Page 1 of 1 Minutes of Ashford Parish Council Meeting 16.04.15
Minutes of Ashford Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday, 16 April 2015 in the Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Chaired by: Councillor G Holder / Clerked by: Sue SquirePresent: Councillors
Mrs J Bosley
Mrs H Bremner
G Holder
V Lawson
N Rowe
Mrs S Sampson
Mrs B Sandwell
County Councillor Mrs C Chugg
District Councillor Mrs A Davis
4 Members of the Public / Agenda: -
Declarations of Interest
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on
Items raised by members of the public
Matters Arising
Planning Correspondence
Correspondence / Notices & Publications Received
Matters raised by Councillors / Clerk
1. / Apologies.PCSO D Kingdon
2. / Declarations of Interest. None.
3. / Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19/03/15.
Approved and signed as a correct record.
4. / Items raised by members of the public.
4.1 Mrs Whiting went to Lynton House regarding a possible Planning Application and was asked to supply scale drawings. She requested further clarification and was advised by Councillor Holder that until there is a proper Application lodged on ND Council’s system, it could not be discussed.
Mrs Whiting asked that when the Application is received by the Parish Council, Members keep in mind the number of times her property has suffered impact damage.
Mrs Whiting also wanted an understanding of what planning is achievable in a Conservation Area in connection with a possible Application to be submitted by her. District Councillor Mrs Davis suggested she should make an appointment to see the Planning Officer who deals with the Ashford area.
5. / Reports:
5.1 Police. When sending his apologies, PCSO Kingdon advised there were no crimes to report.
5.2 County Councillor Mrs C Chuggadvised there was nothing further to add to her last Report.
The Braunton Youth Group had officially opened on the day of the Meeting in The Yard.
5.3 District Councillor Mrs A Davisadvised that the District Council had almost moved out of the Civic Centre apart from the Election Office who would move after the Elections, the Chief Executive and Member Services.
The Planning Department had moved to Lynton House and Council Tax queries could be dealt with at Lynton House. The entrance was in Commercial Road, on the river side of the building.
District Councillor Mrs Davis thanked Members for a lovely 4 years representing them and she hoped she would be able to continue to do so after the Election.
5.4 Councillor V Lawson. Defibrillator Check. This was in order.
Councillor Rowe suggested that a razor was included in the cabinet which Councillor Lawson will organise. / VL
6. / Matters Arising:
6.1 BT. Invitation to adopt a kiosk for £1.
Proposed by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Mrs Bosley and unanimously agreed to adopt two kiosks: in Adder Lane and Strand Lane.
There was the possibility of creating a library. Ideas to be brought to the next Meeting.
Invitations for members of the public to suggest future use to be included on the website, in the Community News Section of the North Devon Journal and on the notice board.
Mrs Whiting volunteered to maintain the kiosk in Adder Lane.
6.2 Litter Pick. This was fixed for Saturday, 23 May at 10am, Meeting by the notice board at Meadowside.
Details to be included on the website, in the Community News Section of the North Devon Journal and on the notice board.
Councillor Mrs Sandwell would be unable to help due to work commitments.
District Councillor Mrs Davis to provide the necessary equipment.
Councillor Mrs Bosley to ask Dr A Bosley to dispose of the rubbish collected.
6.3 Recycling. It was note that representations had been made regarding items flying out of the lorry. A reply had been received from ND Council informing that the operatives would be spoken to about this.
A reply had been received from District Councillor Mrs A Davis regarding the collection day as follows:
Ashford Refuse and recycling collection
*Your next Fortnightly Black Bin/Bag collection will be Tuesday March 31 collected by North Devon Council with a Refuse Collection Lorry
*Your next Fortnightly Green Bin collection will be Tuesday March 24 collected by North Devon Council with a Refuse Collection Lorry
*Your next Weekly Green Box,Green Bag, Brown Bag and Food Caddy collection will be Monday Mar 23ch collected by North Devon Council with a Recycle Vehicle. This is the new service starting 23/2/15
It will be MONDAYS from then on. This information had been put on the website.
Councillors advised that the collections were now in order.
6.4 Tree Work in a Conservation Area. Councillor Holder reported that the matter had been brought to the householder’s attention who informed that the trees were on the boundary overhanging a neighbour’s boundary and had been asked to do the work. Councillor Holder pointed out that future work would require the appropriate permission from ND Council, similar to that obtained by other residents who had carried out works to their trees. / Cllrs
7. / Planning. The following Application was considered:
- 59020 – Erection of one agricultural workers dwelling & associated works at Lower Smythams, Higher Newclose Lane, Ashford.
8. / Planning Correspondence:
8.1. The following ND Council Decision Notices were noted:
- 58871 – Extension to dwelling & erection of raised decking at Little Court, Ashford.
- 58738 – Extensions to dwelling & erection of replacement garage at Amani, 11 Ashfield Close, Ashford.
- 58613 – Notice of an Application to modify or discharge a planning obligation under Section 106A of the T & C P Act 1990 to allow the dwelling to be used by those not connected with agriculture or forestry at Higher Strand, Strand Lane, Ashford.
- Certificate of Lawful Use or Development granted in respect of the existing use of the dwelling by persons not employed in connection with agriculture or forestry – land at Higher Strand, Strand Lane, Ashford.
- Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) attached to Planning Permission 57606 to allow alterations to access arrangements at Ashford Inn Fruit Farm, Braunton Road, Barnstaple. The Application was considered by the Planning Committee on the day of the Meeting. No further details were known as to the determination.
9. / Finance.
9.1 Balances. These were included in the end of year accounts.
9.2 The following payments were approved and authorised:
Mrs S Squire April Salary net of PAYE £82.71
Contribution towards broadband £ 3.00
Photocopying £ 6.80
Postage 10 x 1st class £ 6.30
Contribution towards mileage (6 months) £30.00
Zipped plastic wallet for finance items £ 2.00 £130.81
HMRC April PAYE £ 20.60
Mr S Wightman Grounds maintenance for March 2015 £ 45.44
Devon Association of Local Councils 2015/16 Subscription £ 67.29
9.3 Approval the accounts for the year ended 2014/15.
Proposed by Councillor Rowe to approve, seconded by Councillor Holder and unanimously agreed.
9.4 Approval the completion of the 2015 Annual Return and for the Chairman and Clerk to sign it.
The Clerk asked Councillors for the figure she should put in Box 9 (Section 1) regarding assets. This figure was calculated at £11,514.00.
The Clerk read the questions in Section 2 – Annual Governance.
Proposed by Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Bremner and unanimously agreed for the Chairman and Clerk to complete and sign. / Clerk
10. / Correspondence / Notices & Publications Received.
10.1 North Devon Council Elections Department. Details of Persons Nominated and Elected as a Parish Councillor had been received and posted on the notice board.
There will not be a Parish Council Election as all the seven seats have been filled and the Parish Council is up to full strength.
The elected Councillors to serve in the life of the new Council commencing in May 2015 would be:
- Councillor Mrs J Bosley
- Councillor Mrs H Bremner
- Councillor G Holder
- Councillor V Lawson
- Councillor Mrs S Sampson
- Councillor Mrs B Sandwell
- Councillor J Szymankiewicz
11. / Matters raised by Councillors /Clerk.
11.1 Mrs S Squire, Parish Clerk advised that the Audit Seminar on which she had been booked had been cancelled due to lack of take up.
Slides which were to have been shown are being forwarded to those delegates who had booked and it is hoped that some useful information will be gained from studying the details.
11.2 Large Lorries delivering to Wyevale Garden Centre. Councillor Mrs Bosley reminded Councillors this had been mentioned at the last Meeting and the problems accessing the Garden Centre, causing traffic delays in Strand Lane were continuing.
A letter to be sent to the Manager, Mrs C Howell-Williams.
It was thought that now the Garden Centre was under new ownership, Wyevale were looking to improve the entrance. It was known that one of the gate pillars had suffered impact damage and had to be replaced.
11.3 Councillor Mrs Bosley raised the following items:
- Mrs A Burnham had thanked the Parish Council for organizing the First Aid Course.
- A motorist tried to do a U turn at the end of the dual carriageway with a second car following to carry out the same manoeuvre resulting in it being right across the road.
- People have been riding horses on the Tarka Trail. When confronted they said this was allowed. It was noted there was no notice on the Barnstaple side indicating no horse riders, but there is a notice on the Wrafton side.
- A member of the public could not read a planning site notice because it had been placed too high on the pole.
11.5 Councillor Mrs S Sampson spoke about the outside light and had been told by a member of the Parochial Church Council that there was no objection to a PIR activated light. This was welcomed by Councillors.
Proposed by Councillor Holder, seconded by Councillor Rowe and unanimously agreed to proceed with this in principle on the grounds of safety, with a view to the decision being ratified at the next Meeting.
Councicllor Mrs Bosley to request Mr P Hughes to obtain and fix the light.
11.6 Councillor Mrs Sampson pointed out this was Councillor Rowe’s last Meeting and thanked him on behalf of the Parish Council for all he has done during his 25 years in office. He was wished all the very best from his fellow Councillors.
11.7 Councillor Rowe suggested that the notice board was treated to bring it into good condition again. The Clerk to ask Mr T Squire to do the work.
11.8 Councillor Holder suggested that the two bus shelters on the A361 also required re-staining. The Clerk to ask Mr T Squire to do the work. / Clerk
Date of next Meeting: Thursday, 21 May 2015 in the Church Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting would commence at 7pm and the Annual Parish Council Meeting (AGM) on the rising of the Annual Parish Meeting.
The Meeting ended at 8.35pm.
Summary of Decisions:
Minutes of 19/3/15
Purchase of two telephone kiosks by BT to follow up the invitation to do so
Approval of the accounts for the year ended 31/3/15
Approval and completion of the 2015 Annual Return
PIR operated light outside the Church Hall
These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.
Chair of Ashford Parish Council: / Date: