GLE Group is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective of race, colour, religion or religious belief, ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, sexuality, disability or age. Disabled people who meet all of the essential criteria will be invited to interview.

Position applied for
Date of application
Where did you see the post advertised?
Title / Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss* / Forename
Address / SURNAME
Telephone No. (Home)
Telephone no. (Work)
(Would you object to being contacted on this number if necessary? (Yes/No)*
Mobile No. / E-mail Address
Are you registered disabled? / If yes, nature of disability?

GLE’s offices are accessible to people in wheelchairs and GLE welcomes applications from people with disabilities.

  • Delete as appropriate

EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS(Continue on additional sheet if necessary)

Secondary/ Further Please give details of your education and qualifications (most recent first). Continue on an additional sheet if necessary.

From To /

School/College of Further Education, University, etc

(name & address) / Title of Qualification
(e.g. degree / PhD. etc) /

Academic/professional/other qualifications/membership of professional bodies etc.

From To /

Details: Name of Association/ Institution/ Qualifications

(name & address) / Level/ or grade of membership

Relevant Training

From To / Title of course / Details

Current Employment

Job Title:
Date Appointed:
Name of Employer:
Address of Employer:
Current Salary (and grade if local government)
Period of Notice
Summary of main duties & responsibilities: (Continue on additional sheet if necessary)
Relevant Employment Experiences
Job Title:
Date (from/until):
Name of Employer:
Address of Employer:
Summary of main duties & responsibilities: (Continue on additional sheet if necessary)
Reason for Leaving:
Job Title:
Date (from/until):
Name of Employer:
Address of Employer:
Summary of main duties & responsibilities: (Continue on additional sheet if necessary)
Reason for Leaving:
Job Title:
Date (from/until):
Name of Employer:
Address of Employer:
Summary of main duties & responsibilities: (Continue on additional sheet if necessary)
Reason for Leaving:
State how your experience, skills and training gained both inside and outside paid work or through study meet the qualities and skills criteria for the post described in the details provided. (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Other Information
When would you be available to start?
Have you previously worked for our company? If so, when?
Are you legally eligible for employment in this country?(Legislation with effect 1 May 2004 requires GLE to ask you to provide relevant documentation on your eligibility to work in the UK, eg: a UK or EU passport, birth certificate or P45 or relevant Home Office document should you be offered a position). / Yes/No*
Do you require a work permit for this country? (If yes, should you be offered the position, you would be required to provide relevant evidence) /
Do you hold a current driving licence?(please give details of any endorsements) / Yes/No*
Have you ever been convicted of an offence?
If yes, please give details of the conviction(s) and the date(s). Please note that under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, you need NOT reveal:
(a)a sentence of imprisonment between 6 months and 2 ½ years – after 10 years
(b)a sentence of less than 6 months – after 7 years
(c)a sentence of Borstal training – after 7 years
(d)a fine or other sentence – after 6 months
(e)an absolute discharge – after 6 months
Any information provided will be considered only in relation to the particular post for which you are applying. If you have criminal convictions which are not ‘spent’/disclosed in accordance with the above, you must disclose them.
Job title:
Telephone no:
E-mail: / Name:
Job title:
Telephone no:
Please tick here if you do not wish us to contact your referees until a firm offer has been made
I declare to the best of my knowledge the information given in this application is correct and I consent to it being held on file under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. I understand that if I have knowingly provided false information, I may be dismissed after appointment.
Signature ______Date ______

Please return this application form along with the equal opportunities form to:


10-12 Queen Elizabeth Street



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