Sharif University of Technology
Electrical Engineering Department
Wireless Communications
Prof. Golestani
Matlab HW#1
Kousha Kalantari
- The coordinates of other six base stations are computed as:
1.2.Refer to the code.
1.3.The figures below.
1.4.The figures below.
1.5.The figures below.
Note: The Z coordinates are represented in dB norm for better visuallity.
Without Sectorization. N=3.
Without Sectorization. N=7.
With Sectorization. N=3.
With Sectorization. N=7.
1.6.For sectorizing with N=7, there is no problem for Interfering with at most two neighbor base stations. But in the case of N=3, we have to rotate the sectorization by 30 degrees.
1.7.The figures above.
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 7.577900 for N = 3 and n = 2
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 173.547061 for N = 3 and n = 3
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 7124.893225 for N = 3 and n = 4
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 370002.024308 for N = 3 and n = 5
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 17.900728 for N = 7 and n = 2
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 621.998654 for N = 7 and n = 3
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 38862.468026 for N = 7 and n = 4
the average SIR for the part WITHOUT sectorizaion is 3079899.083108 for N = 7 and n = 5
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 26.629107 for N = 3 and n = 2
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 569.751525 for N = 3 and n = 3
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 22570.964051 for N = 3 and n = 4
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 1162517.447729 for N = 3 and n = 5
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 57.987651 for N = 7 and n = 2
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 1948.693589 for N = 7 and n = 3
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 119720.020654 for N = 7 and n = 4
the average SIR for the part WITH sectorizaion is 9451867.618634 for N = 7 and n = 5
- Here in this part, we first solve the SINR equation to find what radius is appropriate for the cell.
Radius / n=2 / n=3 / n=4 / n=5
N=3 / Impossible / Impossible / 763 / 629
N=7 / Impossible / 10167 / 1525 / 693
Table 2.1
If we don’t consider the effect of noise it would be meaningless to compute a value for R. because for every R the SINR is the same.
2.2.To make a uniform distribution over a circle of radius R, first we start to generate random points in a square of edge size 2R. Then as we go on, we abandon every point, which is not in the circle; and generate a new point. And we’ll keep doing this procedure until we get as much as point we need.
2.3.As we discussed above.
2.4.For computing the probability of outage, the number of points in which outage has occurred is divided by total number of the points. This ratio represents the probability, since ergodicity is assumed.
Probability of outage / n=2 / n=3 / n=4 / n=5N=3 / NA / NA / 0.0005 / 0.0185
N=7 / NA / 0.0278 / 0.0366 / 0.0335
Table 2.2
2.4.3:Since it was impossible for N=3 and n=2, we examined the probability of outage versus the variance, with N=7 and n=4. Here’s the result:
2.5.Refer to table 2.2
The End.