports the right to equal salaries according to job descriptions, enjoy equal appreciation of their work performance and are given equal opportunities for continuing education and capacity building. RISE acknowledges that women and men have different needs and interests which can hinder the equality of opportunities offered to them and therefore need to be taken into account in RISE’s recruitment, retention and work environment practices


Within the policies and procedures of the American University in Cairo:

1.  RISE understands itself as an equal opportunity employer.

2.  RISE will strive towards an equal number of male and female employees. Considering the limited representation of female in leadership positions where possible, the appointment of female managers and supervisors is encouraged in order to achieve a gender balance, provided that the quality of appointed managers and supervisors is not compromised).

3.  RISE’s job descriptions should be designed to promote gender equality in the work units.

4.  Following AUC’s Equal Opportunity Policy (Check page 11, 02.04.01 overview in AUC’s Policies and Procedures Manual for Supporting Staff ), RISE job advertising should clearly specify that jobs are not distributed according to gender preference and encourage both men and women to apply.

5.  RISE follows a recruitment process that is based on principles of gender equity. Recruitment is based on skills and qualifications, applicants will not be evaluated based on their gender

6.  Following AUC’s Human Resources Policy, RISE works towards equal pay levels for positions where the same or equal tasks are fulfilled, independent of the gender of the employee.

Retention, Work Environment and Exit

1.  Men and women are given equal shares of appraisals and promotions based on merit and achievement, and enjoy equal appreciation for their work performance.

2.  RISE recognizes men and women’s different needs and contributions in the organization. RISE strives to be an institute where men and women enjoy working in a harmonious, supportive and productive atmosphere that ensures the respectful treatment of both genders.

3.  Male and female staff are given equal access to work spaces and facilities at RISE, including spaces of prayer and free time during breaks. When employment requires residing on RISE’s premises, a spatial organization that meets cultural requirements should ensure that both genders are given the opportunity to access work and training spaces.

4.  Men and women should enjoy fair, respectful and equal treatment in all of the institutes operations.

5.  Two Gender Officers (one male and one female) are elected from RISE staff every two years to address gender specific concerns at RISE. One of the members should be part of the Gender Committee and the other one from the rest of the staff.

6.  The feedback of staff leaving RISE regarding their gender experiences at the institute is gathered, valued and considered for this policy’s monitoring and evaluation purposes.

7.  Gender committee constitutes of both men and women of an odd number of members appointed/elected by RISE's director every two years.

Training and Career Development

1.  RISE supports the continuous capacity and skills development of all its employees

2.  Capacity building and development, training and continuing education opportunities should specifically consider the needs and interests of men and women in advancing their careers at RISE.


1.  Research

RISE conducts research on sustainable resource management, renewable energies, integrated farming systems, sustainable water management, land and agricultural practices, waste management, and sustainable communities. RISE commits to integrating gender into both the thematic focus as well as the methodological approach of its research activities in line with the institute’s research mission:

RISE commits to:

1.  Mainstreaming gender[1] into all its research topics and content.

2.  Conducting specific research on gender in agriculture, resource management and sustainable development.

3.  Basing its research methodologies on gender principles[2].

4.  Wherever research is on human subjects, both men and women (unless it is a project explicitly focusing on one sex) will have a voice in order to grant them equal access to participation in the research process. Researchers will ensure that the research will “do no harm” to either women or men.

5.  Avoiding gender bias in research methodology.

6.  Making sure that the composition of research teams avoids gender bias.

7.  Implementing cultural sensitive methodologies.

Networking with AUC departments to engage students in RISE’s gender activities.

2.  Educational Programs

RISE provides training for the improvement of agriculture, natural resource management and sustainable development from a technical, economic and social perspective. In doing so it recognizes the importance of mainstreaming gender into its training activities and facilities.

RISE will work towards increasing awareness among its trainees on gender issues in society and know how to apply gender concepts in practice in the field.

RISE has identified various gender gaps that particularly affect women’s positions and rights in agriculture, resource management and sustainable development as well as in society (See Annex 1)[3]. Research findings help RISE identify how the institute should mainstream gender in its training activities and what topics it should target.

Equal access to educational programs

1.  In the delivery of its training courses, RISE will actively seek to ensure that both men and women participate. When considered appropriate, specific courses for women will be provided.

2.  RISE’s training facilities enable equal access to training spaces and accommodation, taking into account cultural perceptions.

Integrate gender in educational programs

1. RISE will ensure that its training curriculum integrates gender principles and addresses specific concerns of women working in the sectors RISE is involved in.

2. Course content is up to date with findings from RISE’s research department.

Integrate gender in educational programs and methods

1. RISE will offer its training to both men and women, and encourage more women to engage in areas of training outside of the traditional division of labor.

2. When promoting its training programs gender sensitive will be upheld in distributed materials and discussions.

Community Services

RISE is committed to providing services to communities in order to enhance sustainable resource management. Community services provided by RISE are based on gender principles. Within its work with communities, RISE commits to:

1.  Making sure that development projects implemented in local communities equally benefit men and women.

2.  Including both men and women in planning and decision making as part of participatory development measures.

3.  Assessing gender needs, benefits and impact when developing project and grant proposals (before the proposal writing stage). RISE will ensure that projects do not negatively impact men or women.

4.  Involving both men and women in the implementation of community services and projects wherever possible.

5.  In communities where women lack access to development, work towards increasing the number of projects to empower women.

6.  Mainstreaming gender into project’s monitoring and evaluation processes.

7.  Contributing to gender awareness raising among communities during project work.


[1] Mainstreaming gender according to Council of Europe (2004) is the (re)organisation, improvement, development and evaluation of policy processes, so that a gender equality perspective is incorporated in all policies at all levels and at all stages, by the players normally involved in policy-making.

[2] Gender principles is characterized as ….

[3] In 2012 RISE carried out a gender survey using questionnaires to interview women and men at RISE and in the communities RISE works in. The findings of this survey had informed this policy and can be found in ANNEX 1.