8th Grade Music- Course Description and Expectations
Ms. Rubinlicht- ext. 5069
Course Description: The eighth grade General Music curriculum is designed to develop performance, research, composing and listening skills. Students will have music for 12 weeks and will examine the following.
- Exploration of Popular Music Genres and History
- Culminating technology/research project with our Pop Music Unit.
- Perform, compose and play on the bells, keyboards, guitars and other percussion instruments
- Listen to and analyze various genres of music including Classical, Rock, Programmatic, and Jazz.
- Use various technological tools to create, arrange and compose music.
Supplies: In order to be successful, students need to be prepared for each class by bringing the following items:
- 3-ring binder (no bigger than 2”)
- Pens and Pencils
- Personal Headphones (optional)
- USB/Flash drive for projects/assignments (optional)
- All completed assignments or work
Grading:Grades are updated weekly and based on the following:
- Tests/Quizzes, Keyboard/Bells and Guitar Playing tests (35%)
- Projects/Group work (35%)
- In class/Homework assignments (15%)
- Classroom participation/behavior(15%)
Please refer to Power School to access student grades.
Expectations and Policies: In order to achieve and accomplish his/her highest potential during 8th grade music, we have set forth the following classroom procedures.
- Students will be respectful and follow the expectations posted in the music room.
- All assignments must be completed by the due date given, including playing tests.
- Team Policy: Any assignment/project handed in one day late may result in a 10% reduction of grade, two days late may result in 50% reduction of grade, and zero points may be given on the third day after any assignment/ project is due.
- Students who are absent for any reason are RESPONSIBLE to make up any work/info they may have missed. Due dates and work can be found at
- I am available duringPACE period (Black days) and after school by appointment
- Do your best, HAVE FUN, and see me if you need any help or have any questions or concerns regarding assignments, due dates, project information etc.
- Please refer to my website for all classroom information
My parents/guardians and I have read and we understand the expectations and policies of
Ms. Rubinlicht’s8th Grade Music Class.
This form is worth 10 points and is due by ______.
Student’s Signature (printed) Parent’s Signature